DETAILS: Ocasio-Coretz Climate Change Plan Calls For End of AIR TRAVEL, ‘Economic Security’ For Those “UNWILLING TO WORK”!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tapped eight Democrats to serve on a special committee to address climate change. Surprisingly, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not among those named to the panel.

On Thursday, the outspoken 29-year-old freshman lawmaker was set to unveil her “Green New Deal”.

A number of Democratic Party presidential hopefuls — including Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julián Castro, and Beto O’Rourke – have already endorsed or expressed support for the “Green New Deal”. Today, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward J. Markey dropped details about her plan. released the following overview of the radical plan:

Rebuild every single building in the U.S.

“Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency.”

Will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years

The Green New Deal is “a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.”

Plans to ban nuclear energy within 10 years if possible

“It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

Build trains across oceans and end all air travel!

“Build out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary”.

Don’t invest in new technology of Carbon Capture and Storage, just plant trees instead!

“We believe the right way to capture carbon is to plant trees and restore our natural ecosystems. CCUS technology to date has not proven effective.”

Government-Guaranteed Jobs For All

The bill promises the United States government will provide every single American with a job that includes a “family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and a pension.” You can imagine that those left in the private sector would be funding these through some unspecified “massive” taxation. On the bright side, when you’re foraging for food, your savings will be worthless.

“Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local.”

The site’s FAQ section adds the plan “guarantees” “economic security” for those who are “unwilling to work”:

May include a carbon tax.

“We’re not ruling a carbon tax out, but a carbon tax would be a tiny part of a Green New Deal.”

May include cap and trade.

“…Cap and trade may be a tiny part of the larger Green New Deal plan.”

How much will it cost?

No estimate of the total cost of implementing the Green New deal is offered by Ocasio-Cortez.

However, as Ocasio-Cortez admits, “even if every billionaire and company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they could make would not be sufficient.”

She does provide one estimate that the cost to “repair and upgrade infrastructure U.S. infrastructure” alone will cost “$4.6 trillion at minimum.”

How will it be paid for? Don’t worry about that.

Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t provide any insight into how the trillions of dollars in spending will be paid for other than claiming, “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit”.

Bus as Ocasio-Cortez says, “the question isn’t how will we pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity”.


26 Responses

  1. She’s an attention pig. Pay her no attention. She’ll say anything, including legislation she knows has a snowballs chance in hell of passing, to get her ugly name in the paper.

  2. really don’t understand why you need to tag along with the rest of the media, and give any span of attention to this meshigene lady;
    Please: stick to relevant news; aoc is just a waste of time, along with all her ideas

  3. If you believe that carbon emission from industrial processes are causing a climate disaster, and we need to return to the level of carbon emissions of 250 years, of course we need to eliminate almost all use of fossil fuel. That means no planes, probably few cars, no air conditioning, very little heat in winter, no plastics, and probably some form of mandatory population control (forced sterilizations, euthanasia, etc.) to get the population down to the level of the 18th century.

    While such beliefs are foolish, so are the Democrats.

  4. My infant and toddler grandchildren have much more intellect in their sleep than this brain dead idiot has when at her best. The media should stop covering these stories. If I am looking for some fantasy to read, Grimm’s Fairy Tales is a much better choice.

  5. This Commy is smartening up.

    She final realized that the vehicle for communism is thru “environmental-save the planet” type initiatives.

    Let this be a warning light when ever we see government types proposing all types of non sense in the name of
    ” being green”.

  6. Ocasio-Cortez moved back to the Bronx, while she worked as a bartender in Manhattan and as a waitress in a taqueria. Wikipedia.

    I think it should say while she spent time at the bar and drank tequila

    The man is permanently drunk

  7. I don’t think her ban on air travel will sit very well with all the left wing bigwigs who fly around in their own private jets while preaching to us about climate change and carbon emissions.

    The next time she is on a plane I hope a picture is taken and plastered on every social media site.

  8. Yes, a dozen years. Till Armageddon.

    A few years ago when we were a sane country this woman would be committed to an asylum who she couldnt hurt herself or others.

  9. I don’t know anything about the merits of the “Green New Deal”, but I do know that the source of this article, ATR, i.e., Americans for Tax Reform, is at least as unreliable as Fox “News”.

  10. What is everyone kvetching about?? The “Greener New Deal” promises to pay a subsidy to every yungerleit who is a full time learner and is “unwilling to work”. I would have thought that all the ehrliche CR posters who are supportive of bnai torah would rally around AOC and her efforts to support limud torah at a level that could exceed the stipends paid in EY for those attended kolel full time.

  11. You could dismiss her as an idiot all you want, but the scary thing is that many liberal / progressive policies that have become mainstream today began as ideas coming from meshugaim who managed over extended periods of time to get their radical ideas to pick up steam and eventually become law.

  12. “Please: stick to relevant news”

    How is this not relevant news? It’s Adar and the article was hilarious. It is perfect for Adar.

  13. Something tells me that she is an undercover conservative with an agenda to make progressives look like complete idiots.

  14. I have to agree with chaya13 .
    Today some states have already passed laws allowing (and paying for) abortion on demand all the way up to and including the birth canal. That was something which, in earlier times, was just as beyond-the-pale , and considered nutty and impossible as the crazy ideas mentioned here. A small difference is the money involved between the two ideas. But realize the following and consider the following very carefully. The nutty ideas here come with (untold) TRILLIONS (literally) of dollars in “government” money up for grabs – that is a HUGE incentive for behind-the-scenes machinations over long period of time.

  15. I decline to give a comment on any of the crazy comments but I have to correct “georgeg” and point out that 1) it is NOT abortion on demand up until birth-it is ONLY if the mother’s health is endangered. READ THE LAW. And 2) this EXACTLY THE HALACHA,see mishneh, gemoro, Rambam, etc…

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