Carter Defends Scheduled Meeting With Jew-Killers

carter-arafat3.jpgFormer President Jimmy Carter said he feels “quite at ease” about meeting Hamas terrorists over the objections of Washington because the Palestinian group is essential to a future peace with Israel.

Speaking from Katmandu, Nepal, where he and a team of observers from the Carter Center monitored national elections, Carter said the U.S. and other parties should not require “pre-requisites” before meeting with the terror group.

“Well, you can’t always get prerequisites adopted by other people before you even talk to them,” Carter said in an interview taped Saturday but aired Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week.”

“I feel quite at ease in doing this,” he said. “I think there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that, if Israel is ever going to find peace with justice concerning the relationship with their next-door neighbors, the Palestinians, that Hamas will have to be included in the process.”

The State Department says it advised Carter twice against meeting representatives of Hamas, which Washington lists as a terrorist organization.

“I find it hard to understand what is going to be gained by having discussions with Hamas about peace when Hamas is, in fact, the impediment to peace,” Condeeleza Rice said Friday, after reports of the planned meeting surfaced.

(Source: Fox News)


18 Responses

  1. In the mind of a JEW-HATER anything can and will be rationilized and defended. “Give the shells to the Arabs and save the peanuts for the Israelis” is what JCarter will be remembered for.

  2. This in-your-face anti-Semite validates the Haggadah’s message that in every generation there are those who rise up in an attempt to destroy us. What makes Carter even worse is that he looks for the opportunity to destroy under the guise of working for peace.

  3. ‘the Palestinian group is essential to a future peace with Israel’…oh i get it just like the nazis, ym”sh, were essntial to the peace of the millions of our people whose blood is on their hands hy”d.

  4. This man is a “durch-getribiner”
    שונא ישראל
    His recent book comparing the “plight” of the unfortunate Palestinians to that of the apartheid regime of South Africa clearly demonstrates this. But in addition, he is arrogant and has no problem showing his contempt for the current president, who has formally requested that he NOT meet with the leader of the Hamas murderers. Given his brazen, ill-respect for a current president of the US, why should anyone show him any respect as a former president.

  5. How odd: I don’t remember him talking to Khomeini after the Iranians kidnapped the American embassy people in Tehran in 1979.

  6. Can you imagine if someone from the USA got access and somehow met with Americas enemy #1 Osama Bin Laden because in his perverted opinion “the meeting with Osama and his group is essential to a lasting peace.”

    This person would be prosecuted for treason.

    So too should Carter.

    How can he meet with a terrorist group without authorization from the USA?

    G-d Bless the Israeli govmt for having the fortitude of saying NO!! to this behavior.

    As we see from news items such as this we need rachmei Shomayim. A former President!!!!! RBSO with such a view on world events.

    Lets daven for a yeshua.

    May H-shem send the geulah in this chodesh.

  7. Flatbusher
    He is looking for the piece of the pie, there are loads of $$$$$cash incentives in peace making, ask what made the ‘Sharon’ family have a turn-around.

  8. pharoah “justified” killing Yidden
    haman “justified” killing Yidden
    hitler “justified” killing Yidden
    Hamas “justifies” killing Yidden

    carter “justifies” the activity of hamas and thus links himself with all others of all generations that “justified” killing Yidden. People are known by the company that they keep. carter will forever be linked to the present day hamas and their predecessors.

  9. i would like to thank the editor of yn for removing derogatory name . may i suggest that we reffer to world leaders of any kind with names of respect like president . please learn from yakov avinu ,moishe rabenu , ester hamalka who all spoke with great honor and titles to the leaders they dealt with .do you think that rabbi weiismandel a”h called the heads of the ss nazis with demeaning names ? he new the score and for reasons of common sense he acted respectfully. judging from all the comments one wonders if the opinions and attitudes come from torah or from newspapers .

  10. americansitizen – and the name “ahasuerus” was used as a positive??? it was certainly was not. carter was, is and will always be an embarrasment to american citizens

  11. to #16 american citizen. Carter is not a world leader..and when he was president he was the worst old were you 30 years ago.. you bring reious from incumbent heads of goverment to somebody who is private citizen. besides, what he does which is detrimetal to this country..

  12. No. 16:
    Instead of worrying about the כבוד of a שונא ישראל
    like Jimmy Carter, I think as an americancitizen it would be more impressive if you learn how to spell English. “he new the score”? Don’t you think that spelling like an עם הארץ on a public blog borders on the חילול השם?

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