Poll: New Yorkers Support Plastic Bag Ban, Against Cuomo Raise

Most registered voters in New York support the plastic bag ban recently passed by the Democrat-controlled state Legislature, but they’re not so keen on the big pay raise lawmakers approved for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, according to the results of a Siena College poll released Tuesday.

The poll found that 62% of those surveyed said the ban on single-use plastic bags will be good for the state, while 33% oppose the plan. The ban is scheduled to start next March.

Voters polled also approved by wide margins two other proposals included in the budget: making the 2% local property tax cap permanent and eliminating cash bail for misdemeanors and non-violent felonies. The tax cap was supported 64%-22%, while the cash bail elimination was backed 55%-38%.

“Both proposals also have strong support from voters in every region of the state,” Siena pollster Steven Greenberg said.

The $175.5 billion budget approved by the Assembly and Senate on April 1 also included a ban on law enforcement agencies releasing mug shots, creation of a commission to implement a public campaign financing system for Senate and Assembly races and for statewide offices, and new tolls for driving into the busiest section of Manhattan.

The mug shot ban was opposed by 58% of voters, with 31% supporting it. Spending taxpayer dollars to fund election campaigns was opposed 63%-23%. Congestion pricing for driving into Manhattan’s central business district was supported by a slim margin of voters, 44%-41%.

Lawmakers approved a raise for Cuomo in a separate resolution passed alongside the budget. The increase was recommended by a state pay commission last year but required legislative approval. The Democrat’s salary will increase gradually from $179,000 to $250,000 by January 2021.

Voters opposed Cuomo’s raise by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, 63%-32%.

While legalization of recreational marijuana wasn’t included in the final budget, a majority of voters still approve of the move, 52%-42%.

When it comes to proposed legislation that would require parents to have their children vaccinated for certain diseases, 78% of voters supported it compared to 17% who opposed, the poll found.

The poll of 735 registered voters was conducted April 8-11. It has margin of error of 4.1 percentage points.


4 Responses

  1. This poll, once again, is part of the FAKE NEWS. I realize that YWN publishes it because it is produced by Siena College, a supposedly reputable pollster, and the the entire dispatch comes from AP (Associated Press). So in response, I informally asked 35 people (some frum, some not frum and even several Christians and one Moslem acquaintance), and 100% of the respondents were not contacted by this poll or any other from Siena College. While I personally would have voted against the plastic bag ban, I vehemently oppose legalization of “recreational” marijuana. Smoking marijuana is not as innocent as it seems. Driving under the influence of it can be dangerous to the safety and well being of other drivers. No one is speaking out against this threat. Realize that it is being quietly slipped it by those who have an agenda. While I am not including medical reasons for smoking it, I would be interested in hearing what other YWN readers have to say.

  2. The first poster makes a good point that is never mentioned, mainly because reporters don’t read their own news. Pick up a subscription to any newspaper from any city. How come most of the crimes reported always has a marijuana charge thrown in? Let’s remember the excuse of the guy in St. Louis who defaced the cemetery. He was high. I’m not buying it.

    And bag bans are punishments for other continents not recycling. It’s not going to save the ocean when NY, TX, and Cali ban them.

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