Trump Defends Work Ethic After Leak Shows 60% of Daily Schedule is “Executive Time”

President Donald Trump is pushing back against criticisms that a leak of his private schedule suggests he is not working hard.

Trump tweeted that it “should have been reported as a positive, not a negative.”

He also suggested that when the term “executive time” appears on his schedule, it means he is “generally working, not relaxing.”

The president’s work ethic has been a topic of Washington conversation after Axios obtained three months of his private schedules.

They revealed that he spent 60 percent of his time in executive time, a term coined by former chief of staff John Kelly for unstructured time in Trump’s day. That time often coincides with when Trump is on Twitter.

Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said the leaker’s identity should be known this week.


5 Responses

  1. “Executive time” was a term they had to conjure up, first time in the history of the nation, for this lazy know nothing incompetent dumbbell. If it’s positive, why do they care who the leaker is?

  2. As a Trump opponent, I think the less he does, the better. He has the brain of a gnat. If he worked more or harder, he would only get things wronger. “Executive Time” is the perfect euphemism for what this jerk does when he’s not in front of a camera.

  3. I wish someone would coordinate his tee times with his ‘executive time’. I’d be willing to bet there is a serious overlap.

  4. Pres. Trump is probably a sick man, and I don’t mean “mentally,” I mean medically. The very fact that his “doctor” had to issue a report talking about how wonderfully healthy he is gives that away, since whatever he says you can usually rely on the opposite to be true. He’s very overweight, never exercises (he even uses a golf cart instead of walking), eats pure junk food, doesn’t sleep enough, and gets angry easily. These are all risk factors for heart disease. (They do admit he’s taking statins, although that’s pretty common these days). In fact the confusion and memory problems he seems to have frequently are often the result of either small strokes or high doses of some heart medications. (Either that or he’s clinically depressed, which would be understandable since being President hasn’t been the joy ride he anticipated.)

    I do agree with Huju: the less he does the better. He’s definitely not functioning at an optimal level. Maybe he could resign for health reasons and let Pence take over? He’s risking a fatal heart attack every day he subjects himself to the pressures of the Presidency.

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