WATCH THIS: Liberal Students Blame Chelsea Clinton For The NZ Mosque Massacre

Protesters confronted Chelsea Clinton while she attended a vigil at NYU for victims of Friday’s massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

In a video that has since gone viral, a finger-pointing woman, wearing a Bernie Sanders t-shirt, told the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that she “stoked” the hatred that led to the horrific tragedy.

Even as Clinton attempted to explain herself, the woman said:

“This right here is the result of a massacre stoked by people like you and the words that you put out.”

“49 people died because of the rhetoric you put out there.”


The protesters were reportedly focused on the former first daughter’s condemnation of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic comments, which is is attached here:

Clinton, who is pregnant with her third child, said she was sorry the students felt that way.

“Certainly, it was never my intention,” Clinton said. “I do believe words matter. I believe we have to show solidarity.”

Clinton on Friday condemned the attacks on the mosques and called for a “global response to the global threat of violent white nationalism.”

As video of the exchange went viral, liberals and conservatives alike came to her defense.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) on Sunday replied to a tweet from liberal activist Linda Sarsour, who wrote that she was “triggered” by those who criticized Rep. Omar’s tweets as anti-Semitic who have in turn spoken out against anti-Muslim bigotry in the wake of shootings at two New Zealand mosques.

“This is the kind of insanity poisoning young minds, and led to the terrible accusations against Chelsea Clinton at NYU,” Crenshaw tweeted. “Chelsea Clinton is not to blame.”

8 Responses

  1. Right.
    The next AOC has just shared some words of wisdom.
    And Pelosi wants to lower the voting age.
    How did we get here???

  2. Well, this is the future, folks. Muslims, gay people, transgender people, etc., are all protected from any dissension by virtue of their color or creed. Hillary even cast blame on anyone who disagreed with Obama, since Obama was “the first Black President of the United States.”

  3. Haters are not too picky as to whom they will hate. Anyone will do. Of course hating Jews is the most common because it is also the best known to hate but like I said anyone will do. Haters are not rational people and most are seriously mentally ill. It used to be that raving lunatics were carted off in a straight jacket to the loony bin. Today they are elected to public office and are told they are sane.

  4. What Triggered the MOslem attach on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, LOndon, Madrid, Paris, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Moscow, Philipines, Nigeria, Jordan, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Belgium, Norway,………………

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