A MUST READ: Misaskim At Their Finest Today!

candle7.gifMisaskim needs no introduction, but the following story which took place late this afternoon is the most amazing story that you might have ever heard about them.

At exactly 5:05PM EST a Yungerman from Eretz Yisroel by the name of Shlomo Lewin Z”L was Niftar at Maimonides Hospital – after a long illness R”L. The family was desperate to get the Niftar to Eretz Yisroel to have a Kevurah before Yom Tov, but their chances were very slim, and virtually impossible. The flight to Eretz Yisroel was less than 3 hours away…..

They were devastated.

First the sadness of the Petira, and now the fact that he would have to remain in a chapel until Chol Hamoed – with the family remaining as an oinen over Yom Tov.

This all changed when Misaskim was called.

misaskim.jpgMisaskim went into high-gear, and sprang into action, utilizing every possible person who could help in getting the Niftar onto the 7:50PM flight to Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the NY State Police was contacted and quickly arranged for an “NYPD Highway 2 escort” – using lights and sirens – to bring the Niftar to the airport.

Other individuals were sent via NYPD to the NYC Health Department’s offices (AFTER NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS) to get the proper paperwork signed to have the body released.

The Port Authority Police (PAPD) was contacted for assistance at JFK Airport, and the Yad Hashem was seen there as well. It turned out that the “top brass” of the PAPD just happened to be in the airport at the time – having an urgent meeting regarding the arrival of the Pope to the NYC area tomorrow. They themselves saw and felt the urgent crisis, and quickly assisted Misaskim in meeting the police escort which was arriving at the time, and to ensure that the Niftar would be placed onto the aircraft.

Misaskim arrived along the NYPD escort, and at 7:45PM – JUST FIVE MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE – the Niftar was loaded into the cargo bay of the plane by a Misaskim Coordinator.

A Misaskim spokesperson spoke with YWN about this story and said: Without the help of the NYPD, PAPD, Rabbi Freilich, Bikur Cholim of Boro Park, Hatzolah, Shomrei Hadas Chapels, and the NYC Health Department this would not have happened. “This Niftar is being buried quicker then if he would have had a Kevurah in NY,” Misaskim told YWN. “Early Friday morning NY time, the Kevurah will already be taking place in Eretz Yisroel.”

“Who knows, perhaps the entire Tafkid why the Pope came to the USA, was so that the PAPD ‘top-brass’ would be in JFK at this time – and make sure we caught the flight. If not for them being there, this most probably would not have happened. From the time of the Petira, until the Niftar was loaded onto the plane was less than three hours – something we have never seen before,” Misaskim said.

“The Siyata Dishmaya was something we have never seen before!”

Boruch Dayan Emmes……..

(Yehuda Drudgestein- YWN)

26 Responses

  1. This niftar must have had amazing zechusim. I have worked w/ cases such as this and can personally attest to the zechusim of the niftarim often accomplishing great feats! Tehay Zichro Boruch, Also Misaskim and others gained immense schar and must be commended.

  2. The niftar was nebich a tzaddik who suffered greatly all his life – It is a terrible loss for klal yisroel – may he be a true meilitz yosher for klal yisroel – oy lanu!

  3. you said- “Who knows, perhaps the entire Tafkid why the Pope came to the USA, was so that the PAPD ‘top-brass’ would be in JFK at this time – and make sure we caught the flight.”- of course!!!

  4. This is truly an amazing feat! A big thank you goes to all those that were involved in getting the niftar to Eretz Yisroel so quickly. May we only hear of simchas from now on! Hopefully, we will be able to use our koach of zrizus for the good from now on, too!
    Chag Kosher V’Sameach!

  5. Please dont use the pope in an analogy dealing with the greatness of the jewish people and the polices wonderful abilities, its all from hashem!

  6. Baruch Dayen Emes!! Misaskim is an amazing thing and something that was very needed. They are pretty new and they accomplished so much in the short time that they were in existence. May all the workers & volunteers have much siyata dishmaya, parnassah, health, & last but not least hatzlocha and continue doing the best at the worst times. May we not have to need there services anymore. May we only hear of simchas and have a Chag Kosher V’Sameach!

  7. I know that Kovod hames comes first here,
    But this would probably be the last El Al flight to Israel before Yom Tov.
    What if there were a Kohen on Board? He would have had to leave the plane and not be in EY for Yom Tov.
    Again I know that Kovod Hames comes first.

  8. The niftar lost his hand as a teeenager while a talmid at Tora Vodaath. His family was from Monticello and he was in the dormotory. He was making a wash and he put his hand into the washing machine and it was lo aleinu severed. He had a false hand installed. He had many other tzaros in his life. He wen around lately, told how he was sick, how he was laid off from his job as programmer, how his large family in Eretz Yisroel need support, and all that with a tzinus with emuna phsuta without one compaint.

    I cried when I saw this news. He was mekabel his many yisorim be-ahava. I hope there will be a campaign to help his family. Yhi Zichro Boruch.

  9. I was in the hospital during the last few hours and I can attest that he was niftar like a true Tzaddik. As soon as we finished saying Yosev B’seiser and Ki Malochov yetzave loch…., he closed his eyes.
    Kudos to Shomrei Hadas, Misaskim and Bikur Cholim of Boro Park who made this all possible. A very special Hakoras Hatov to the Highway Police Officer who got us to the airport through heavy traffic and to the El Al personnel in cargo who worked very diligently to make sure that the aron was placed on the plane in time.

  10. to moderator.. RE: #8…maybe such comments zul men nit lozen..es leint oich andere, v’hamaskil yovin.. vos darf men unter hitzen…maybe you shuld delet it …gut yom tov…

  11. To #17 – der nochrim shulten der hoif galach alein,
    zicher a yid nuch tzvei tozent yuren fun retzicha, pograms, un ah holocaust meig der hoif rotzeiach shulten.

  12. to #18..de soina yisroel gait nit on vos is gevain de letzta 2000 yore..men darf nit reitzen…any way men darf “hachochem einof b’rosho”

  13. To #20 – de soinei yisroel velen blaben sonei yisroel regardless vos mir zugen uder tien.

    ah chag kosher v’sameach!

  14. i am a nephew of the niftar i would like to make one correction i was at the airport he arrived to the airport before 7:45 but it may be possible that he wasn’t loaded until then.

  15. I was with him a few days before he was niftar in the hospital.
    They turned on the television for his neighbor.

    He said ” I am so sick and weak what can I do for the ribinno shel olam. Now I can do something” He removed his eyeglasses and said: ” I am now mekayim the mitzva of VLo Sosuru acharrei levavchem veachar eineichaem asher atem zonim achareihem. ”
    He was a true tzadik and baal yesurim. Every extra moment he had he learned Torah.
    He had a very difficult life. Besides losing his arm, a swindler cheated him out of all his money later in life.
    He was always Matzdik Es HaDin.
    He loved his children and always talked about them.

  16. to #22, what do you care? if it makes a better story that it arrived later, so be it. these stories happen every day and papers being signed after hours on a regular basis with a little protectzia.

  17. To 8,17,18&21. Die frierdigge hoipt gallech hot a mol geratevet yidden noch’n milchomo, un zein memaleh mokom, die heintigge, afilu er iz geven a chover fun hitler jugend, un shpeiter in dytcher militer, ober er iz aveg ge loffen fun militer in mitten milchomo. Bechasdei Hashem the modern day ones are less anti semitic then in days of old.
    The point tho’ is, the big kiddush hashem that was made.

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