YWN Wishes Everyone A Beautiful & Kosher Pesach

pesach11.jpgOn this beautiful Erev Pesach morning of 5768, YWN would like to thank our devoted readers across the globe for visiting YWN each day, patronizing our advertisers, and making our classifieds grow faster than we ever expected.

Thanks to you, the YWN page was loaded in the month of March 2008, more than any month before – since YWN was launched:

March 2006 52,671
March 2007 1,822,644
March 2008 5,653,292

A public thank you is needed to our new YWN Israel Bureau, being directed by veteran journalist Yechiel Spira, who has been a leader in the electronic news industry in Israel since 1994. The Israel News Section has seen tremendous growth – with dozens of Israel News stories uploaded each day.

This posting would not be complete with a special thanks to the entire staff at www.duvys.com – and the entire staff at Stagger Design. You guys go above and beyond what’s required, to ensure that the site fuctions daily, looks terrific – and can handle the traffic…..(almost all the time!)

Additionally, a big Yasher Koach must be given to Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, who writes the Daily Halacha for YWN each day. [Make sure to click HERE to read Halachos of Pesach]. The archives for the Daily Halacha are getting bigger each day, and are a great source of practical Halachos.

Another Yasher Koach needed is for Rav Oizer Alport, who writes the Parsha Potpourri for YWN each week. Make sure to click HERE to read his Divrei Torah for this weeks Parsha – and click HERE to read some beautiful “Vertlach” written specifically for Pesach titled Pesach Potpourri.

Last but not least, a debt of gratitude but be given to the dozens of people across the globe who constantly send us breaking news tips, photos, and other valuable information which we then share with YWN readers. No names are needed – but you guys know who you are…..THANKS!

On that note, YW Editor would like to thank everyone once again for reading Yeshiva World News, and making this site “THE” largest Frum news website on the Internet.

Whether you will be traveling, at home, with family or with friends – I would like to personally wish you all a wonderful Yom Tov!

YWN Editor.

NOTE: YWN will not be updated until the evening of April 21 – after the first days of Pesach are over.

4 Responses

  1. Thank YOU, YWN, for providing a kosher news source for us all.

    Chag Kasher V’Sameach to everyone!


  2. Passaic is wishing everyone a Chag Kosher Ve Samyach and this should be the year that klal yisroel is zoche in meriting the moshiach

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