Trump Renews Mueller Attacks As Russia Report Release Looms

President Donald Trump took a victory lap after special counsel Robert Mueller concluded his Russia investigation. It may have been premature.

The scramble to frame the investigation’s findings in the best political light is sure to be renewed in coming days when Mueller’s report is expected to be released in redacted form. Now that the American public will get a look at details beyond the four-page investigation summary written by Attorney General William Barr, some Trump allies are concerned that the president was too quick to declare complete triumph and they’re pushing the White House to launch a pre-emptive attack.

Trump seems to be of the same mind.

“The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get,” Trump tweeted Monday, two days after he blasted “Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats.”

With the goal to discredit what’s coming, Trump and his allies have unleashed a series of broadsides against Mueller’s team and the Democrats pushing for full release of the final report. No longer is the president agreeing that Mueller acted honorably, as he did the day after the special counsel’s conclusions were released. Instead, he’s joining his allies in trying to undermine the integrity of the investigators and the credibility of their probe.

“You’re darn right I’m going after them again,” Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s attorneys, told The Associated Press. “I never thought they did their job in a professional manner. … Only because there is overwhelming evidence that the president didn’t do anything wrong, they were forced to admit they couldn’t find anything on him. They sure tried.”

After Washington waited nearly two years for Mueller to conduct his investigation, Barr released a letter last month stating that the special counsel found no evidence the Trump campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. Moreover, while Mueller did not reach a conclusion as to whether Trump obstructed justice, Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined that the president did not.

Mueller’s team, which was barely quoted in Barr’s letter, has made clear that it did not exonerate the president. And Democrats immediately called for Mueller to testify and for his entire 400-page report to be released.

That didn’t stop the president’s allies from declaring victory.

“You’re darn right I’m going after them again,” Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s attorneys, told The Associated Press. “I never thought they did their job in a professional manner. … Only because there is overwhelming evidence that the president didn’t do anything wrong, they were forced to admit they couldn’t find anything on him. They sure tried.”

After Washington waited nearly two years for Mueller to conduct his investigation, Barr released a letter last month stating that the special counsel found no evidence the Trump campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. Moreover, while Mueller did not reach a conclusion as to whether Trump obstructed justice, Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined that the president did not.

Mueller’s team, which was barely quoted in Barr’s letter, has made clear that it did not exonerate the president. And Democrats immediately called for Mueller to testify and for his entire 400-page report to be released.

That didn’t stop the president’s allies from declaring victory.


9 Responses

  1. Crooked Donald had his AG sit on the report so that he could create a false narrative. Imagine the uproar from hypocrytes like Rush and Sean if Loretta Lynch would have sat on a report on Hillary. Ultimately he will do anything to protect his fragile ego and that is why he may be guilty of obstruction even though there was no collusion.

  2. crazykanoiy , din’t you realize by now that Mueller is part of Russia collusion? From the start Mueller’s task was to whitewash Trump’s involvement in Russia’s meddling in 2016 elections.

  3. First the filthy mouthed degenerate adulterer says Mueller is no good, report is delivered and he’s great, report should be released, now it’s going to come out, Mueller is no good and report shouldn’t be released! Our stable genius at work.

  4. rt, Trump makes perfect sense. The ones who are really unstable and unhinged are lunatics like you who suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), diehard conspiracy crazies who believe Bob Bar is hiding something.

  5. MIG – Unlike the Drumpf supporters I do not dally in conspiracy theories and attack and destroy people because of their legitimate conclusions. I respect Mueller and his conclusions regardless of whether it would have found Trump guilty or vindicated him. I do not respect a president or his supporters who will only support conclusions that they want and will engage in filthy rhethoric to destroy upstanding people. RT does a great job making that point.

  6. Mueller and his Hillary loving team came in to push impeachment and tried everything, including attempts to force some of their victims to lie… He found nuuuthinggg…!!!
    Now, you Trump haters , as baalei bechira, have a right to be perpetually angry, bitter, depressed, envious, hateful, kid yourselves, blather away forever and anon… Go ahead, make yourselves miserable …
    Psssssst… Pooooootin… hahaha

  7. Zion Gate: The only ones angry here is Drumpf and his minions who have taken to attacking Mueller once again. Read the article before you hit post.

  8. ZionGate, the word of advice: do not engage in discussion with idiots on serious subjects. The best you can do is to expose their idiocy and ridicule them.

  9. MIG: Your advice is quite succinct However I feel that even so called “idiots” can sometimes see the light and realize the error of their knee jerk defence of Trump. That is why I make my points in an intelligent fashion instead of just resorting to silly name calling and posts.

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