WATCH: Terror-Supporting Neturei Karta Protests Kalman Yeger Outside City Hall

A few dozens terrorist-loving Neturei Karta cult members protested outside New York City Hall on Tuesday afternoon, regarding recent factual statements made by Councilman Kalman Yeger that “Palestine does not exist”.

A man calling himself “Rabbi Hershel Klar” told the media that he was an organizer of the event, and stated that “Kalman Yeger’s comments don’t represent the Brooklyn Jewish community. Numerous leading Rabbis have condemned him.”

YWN has been unable to find out which Rabbonim have condemned Yeger, other than the self-hating Jewish Neturei Karta who dress as Rabbis.

Many in this same group traveled to Iran to attend a Holocaust denial conference a number of years ago, and repeatedly kissed former Iranian President Ahmadinejad as he openly stated how he wanted to wipe Israel off the map. In fact Mr. Yisroel Dovid [Achmed] Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism. Watch the video at the bottom of this article if you have any question if these people are terror-supporters of not.

[YEGER-OFFICE PROTESTS: Hundreds Drown Out Few Pro-Palestinians; Neturei Karta Joins Anti-Semites [VIDEOS]

[NY Daily News Defends Kalman Yeger’s “Palestine Does Not Exist” Tweet]


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Oiy so many of them! I always convinced myself there was just a handful of these misguided individuals…heres the question” Yes,the satmar rebba ztzl said we’re not supposed to have a jewish state until the coming of moshiach but where/when did he say to join our enemies ruchmona litzlon???”

  2. Does this seem a Product of the indoctrination starting from childrens camps and large assemblies against israel by satmar clearly documented here???!!!!
    Is it time for a new group representing chassidim to counter neturei karta at rallies?!

  3. We must all question whether these NK members are actually Jews. They are so filled with hate for Klal Yisroel that they do anything to support those known goyim that wish to harm us. I would reject any of their children as prospective shidduchim for my children as their ancestry is suspect.

  4. I believe the majority of these participants are well meaning but misguided and naiive.
    The way to affect their dismantling is for community leaders to persuade the Satmer and Toldis Ahron and such Rebbes to call a meeting with NK members – not NK leaders who have bad agendas, and explain that despising and rallying against the State of Israel, which is their shita and they are entitled to their political opnion, but that does not mean siding with the enemies of Klall Yisroel.

  5. a few observations from looking closely at the pics
    whats really going on is as follows;
    1. aside from a few no one here has been to iran or the like…
    2. only a few are what we would call neturei karta
    3. these are mostly ” bnei yoel, leitner, paye type people
    4. they believe that ” tochachah” is principal oriented ( not goal) and therefore they want to make a statement that they ( yeager, hikind, isreal day parade is not “US ” and we disagree with comments that anger the goyim
    5. so when posters went up saying yeager embarresed the jews and that hikind is stirring up the brooklyn pakistanys they came to say we didnt do it
    6. of course this is all wrong for many reasons

  6. Nebech, you have to feel sorry for these lost souls.
    Looking at them closely you can see this is the result of marrying close relatives.

  7. 1. Let’s say they are supporting terrorism, but Kalman yegers comments are for sure causing terrorism/antisemitism.
    2. If Kalman yeger have freedom of speech why are these Jews not allowed to say what they want?
    3. Isn’t true that Yegers comments are more Zionistic than Jewish? ‘live in peace with their neighbours throughout the world’ isn’t that right?
    Btw I don’t see any hint of NK, not even an Arabic flag I would say they are Satmar.

  8. How To Put Neturei Karta Out of Business, Los Angeles civil trial attorney Baruch Cohen

    We’ve seen them meet, hug, embrace, and kiss the enemies of Israel (Ahmadinejad, Arafat, Farakhan, etc). We’ve seen their acts of moral turpitude and we looked the other way and shook our heads in disgust.

    We’ve labeled them ‘crazy’ and we discounted them because we said they were a fringe group. We were wrong.

    Cherems are not enough. Public statements condemning them are not enough. They must be put out of business.

    The time has come to take drastic measures to respond to the Naturei Karta chillul hashem. I have come up with a few ideas and welcome your thoughts.

