HORROR IN NAIROBI: Chabad Shluchim Violently Assaulted During Home Robbery

A gang of burglars broke into a Chabad house in Nairobi, Kenya on Chol Hamoed, assaulted the Shluchim working there and caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage, Ynet reported.

The 5 burglars broke into the Chabad house during the predawn hours on Wednesday and beat Rabbi Shmuel Notik and his wife Chaya. They then proceeded to steal thousands of dollars worth of property.

Police are working on the premise that local guards were working together with the robbers.

Rabbi Shmuel Notik’s brother, Moshe Notik, said his brother had suffered light injuries during the attack, but that his sister-in-law, Chaya, was listed in moderate condition and required surgery after suffering head injuries.

During the break-in, the robbers encountered two Yeshiva students and bound their arms and legs and gagged their mouths with cloth. Bechasdei Hashem, the couple’s three children were unharmed.

Rabbi Notik first tried to call the police, but the burglars began beating him and threatened that if they did not cooperate, they would harm him and his family.

They then continued into the bedroom and assaulted his wife, who was sleeping, with sticks. When she awoke and began screaming, the burglars beat her until she was bloodied up. They also threatened to kill her while making anti-Semitic references.

Moshe Notik said that his brother was then tied up, and locked in a bathroom together with his wife and three children. They waited there until police arrived.

The robbers made off with thousands of dollars worth of computers, cell phones, Tefillin, jewelry, money, a Menorah, candle holders, Kiddush cups, food, and kitchen equipment. The couple’s passports were also stolen.

Moshe Notik said they also “trashed” the house, causing thousands of dollars in damage.

“They are shocked,” said Moshe. “As far as they can tell, the burglary was motivated by anti-Semitism.”

The Israel Foreign Ministry and the Consul General in Kenya have been apprised and are reportedly working to assist the family and the investigation.

This is not the first time Rabbi Notik has been the victim of a robbery. In 2014, shortly after moving to Kenya, he was robbed at knife point while on his way to Sh on a Friday night.

He did not have any valuables on him to give the assailants, so he handed over his Siddur and a lapel pin, along with a Shofar he was carrying.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. Firstly, we must be sorry for the terrible experience the family suffered. However why is everything involving Yidden assumed to be motivated by anti-semitic motives. This has all the hallmarks of a standard robbery of a type all too familiar in Kenya. What was stolen: computers, cell phones, Tefillin, jewelry, money, a Menorah, candle holders, Kiddush cups, food, and kitchen equipment – all readily resalable items, with the exception of the tefillin and who knows if the robbers even know what they were. The premises were not smeared with anti semitic slogans. Trashing a property is also common in robberies; the robbers are looking for other items to steal. Why are the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Consul General in Kenya involved? Even if the passports stolen were Israeli all the Foreign Ministry needs do is immediately cancel them. Do the Israel Foreign Ministry and the local Consul get involved every time an Israeli is robbed anywhere in the world.

  2. And after such things happened they still have signs up that their late Rebbe, who passed away almost twenty five years ago, is Moshiach (see large signs in second photo)??!!

  3. Is it neccessary to send young nen and women to lands such as Kenya where there is no law and order! I know that Chazal say that שלוחי מצוה אינן ניזוקין but the Gemara on the last daf of Chullin does differentiate when there is an issue of danger: there it was a weak/broke ladder. I don’t get it! Is there any kiruv work to do in black Africa?

  4. Oy vay. Hatzlacha to Rabbi and Mrs Notik. May they have a speedy recovery and hopefully these reshaim will be caught and die a horrible death!!!

  5. There are between 300-600 Jews in Kenya. The Chabad House is trying to fight the forces of evil with the light of Torah. This event shows that they need to increase their activity to help bring the geula.May the Notiks have a refuah shlaima. Hashem should help them.

  6. Yechi Hamelech!
    The couple should have refua shleima speedily! And a gut yom tov! They should open up the Rebbe’s IGROS KODESH to receive a brocho from the Rebbe right away. Kol tuv everyone.

  7. “This is not the first time Rabbi Notik has been the victim of a robbery. In 2014, shortly after moving to Kenya, he was robbed at knife point while on his way to Sh on a Friday night.

    He did not have any valuables on him to give the assailants, so he handed over his Siddur and a lapel pin, along with a Shofar he was carrying.“

    Why was this Rabbi carrying a shofar on Friday night?

  8. avreimi
    מענין לענין באותו ענין
    I always had this question, by us condemning anti-semitism does it decrease or increase anti-semitism?

  9. Lit – I see you are careful on “baal tachshis”!

    You are mehader not to waste an opportunity to express hatred against other yidden>

    But consider the possuk in Mishlie: בנפול אויבך אל תשמח,

    When the Mitzrim, anti-semites that made Yidden suffer, were drowning, in the sea, Hashem silenced the malochim from saying shira (Hallel).

    Today, a day that a family of Yidden that happen to be Chabad, were brutally attacked, we are all Chabad.

    Except you!

    לכם ולא לו, ולפי שהוציא את עצמו מן הכלל כפר בעיקר

    Shame on you! You embarrass all of us!

  10. Refua shlayma
    We wish your family a speedy recovery physically and physiologically
    Chabad satmer ger or litvak yeker
    you are a Jewish brother and sister in trouble and we will daven for you if you post your names beli neder

  11. Hate to be that guy but… – “Why was this Rabbi carrying a shofar on Friday night?”

    I am dan l’kaf zchus that you are unable to read English very well. The article stated: on his way to Shul on a Friday night. He was GOING to shul for mincha on Friday, bringing the shofer to shul where it is stored.

    In Pirkei Avos it says that Talmidov Shel Avrohom have an ayin tova. Something you lack.

    Now apologize for having an Ayin Ra’ah and for being Mi’Talmidov Shel Billom.

  12. rebbitzen dont you take your own advice
    you should be don le kav zechus hate to be that guy
    he must have meant
    you mean motzi shabbos
    not friday night because we all know a rabbi could never carry a shofer on Shaboss or something like that

  13. Readers who don’t know much about Lubavitch might think that these are the typical shluchim sent out from 770 Eastern Parkway Merkoz shlichus by the faction headed by Reb Yudel Krinsky and others. Actually, that is not the case. If you try to find them at Chabad.org, you will see that they are not listed. It is an unauthorized by Merkoz, openly messianic Lubavitch operation. Such unauthorized shluchim often operate in more marginal areas and situations.

    The victims need a רפואת הנפש ורפואת הגוף, halevai that they will recover spiritually from their situation and physically too.

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