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(PSAK HALACHA IN EXTENDED ARTICLE:) The Bais Horah of Lakewood has just issued their Halachic Psak regarding the case of the Levi family – reported first by Yeshiva World News. As YWN had reported in both postings regarding this case, there was a possibility that Mrs. Levi did in fact undergo a Kosher Geirus. This has now been confirmed by the Bais Din in Lakewood:

(Post #1: “Mr. Floyd’s wife had apparently undergone some type of Geyrus (conversion process), although it is unclear who performed it, and if it is totally Kosher.)

(Post #2: “Regarding a possible Geirus which was done ‘Lichumra’ on Mrs. Floyd in Lakewood in the past few years, YWN has been told by credible sources that the Rov which did the conversion is not sure if it is Kosher – since this evidence is all coming out now.”)

The letter sets the record straight regarding all those who have questioned YWN for calling Mr. Levi/Floyd a non-Jew. Additionally, it slams the lid on various anonymous blogs which called Mr. Ted Floyd a “Ger Tzedek”, based on a radio interview with a Rabbi claiming to be an Orthodox Rabbi. That interview was posted HERE on YWN.

levi large.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The Bais Din writes in their letter that after a thorough investigation, and speaking to witnesses (Eidim), it has been verified that Mrs Adina Levi was tricked by her husband, and she remains a 100% Yid. The Bais Din reminds everyone of the Din of “Viahavtem Es Hager”, and people should be Mekarev her, and try to help her in any way.

The Bais Din stressed that this Psak is only regarding her, and that her husband remains “BICHEZKAS NOCHRI”.

The letter is signed by Hagon Rav Shlomo Miller, Hagoen Rav Shmuel Meir Katz, and Hagoen Rav Chanoch Saltz Shlita.

7 Responses

  1. Everyone should invite her over for a shabbos meal, make her feel good,lift her spirits high,this was not her fault.

  2. #2 good point but easier said than done.I don’t think it’ll happen. She might feel a bit out of place even if everyone embraces her.

  3. it is too bad that when news were of a scandalous nature, there were about 200+ comments about it, but now that we learned that everything is ok with Mrs. Levy, there are only 2 positive comments. where are all the comments about how we all should have been dan l’kaf zechus and should have prevented ourselves and others discussing her (loshon hora), as she ended up being a real yid?

  4. Mrs. Levi and her children have suffered more than enough for one lifetime. I hope that her Syrian Shule can at least find the humanity in them to accept her, irrespective of their mind-boggling rules and regulations.

    My heart goes out to them all.

  5. I find the whole thing mind boggling! I feel so terrible for Mrs. Levy. She was betrayed and lied to by her spouse, which is the person you feel like you can trust the most. I felt the same way by the meat store owner in Monsey, his wife was also betrayed. I hope Mrs. Levi has a easy path to a new start in life and I wish her and her children a lot of hatzlacha.

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