    1. For each member of NK: get their picture, and complete contact information (name, address, telephone) for public dissemination. Create a “wanted” poster of their identities. People must know who they are and where they live. We can then pressure their respective communities but only if we know who they are. We must know exactly what Chassidic denomination they belong to. If they dare enter our Shuls, we will throw them out. When they come to our communities to speak we will find out where they are staying and who their hosts are and will protest accordingly. When they eat at our Kosher restaurants we will inform the proprietors that we will boycott their establishments unless the NK patrons are asked to leave. We will pressure their Yeshivas to kick their children out of their schools. We will discourage Shidduchim with their families. We will not attend their Simchas and we will tell them why. Again, we must know who they are.

    2. Challenge their IRS tax exempt status. Someone is funding their travel and speaking engagements, and is getting the benefits of a charitable deduction in the process. We need to alert the IRS of NK’s terrorist affiliations jeopardize their tax exempt status. This will chill charitable donations to their cause. Let’s bankrupt them and put them out of business.

    3. Lobby our political leaders to have them demand that the United States State Department brand the NK organization (and its members) as a terrorist organization or as a supporter of terrorism and render it illegal (like the State Department did to JDL/KACH).

    4. Publish all of the Cherems that are out against NK. The Chief Rabbi of Israel has called for a new Cherem against NK. The Edah Hachareidis just published one. See the one I’ve published below*.

    5. Encourage our Rabbonim and Jewish leaders to stop disregarding them as insignificant. Acknowledge that they are dangerous. Discredit them.

    6. Collect pictures of them posing with Arab leaders and place them on one screen for everyone to see their atrocious bedfellows: ie., Farakhan, Arafat, Ahmadinejad, and their horrific protest placards. The more pictures, the more horrific the outrage. Check out Neturei Karta Mamzerim on Google+.

    7. Prosecute NK in the International Criminal Courts. Follow my logic here: If Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s stated objective of “wiping Israel off the map” (his consistent denial of the Holocaust, and his country’s pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile capacity) violates the 1948 U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, then wouldn’t NK be guilty of aiding and abetting the enemy (Iran’s Ahmadinejad)? I’m not an expert in this area of law, but what about treason (the crime of disloyalty to one’s nation or state. A person who betrays the nation of their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully cooperates with an enemy, is considered to be a traitor. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: “…[a]…citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation].” In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour)?

    I welcome your thoughts.

    PS. I challenge any member of Neturei Karta to a debate, on the merits.They are cowards and are afraid to debate me, because they know they cannot win.



    Angry Response to Neturei Karta Prayers for Arafat
    07:51 Nov-12-04 / 28 Cheshvan 5765

    Angry Response to Neturei Karta Prayers for Arafat ( The following media statement was released on Nov 8 in an angry response to Neturei Karta participation in prayers outside the Percy Hospital in France on behalf of Yasser Arafat. The statement released by the United Orthodox Communities of New York which represents a very broad-based Jewish community, which is listed following the statement.

    “Further to our public announcement dated 21 April 2002 [9th Iyar 5762], we hereby reiterate and declare that hareidi/hassidic/Orthodox Jews everywhere absolutely reject the treacherous and contemptible conduct of that insignificant and irrelevant group of misfits and Mechalelei Hashem [desecraters of G-d’s Name], who have again raised their ugly heads and besmirched and blackened the reputations of observant Jews worldwide.

    ““Their joining in vigils and ‘prayers’ for the arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat [may his name be blotted out] with Jew-haters of all manner, is an outrage that we cannot ignore and will not forgive. We again demand that rabbis and community leaders of all communities ensure that members of this group are refused entré to all houses of prayer.

    ““These nefarious associates of Jewry’s enemies have unfortunately again succeeded in their crazed hunger for publicity and are being depicted in local and international media – outfitted in their religious attire –– bewailing the impending demise of a mass-murderer –– side-by-side with Palestinian Jew-haters. The shame and embarrassment to decent religious Jews worldwide is unbearable.

    ““We repeat: this contemptible and minuscule gang of traitors to Judaism, were decades ago barred from our Synagogues and communities. Their refusal to abide by the pronouncements of religious and lay leaders of our communities has made them persona non grata.

