New York State Assemblymembers Visit Culver El Housing Project

New York State Assemblymembers Steve Cymbrowitz, Chair of the Assembly Housing Committee and Simcha Eichenstein, a member of the committee, visited the site of the Culver El Housing project on 37th Street in Boro Park this week. The visit was part of a larger tour given by Assemblymember Eichenstein to Assemblymember Cymbrowitz addressing housing concerns in his district.

The Culver El Housing is a fully affordable housing project developed by the Southern Brooklyn Community Organization (SBCO), the housing division of Agudath Israel of America. It has a long history of affordable housing development in Boro Park and surrounding areas. SBCO was the natural choice when New York City, under then Mayor Michael Bloomberg along with the active support of then Councilmembers Bill de Blasio and Simcha Felder, designated this parcel of land for affordable housing under the Mayor’s New Foundations Program. Phase I, consisting of nine buildings, each containing 4 units, for a total of 36 units has been completed, the HPD approved marketing has been completed, and applicants are currently being reviewed for qualification. It is anticipated that homeowners will begin moving in over the next few months.

Assemblyman Cymbrowitz has long been a champion of affordable housing as well as a supporter of SBCO, and in his role as Chair of the Housing Committee has been instrumental in seeing through a number of initiatives that have benefited SBCO and the local community. Assemblyman Eichenstein, in his former role as senior advisor to Mayor Bill de Blasio, played an important role in moving along this project through the various city agencies to completion, and since being elected to the Assembly has continued his strong support.

“The Culver El Project is a decades old promise kept to our community”, said Rabbi Avrohom Jaffe, Executive Director of SBCO. “Going as far back as 1986, many of our elected officials have continually recognized the desperate need for affordable housing in our area. NYS Assembly Housing Chair Steve Cymbrowitz has been a reliable friend to SBCO over the years and to this project in particular. Since the minute newly-elected Assemblymember Simcha Eichenstein took office, he didn’t waste any time reaching out to SBCO to offer his friendship and see where he can help us serve the community. We are deeply appreciative to our elected officials for everything they have done for our community and for their pledge to assist us in the future.”

“It was a pleasure to join my colleague Assemblyman Eichenstein in visiting local affordable housing sites and discussing rent regulation laws with landlords and community stakeholders,” said Assemblyman Cymbrowitz . “Preserving and creating affordable housing in our community continues to be a top priority and I look forward to working with my colleagues to meet this important challenge.”

“There is an acute shortage of affordable housing units for our local families here in Boro Park and Midwood, and SBCO works hard to fill this need” said Assemblyman Eichenstein. “I want to thank Assembly Housing Chair Steven Cymbrowitz for giving me the opportunity to host him here in Boro Park. As a member of the Assembly Housing Committee, I look forward to continuing to work on this essential issue with the Chairman and our local community organizations, because securing affordable housing for my constituents is one of my highest priorities.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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