Trump Adviser Jason Greenblatt Visits Chabad of Poway, Is Menachem Avel Family of Lori Kay HY”D [PHOTOS]

Trump administration official Jason D. Greenblatt with Dr. Howard Kaye, husband of Lori Gilbert Kaye H"YD, and Chabad of Poway's Rabbi Yisroel Goldstien

Assistant to President Donald Trump, Jason D. Greenblatt traveled to Poway, California on Wednesday. Greenblatt went on behalf of the Trump Administration, to relay their heartfelt sorrow for Poway’s loss, following the horrific shooting attack this past Shabbos at the Chabad Shul in Poway.

Greenblatt thanked Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein for his message to turn a hateful act into a lesson on tolerance.

In a tweet, Greenblatt called Rabbi Goldstein a “pillar of strength for his community and our nation”, and called the visit “moving”. He also expressed regret at not being able to meet the heroes who helped end the attack, Oscar Stewart & Jonathan Morales.

Greenblatt was also Menachem Avel the family of Lori Gilbert Kay HY”D.

Below are tweets from Greenblatt, as well as photos of the visit.

The 19-year-old gunman, John T. Earnest, fired eight to 10 shots inside the synagogue near San Diego on Saturday, hitting Lori Kaye, 60, twice as she prayed in the foyer, prosecutors say. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein lost an index finger.

Then, Earnest turned toward a room of children and some adults, where Almog Peretz tried to protect his niece and other kids, prosecutors said. He and his niece Noya Dahan, 8, suffered shrapnel wounds.

In his first court appearance on Tuesday, Earnest pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder. It was also revealed he still had some FIFTY unfired bullets when he fled the scene.


[FULL VIDEO: Levaya Held For Poway Chabad Shooting Victim Lori Kaye H”YD]

[MUST WATCH: Incredibly Strong Husband Of Chabad Shooting Victim Lori Kay HY”D Has POWERFUL Message For World Jewry]

[Op-Ed By Shooting Victim Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein: A Terrorist Tried To Kill Me Because I Am A Jew. I Will Never Back Down.]

[NEW DETAILS: Poway Chabad Shooter Had FIFTY Unfired Bullets; Planned Deadly Attack For Weeks]

[WATCH: Wounded Young Girl & Family Describe Surviving Poway Chabad Shooting Attack]

[MUST WATCH: Poway Chabad’s Rabbi Goldstein Recounts Shooting Attack; Argues For Return of Prayer to Public School]

[HERO SPEAKS: Iraq War Veteran Recounts Moment He Rushed Poway Chabad Shooter [VIDEO]

[INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE: Message From Shooting Victim Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Sunday Press Conference & Interview With NBC]

[FBI Received Tip Before Poway Chabad Shooting; Suspect Charged With Murder]

[Poway Attack: Chai Lifeline Provides Crisis Intervention; Sister of Victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye is Director of Chai Lifeline West Coast]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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