    ““Under no circumstances should the media insinuate that ANY of their actions are associated with the hareidi or hassidic community.

    ““We urgently request all media outlets to highlight this fact in any report on this group’s actions and to clearly state that the Neturei Karta and their advocates have been excommunicated by virtually the entire spectrum of Jewry””.

    Representing: Anshei Sfard, Satmar, Bobov, Emunas Yisroel, Ger, Belz, Bnei Yehuda, Nitra, Viznitz, Munkacz, Vien, Klausenburg, Viznitz, Torah Vodaas, Novominsk, Torah Temimah, Chasan Sofer, Kiryas Joel – Monroe, Pupa, Young Israel of Brooklyn, Cong. Shomrei Shabbos, United Lubavitch Organizations of Crown Heights, Kamenitz, Agudath Israel 14th Avenue, United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Boro Park Jewish Council, Debrecin, US Friends of the Eida Charedis, Lakewood Yeshiva

    Baruch C. Cohen, Esq.
    Law Office of Baruch C. Cohen, APLC
    4929 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 940
    Los Angeles, CA 90010
    Office (323) 937-4501 | Cell (323) 353-9535
    Facsimile: (888) 316-6107
    Email: [email protected]

  9. To “TheMir”.
    We are not supposed to be dumb mindless robots. If there are a million different rebbes does that mean all holders of Inherited Rebbeship are Toras Moshe Rabbeinu (certainly not according to the Vilna Gaon 😉 )
    Shabtsi Tsvi and another that is worshipped by millions today were alsdo “rebbes” so to speak.
    But if we see whaty is CLEARLY wrong we must realize it.
    Israel is Only from THis Century.
    It is clear BEFORE 1948 the state of Israel was Theory but now it is FACT for over 70 years where many millions of Yidden live in our Holy Land,
    There is NOT A KOSHER SHITTA to Publicly Rally against ISraels Existence in rallies and convention halls!
    That Automatically PLays for the Palestinian Terrorists Purposes! It helps endanger the 7 million YIdden in Israel!
    Nothing to argue about! And this land of Israel has many hundreds of thousands of Frum Torah learning Yidden including Chassidim.

  10. I heard once from a Satmar Chassid; there was once a candidate running for office in NY who was known for his Anti-Israel policies, some in Satmar were thinking of supporting him in opposed to the other Pro-Israel candidate.

    Satmar Rav Yoel ZTL stated, no way should anyone support the Anti-Israel candidate, he said:
    “The fact that he is Anti-Israel is not because he is against ‘Zionism’ , rather, it stems from his hatred to Judaism/Jews, Israel is just a tool..

  11. please print names of all rabbonim who attended here
    so we know not to give a peeny to them or their mosdos
    and now you know the baloney that nk is 30 people
    its the zalis the bnei yoel
    and all the other reshaim

  12. Which Rabbi Beck is that in the last video? The hugging and kissing Ahmadinejad at the end, is enough to make one vomit.

  13. For all those screaming.
    Firstly, it’s not Neturei Karta, which was started by Rav Aron Katzenelenboigen Zt”l a staunch Litvak and talmid of the Dvar Avrohom the Kovno Rav, and Rav Amram Bleu Zt”l. It’s a breakoff called Ohel Sara (they actually both daven ashkenaz and have nothing to do with chasidim). Neturei Karta which is Torah Veyirah, although they are very strong against the medina are very against this approach.
    Secondly, if you ever tried having a discussion with any of these people it’s a waste of time, almost like speaking to an anti-vaxer so just daven for them.

  14. I don’t think this demo was from NK. It doesn’t look like them, it looks to me like Satmar.

    1. There are a lot of people in the picture; there aren’t that many NK in the USA. The NK demos have maybe 20 men.

    2. There are no posters supporting Israel’s enemies. Satmar’s shita is to oppose the medinah but never to make common cause with its enemies. That’s why they would not have shown up to the demo outside Yeger’s office, which was organized by Sarsour y”sh. They do their own demos, like this one, which concentrate only on their points: That we are forbidden to establish our own state, and that we should not upset the antisemites. They don’t disagree with what Yeger said, they just think he shouldn’t have said it.

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