SEE IT: Orthodox Jewish Passenger Describes WOBBLY British Airways Flight: “NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE”

A British Airways flight from London to Gibraltar experienced an extremely wobbly landing on Monday.

Flight BA492 from Heathrow airport was forced to divert and touch down early in Malaga, Spain after hitting strong wind while enroute to Gibraltar.

Though reps for the carrier have since confirmed that no one was injured due to the fierce air currents, many passengers were left shaken by the experience.

“I, as a father of three young children, started saying my last prayers,” passenger Eli Hassett said of the roller coaster-like sensation during what felt like a “near-death experience”.

16 Responses

  1. I am surprised that the wings weren’t torn off by the shearing forces. A testament to the durability of the A320. And kudos to the pilot.

  2. “my takeaway from that is that it was a female captain”


    On another note, maybe there’s a reason why women should keep away from the wheel. Cars and especially planes. I don’t think the reason there are more male pilots than female is due to inequality. Women are great at many things, hospitality, nurses, receptionists, but some things are just meant for men.

  3. Writer: There are also a few things that SOME men are generally good at including misogynistic trolling. You obviously need some work so perhaps go back into the YWN CR archives and study the postings of the master trollers for some tips as to how to frame your post without making yourself look totally stupid and clueless.

    P.S. In case you aren’t aware of the data, women commercial pilots on scheduled commercial airlines appear to have a better safety record (aka fewer reported accidents and “incidents” than their males counterparts”). Also, on modern jets, there really is not a “physical strength component” to recovery of control from a mid-flight event unless both the primary and secondary systems have failed….its not like power steering in a car being turned off and having to wrestle with a steering wheel. Good luck in your trolling studies.

  4. Gadol. It’s not about the physical control it’s about making the proper decisions in the moment. I’m not being mean but it’s a fact that men are just better at handling machinery. If woman have a better saftey record in flying it’s because there are barely any woman pilots so thats not a good example.

    And let’s not pretend that women are excellent drivers. There was an empty space behind my car that a truck could fit in, and a woman tried parking, came out of the car to tap on my window for me to move up because “there wasn’t enough room”. I mean seriously. Let not let our emotions get involved with facts.

  5. writer :”And let’s not pretend that women are excellent drivers.”
    A recent study concluded that women are better drivers than men and men are almost four times as likely to commit a motoring offence than women- so you can take your outdated misogyny elsewhere. Someone being a bad driver will be entirely dependent on the person’s lack of skill, and has nothing to do with gender.

  6. Isn’t it facsinating how women are better than men at everything? So far they are better pilots and drivers. What else can we add to the list?
    Why can’t it just be accepted that there are certain things that men handle better and certainly things that women handle better? Why the competition.

    Btw since women are such good drivers can you tell me the reason they freeze and get confused once someone starts to beep at them? Or need 2 truck lengths of space in order to park?

  7. The problem is the pointless (and often harmful) generalizations. Some men are excellent drivers and some men are terrible drivers. Same goes for women. Why the need to make baseless assumptions about some just because of their gender?

  8. Well, Writer, it’s all in the tone of your beeping… are you giving a friendly, good morning, nice to see you out and about type of beep? or are you laying on the horn like a lunatic who just escaped the asylum or as though you just robbed the bank on the corner and the police are hot on your bumper? Presentation is everything.

  9. For all of you quoting the research, based on the data women are more cautious and safe drivers that are less likely to drink and drive – but does that mean better?

    Men have a better grasp of the orientation/surroundings and react better in accidents. Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule, but it seems women are statically “safer” drivers but nothing proves they are “better”.

    And why does saying that bother people? If I said men are bad at being left alone with all the kids for dinner, bath and bed, I am pretty sure the would barely be any backlash.

  10. Mariana even if it’s a crazy beep and even if it is justified, usually a woman will get scared and either do something crazy or just freeze in confusion. At least when it comes to driving men adjust quicker to any situation. Of course there are lunatics out there both men and woman. it’s just bothersome and worrisome that due to all the gender equality bull that women are being given positions which they are just not emotionally or physically qualified for, just to force the equality between the genders. A great example for that would be the Army. I’m sorry but a woman has no place in the front lines. Some men don’t either but that’s why they don’t make the cut. But for woman they lower the bar just to let them qualify by any means necessary. That’s what’s dangerous.

    And etzhadaas said it best. That’s my main point. That everyone has their weknesses and strengths. Unfortunately today’s world it cannot be accepted unless you want to be labeled as a misogynist or hater of woman. But if a man is looking for a job and gets rejected for a receptionist position because obviously they are looking for woman, that’s ok. What a double standard.

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