Bannon: Trump ‘Knows It’s Time To Get On With’ Building Wall

Former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon says he doesn’t think President Donald Trump will back away from his proposed southern border wall.

As congressional negotiators in Washington worked toward a border security deal, KGUN-TV reports that Bannon told a Green Valley, Arizona, town hall sponsored by wall supporters that he doubts Trump will (quote) “take anything short of actually building the wall.”

According to Bannon, after “many years of talking” about border security, Trump “now knows that it’s time to get on with it.”

The town hall meeting was held by a foundation trying to raise money to build a border wall.

Participants in the Washington talks said they expect funding to end up well below the $5.7 billion sought by Trump to begin construction of the wall.


One Response

  1. Up to this point Trump has not done anything illegal, much less an impeachable offense. The Democrats look like crybabies when threatening to impeach him for opposing their flavor of political correctness. However, spending public funds without an appropriation is strictly prohibited in the constitution and is an impeachable offense. No president has ever done so, even Obama who liked to test limits. The tradition goes back to Magna Carta, and the last time a chief executive ruling over America tried it (New York was still Dutch, but some of the other colonies existed) it was Charles I, and he got beheaded for it.

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