TWO-FACED SOCIALIST: Bernie Sanders Blasts “Fossil Fuel” As He Uses Private Jets

In his campaign launch video last week, Bernie Sanders singled out the fossil fuel industry for criticism, listing it among the special interests he planned to take on. But in the final months of the 2016 campaign, Sanders repeatedly requested and received the use of a carbon-spewing private jet for himself and his traveling staff when he served as a surrogate campaigner for Hillary Clinton.

In the two years following the presidential election, Sanders continued his frequent private jet travel, spending at least $342,000 on the flights.

Increased scrutiny of his travel practices, which are at odds with his positions on wealth inequality and climate change, are among the challenges Sanders will face as he makes his second White House run.

But he also faces another hurdle: hard feelings that remain to this day after the contentious 2016 Democratic primary. Many in the party continue to believe the Vermont senator played a role in contributing to Clinton’s defeat in November because of his criticisms of her prior to the general election, and his refusal to concede earlier when it appeared he had little mathematical chance of securing the party nomination.

And they are eager to point out Sanders’ flaws and examples of what they perceive to be examples of hypocrisy now that the one-time underdog rates as one of the front-runners in the crowded Democratic field.

“I’m not shocked that while thousands of volunteers braved the heat and cold to knock on doors until their fingers bled in a desperate effort to stop Donald Trump, his Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders would only deign to leave his plush D.C. office or his brand new second home on the lake if he was flown around on a cushy private jet like a billionaire master of the universe,” said Zac Petkanas, who was the director of rapid response for the Clinton campaign.


13 Responses

  1. Morality and integrity are concepts foreign to Sanders. He is a quite typical socialist, demanding that everyone give up their hard earned wealth for others, yet gives nothing of himself. May he and those like him be distanced from any positions of authority or influence.

  2. Don’t you people get it? Sanders and other leftist elites are trying to save the world for the rest of us, if they do not travel on private jets it will take longer time to save the planet.

  3. Quite a dumb argument. Limiting the use of fossil fuels does not require the swearing off of its use, any more than not using a car because you may be buying arab oil.

  4. Hiddush?

    Socialism by its nature is hypocritical. It is about the people in charge (“apparatchniks”, party leaders, etc.) living well at the expense of others. The difference between socialism and capitalism is that under socialism those who live well get there by political skills, wereas under capitalism one gets rich through one’s own efforts and hard work and cleverness. Socialist leaders by definitions are “losers” who could not get rich due to wantg of energy or cleverness, so they turned into parasites living off those members of society whose hard work and intelligence were more productive.

  5. For those interested in how these people delude themselves, he justifies his extravagance by (or so the story is told) donating a few thousand to some institutions that claims to be green (the last I heard it was an institution that claimed to plant trees). That whitewashes everything, and turns them into saints, in their own delusional imaginations.

  6. To ocho sinco: As a matter of fact, combing dry hair generates static electricity, which in turn creates a small amount of ozone, which damages the atmosphere. That’s why the Talmid does not require the combing of beards.

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