OUTBREAK: 118 of Rockland County’s 144 Confirmed Measles Cases Were Unvaccinated

The Rockland County Health Department says the number of measles cases has grown to 144 this week in Rockland County.

Rockland County has given 16,112 doses of the measles-preventing MMR vaccine since the outbreak started last October.

Statistics released by the county Wednesday show that out of the 144 confirmed cases of measles, 118 of the patients say they did not have an MMR vaccine, five people had only one dose and six had two.

The outbreak was mostly contained to the Hasidic Jewish community.

Dr. Ruppert began excluding unvaccinated children from schools with confirmed cases in the hardest hit areas, including New Square, Spring Valley and Monsey.

The county says that out of the vaccinations administered, 11,000 of them were to children ages 1 to 4 years old.

(Source: News 12)

5 Responses

  1. ujm, Vaccine worked for 86% of the amount of people listed in the article. I don’t think the vaccination failed on so many people. If anything, the reverse- the overwhelming majority of non-vaccinated people became ill with measles.

  2. ujm The measles vaccine works on about 97 percent the 30 that were vaccinated were part of the low percent that it doesnt work. @motchah11 yes the measles is a deadly highly contangious and sometimes fatal disease. while not usually fatal can still cause lifelong damage such as brain damage and other chronic health complications that can arise

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