The Moster Loses – Read His Statement

If anyone cares, the following is the statement by Naftali Moster, the individual who worked b’emisiras nefesh to destroy our Mosdos Hatorah.

Today, an Albany Supreme Court judge ruled in favor of yeshivas, catholic and elite private schools, striking down revised guidelines for nonpublic schools from the New York State Education Department (NYSED).

“The Court’s decision to rule in favor of yeshivas is a tragedy for all children. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) revised guidelines for nonpublic schools are reasonable and essential, not an intrusive overreach of the government. Removing the revised oversight signals to ultra-Orthodox yeshivas that they can continue business as usual and fail to provide basic instruction in math, English, science, history, civics and other subjects that are keys to a sound basic education. Elite private schools put their own annoyance about an occasional inspection over the future of Hasidic children — and now thousands suffer,” said Naftuli Moster, Executive Director of Yaffed.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. I enjoy the picture. It’s our way of telling this nasty fellow to go stand on his head.

    Mods – I assume the photo was placed that way on purpose. Couldn’t be more accurate. If it was an error, please don’t fix it.

  2. After all, if he can finagle so much trouble, imagine if he were lobbying FOR Torah!

    Everyone has a spectrum of middos- it’s how you use them!

  3. It is Mamesh wrong to make fun of his name and insult him like this. We don’t have to agree with him but we can argue against what he is doing without making fun of his name because chazal are not ok with doing that. So it is wrong to call him monster. I mean he is still a Jew and you all talk as if he is a mazi

  4. The Moser was placed upside down by YWN in the hope that the worthless skull cap he’s wearing will fall off. I heard that his pop stuck it on some many years ago with a strong epoxy glue after he took one of those Mohican haircuts.

  5. “Removing the revised oversight signals to ultra-Orthodox yeshivas that they can continue business as usual and fail to provide basic instruction in math, English, science, history, civics and other subjects that are keys to a sound basic education.”
    My children went to Chasidishe Mosdos. One is an MD, One an RN, the other 4 are very successful in business b”h, 2 of the 4 are EMT”s in the Public System.

  6. This Monster is a apikoires worse than avoida zouro and it is a mitzva to make fun of him after all he has been making fun of us for a long time, and caused pain for Gedole Toira and Klall Yisruel it is his turn NOW, even he is a yid he will never get out of HELL

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