WATCH: Farrakhan Teams Up With Notorious Holocaust Denier; Defends Anti-Semitic Rep. Omar; Blasts ‘Wicked Jews’ & The Talmud

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam teamed up with a Holocaust denier and anti-Semitic ideologue to attack the Jewish religion and blame numerous ills of modern society on Jews, during the keynote event at the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day conference in Chicago.

Speaking before a crowd of several thousand at the United Center and an unknown number on a livestream, Farrakhan was preceded by Michael A. Hoffman II, who suggested that ancient Jewish texts are equivalent to teachings “from the church of satan.” Hoffman is a well-known Holocaust denier who has denounced belief in the “fake homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau,” though he did not reiterate those beliefs at this event.

When he took the podium, Farrakhan unleashed a torrent of attacks on Jews, claiming that anti-black racism “was started by Jewish rabbinical leaders” in ancient times, and that Jewish racism towards Africans is ultimately responsible for the “enslavement… colonization…dehumanization…[and] denial of self-determination” to black people throughout history.

[VIDEO: Louis Farrakhan Says ‘I’m Not An Anti-Semite, I’m ANTI -TERMITE’, Jews Are Stupid]

Farrakhan based much of his mischaracterization of Judaism on a distorted reading of the Talmud, an ancient compilation of legal and ethical debates among rabbis. Attacks on the Talmud were first instigated by Christian and Muslim polemicists in the early Middle Ages, and have become a staple of extreme anti-Semitic ideologues. Farrakhan claimed that Talmud created “the poisonous belief that justified and guided the entire institution of the transatlantic slave trade and the continuous exploitation of our people.” He also attempted to sow ill will between Jews and African Americans by saying that “sharecropping can be traced to the Talmud.”

Farrakhan defended Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., for implying on Twitter last week that American politicians only support Israel for the ‘Jewish money’.

“You have nothing to apologize for”, he told Omar, while condemning lawmakers who pressed her to apologize in the wake of the remarks.

Farrakhan reiterated classic anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews and money, claiming for example that Jewish principles “have exploited the American people through institutional usury and predatory lending practices.” He rehashed the tired cliché that the federal reserve is run by “a family of rich Jews.”

Farrakhan also blamed Jews for “pervasive rape culture…sex trafficking and prostitution,” and for emasculating black men. The latter theme was elaborated upon in an earlier speech by NOI official Brother Wesley Muhammad, who said that “Jewish genius had feminized the black male. The NOI is standing in between the demasculazination of the black man… this is why they hate Farrakhan.” Farrakhan outrageously claimed that ancient Jewish texts condone pedophilia, and that “pedophilia and sexual perversion exercises in Hollywood can be traced back” to Jewish religious texts.

SHOCKER: Photo Of Obama With Jew-Hater Louis Farrakhan Was Hidden For Years [FLASHBACK VIDEO]

Several times Farrakhan attempted to link current Israeli policy with his allegations against Jews and Judaism. When he attacked Jews for allegedly valuing the lives of their six million coreligionists who died in the Holocaust over the lives of all the other non-Jews on the planet, he added, “That’s how cheap they think of Palestinian life. The life of the gentiles. Only their life is sacred.”

Later in the speech he referred to Israel’s effort to come to grips with an influx of refugees from Africa, saying, “Israel sees the black youth as a problem for them. Israel, a government after black youth. Well let me tell you something Israel, you’re making a very big mistake and you’re hastening your doom. You leave my black brothers and sisters alone because you fear what they’re gonna become because they listen to Farrakhan.”

Referring to the controversy over the struggles of Women’s March leaders Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, and Carmen Perez to forthrightly condemn Farrakhan and his anti-Semitic bigotry, Farrakhan claimed that “the wicked Jews want to use me to break up the women’s movement.”

Farrakhan also claimed that “talmudic principles run the American jurisprudence system” and have informed the movement to create and maintain the right to legal abortion in this country. He described Margaret Sanger, who opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and established organizations that served as the precursors for Planned Parenthood, as a “so-called Jewish woman,” who “didn’t want black babies so she tried to get rid of as many as she could.” In fact, Sanger was of Irish Catholic extraction.


9 Responses

  1. 25 years ago, a political cartoonist drew “Farrakhan’s Worst Nightmare”: Farrakhan, with a suitcase, standing on a cloud. In front of him was a gate-shaped cloud, but standing in front of the cloud was a frummer yid, with a big smile, saying: “Velcome to heaven, you big meshugginer!”

  2. Does not matter, Trump is still a Nazi racist, just ask some morons who comment on this site. Now expect comments to blaming BOTH sides on racism and antisemitism.

  3. A bit of research on the subject will reveal that many , if not most of the traders from the 17th century onward, who bought black Africans and sold them as slaves in the Americas, were Muslims.

  4. Milhouse: the buyers in the Americas were Christians. However, very many of the “sellers” — the “chappers” in Africa who scooped up the captured prisoners and villagers, and transported them in slave ships to the New World, were Muslim.

  5. Farrrakhan apparently doesn’t realize that Omar apologized, agreed to meet with Jewish leaders, and voted twice for the following resolution last week:

    (11) It is in the national security interest of the United States to combat anti-Semitism around the world because—

    (A) anti-Semitism is a challenge to the basic principles of tolerance, pluralism, and democracy, and the shared values that bind Americans together;

    (B) there has been a significant amount of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred that must be most strongly condemned; and

    (C) there is an urgent need to ensure the safety and security of Jewish communities, including synagogues, schools, cemeteries, and other institutions.

    (12) It is in the foreign policy interest of the United States to continue to emphasize the importance of combating anti-Semitism in our bilateral and multilateral relations, including with the United Nations, European Union institutions, Arab League, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

    (13) Because it is important to the national security interest of the United States to maintain strong bipartisan support for Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, all attempts to delegitimize and deny Israel’s right to exist must be denounced and rejected.

    (14) It is in the national security interest of the United States to oppose restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by any foreign country against other countries friendly to the United States or against any United States person.

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