MIRACLE IN MONSEY: School Bus Slams Into Tree, Destroying Bus; Minor Injuries Reported [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

A school bus with children on board slid out-of-control, and slammed into a tree in Monsey on Wednesday afternoon.

Rockland Hatzolah, along with other emergency personnel, were at the scene on Carlton Road at around 3:30PM, and found the bus from Lizensk Cheder with extensive front-end damage.

The attached images has the viewer fearing the worst – just as rescue personal feared upon their arrival – but Bichasdei Hashem, there were only minor injuries reported.

The roads were slick with snow at the time of the crash, and Police are investigating if the weather played a role in the crash.

Photos via Rockland Buff

6 Responses

  1. The private buses keep on going even if the public busses cancel school or send them home early. At that time all children from YSV and schools that use public bussing were safe at home.
    The roads were slick and had not as yet been salted.

    These schools should make safer decisions when it comes to our precious chuldren

  2. Why did you take my comment off does the truth hurt I live in Mindy and deal with these bus drivers every day they must learn the rules of the road and have consider the other drivers on the road H”vsholom someone will get hurt

  3. Monsey Yid and HS girl: There had been a provision in last year’s proposed school budget to provide transportation for the private schools during this specific week, but that budget got voted down.

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