Jewish Man Digs Through Trash to Find Wallet He Threw Away

A lucky Queens resident managed to find a wallet he accidentally threw in the garbage, after digging through piles of trash with the help of the NYC Department of Sanitation.

Avrohom Levitt’s grey wallet fell into a shopping bag in his car on Friday while he was celebrating Purim in Manhattan, and he later dumped the bag in a trash can before heading home, he told The NY Post on Monday.

The sanitation department held the truck containing Levitt’s wallet until Monday, when he followed it to the dump in Newark.

A sanitation worker dumped out 20 to 30 garbage bags gradually for Levitt to sift through — until he dug out his wallet — which contained $68 dollars in cash, some credit cards and his toddler’s passport card.

After the noxious search, Levitt said he rushed to Neiman Marcus in the Garden State Plaza Mall to spray himself with pricey Creed Aventus cologne.


5 Responses

  1. “After the noxious search, Levitt said he rushed to Neiman Marcus in the Garden State Plaza Mall to spray himself with pricey Creed Aventus cologne.” At a mere $325 for a 1.7 oz bottle in Neiman Marcus, this was indeed a steal, although our hero Avrohom Levitt may have needed more than one bottle. And people wonder why the goyim hate us. What will happen the next time a poor Jewish person tosses his wallet away by mistake? Will the DSNY workers be so happy to assist? They have to deal with the city’s noxious waste day in, day out. Do they spray themselves with pricey Creed Aventus cologne before they finish their shift? Please YWN, have some sense of decency and take this piece down.

  2. $68 dollars in cash, some credit cards and his toddler’s passport card

    If that’s all that was in there it was a total waste of his time and a waste of my tax money.

  3. After reading this story and the comments (which smell strongly of lashon hara), I decided to look further into what actually happened here.
    And indeed, it did not take more thank a quick google search to glean more important information, such as that our fellow yid needed his wallet because it contained credit cards and his toddler’s passport card for his trip to Poland on Tuesday!
    And yes, it seems that he expressed his gratitude towards the entire dept of sanitation, as that was a strongly picked up by all media and news reports.
    Here’s a clip less than 2 minutes to watch for more info :
    Lesson learned – before posting something that may prolong our galus, perhaps do what I did and look further into the details!!!

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