WATCH: Hannity: The Democratic Party is Imploding

Freshman socialist and radical Democrats clash with their more moderate colleagues leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

5 Responses

  1. Breaking News: Trump spokesperson and mouth piece Sean Hannity says that the Demicratic party is imploding and in other news Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Trump had a successful summet with North Korean leader Kim…..

  2. If this country becomes a socialist state, everyone who came here to escape communisim, socialism, and totaliterianism is going to find a new place to go. There are about 4 million Russia Americans who know what its like to have everything the same way as everyone else. Big government means an insane amount of taxes. Income equality means everyone will be poor, while the countries leaders will be wealthy. The US will become an Aristocratic, totalitarianistic country with more than 95% of the the population being poor. This will lead to a civil war, meaning a lot of unnecessary bloodshed, and a transfer of power to the people, which will return the country to a democracy, again. It is one big loop. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes

  3. Instead of “imploding” this Jew hating, anti American, baby killing, anti human socialism loving Democrat party should be exploding with mushroom crowd.

  4. I can’t wait for Hannity to be subpoenaed because of his relationship with Michael Cohen. Who thought that Hannity would use such a lying person as a lawyer ?

  5. Well said, Sean!!!!!!
    Looks like you are the same anti Semitic jerk as Ilan, don’t seem to bother you that Jews are being targeted, your vicious anti trump psycho mind dosnt care that Jews are in trouble.
    You are the face of the Democratic anti trump anti semites.

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