Hikind: 11 Jews Were Murdered in Pittsburgh; In Brooklyn, Jews Are Beaten on a Regular Basis

American Jews hold the distinction (according to the FBI) of being the most targeted minority group with hate crimes. 11 Jews were murdered not long ago in a Pittsburgh synagogue and that shocked America. But in a little enclave in Brooklyn, Crown Heights, which has a long history of pogroms against Jews, it has become an almost daily norm to have a violent hate crime perpetrated by black males against visibly religious Jews. Since October of 2018 there have been 15 reported attacks; these were not robberies, but pure hateful thuggery with no other purpose than to destroy the peace and life of someone who committed the horrible crime of being Jewish.

Why are Jews a target of such diverse hate groups as white supremacists and black nationalist antisemites? “It’s called Trickle-Down Racism,” says Dov Hikind, former NYS assemblyman, and chairman of the Coalition for a Positive America. “When antisemitic hatred is allowed and cajoled into the mainstream of America’s media consciousness it serves as the motivational fuel for violent actors to take brutal action, which leave victims with severe injuries, and in some cases nearly murdering them. Jews don’t get attacked unless prominent figures enable it by calling us ‘termites’ (Farrakhan), ‘hypnotists’ (Omar), not worthy of being ‘humanized’ (Sarsour), dual-loyalists (Tlaib)’ and ‘upholders of white supremacy’ (Mallory). They’re hatred isn’t surprising; the silence of ‘good people’ is.”

“Worse will happen,” warns Hikind, “if we don’t take stronger action. Wake up! This has been allowed to fester for too long. We need concentrated and sustained police presence to deter such actions. Residents of Crown Heights are living in fear as it has become dangerous to be in certain areas at certain hours if you happen to be a Jew. Nobody wants to find ourselves at a future point after a funeral that could have been averted because the communities and the city failed to come together with a solution for protecting residents and easing tensions. Action is needed. Talk is cheap and will not suffice.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The white supremacist ideology of the killer in Pittsburgh had nothing to do with the anti Israel positions of Sarsour, Omar or Tlaib. Hikind is conflating issues. Unfortunately it appears that Hikind is politicizing anti-Semitism. He fails to mention Charlottesville and the president’s inabilty to forcefully condemn antisemitism amongst his supportes. He fails to mention the President’s silence on Steve King or his meek response to his Duke endorsment or to the antisemitic harresment of Julia Ioffee by his supporters. If Hikind wants to achieve something he should call out antisemitism wherever it exists and not just rail against the media or his political opponents.

  2. With all due respect , you have not suggested a solution. Private guards???Who will pay for it??? That’s part of the problem. Taxpayers would not agree to fund , so where do you get the funding for such a massive undertaking? As the saying goes “it’s all about the money i.e.funding..

  3. This crime is mostly perpetrated by black males. White nationalists are a tiny fringe that barely exists outside of certain areas, and those areas happen to not have many religious Jews. Even there, white nationalists rarely commit violent crimes. Crimes by black males against Jews (and others) is a frequent occurrence.

  4. crazykanoiy, the Pittsburgh killer shared the same Israel-hating ideology like most Democrats including “Sarsour, Omar or Tlaib”.

  5. The third sentence of this article alleges a “long history” of pogroms in Crown Heights. I know about the pogroms of the early 1990’s, following the tragic accident that killed Gavin Cato, involving the motorcade of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. But what other pogroms happened in Crown Heights? My ancestors lived in Crown Heights from the 1920’s to the 1960’s, and I never heard them speak of pogroms in Crown Heights, just Warsaw, which they left for Crown Heights.

  6. Moshe In Golus – The Pittsburgh killer made no refernce to Israel. His diatribe was directed against immigrants and Jews organizations that he perceived as helping them. Sarsout, Omar and Tlaib is a different issue.

    Coffe Addict – Pittsburgh killer was a white nationalist. I made no mention of Crown Heights.

    Chuck Shwab – Tell that to the families of the victims of Dylan Roof, Robert Bowers and Gregory Bush. The ADL published a comprehensive study in 2017 that white supremacists and other far-right groups committed the majority of extremist-related murders in the United States.

    The crime in crown heights, white nationalism and anti Israel positions are not one and the same and Hikinds approach smacks of political opportunism instead of a real effort to get at the root causes of today’s problems.

  7. crazykanoiy, your are an ignorant fool: Pittsburgh killer detested Trump because his support for Israel. “Sarsout, Omar and Tlaib” is not a different issue, nice whitewashing try . They are new faces of your Democrat party. They are 100% in line with your previous leader Obama (yamach shmo) and they are being rewarded today by your current leader Nazi Pelosi (yamach shmo) with congregational seats on foreign affairs comity.

  8. Moshe In Golus – You are entitled to your own opinions but not to your own facts. The Pittsburgh killer tweeted and referenced Jews supporting migrants. He referenced the migrant caravan. He referenced Jewish immigrant aid and he referenced George Soros. He NEVER mentioned Trump’s support for Israel. Perhaps you dwell in the universe of “alternative facts” (kellyanne) and “truth is not truth” (rudy) but for everybody else facts are based on reality not emotions of rage.

    Unfortunately your rage is out of control. You work yourself into a frenzy and carelessly through around terms of “yimach shemoh”. Trump said that he chose to commute Rubashkin’s sentence because of bipartisan support from Nancy Pelosi.

    Talk about whitewashing. First bring yourself to condemn Trumps lack of response to Charlottesville, King, Duke and Ioffee. Keshot atzmacha vachar kach keshot acheirim.

  9. crazykanoiy, the fact that Pittsburgh killer ranted against Trump for his pro Jewish and pro Israel support is not my “opinion” it is a fact stat is available to any one who does not have bird-size brain capable only accepting one-sided propaganda fed by Fake News sources.
    And yes, these Democrats and Obama deserve the title “yamach shmo” because, unlike Pittsburgh killer who murdered only 11 Jews, they were actively planning the second Final Solution. If it was not for Obama (yamach shmo) and his fellow Democrats, Iran would not be at doorsteps of Israel today arming Hezbollah, Hamas and developing missiles tipped with nukes.
    Unfortunately, your “crazy” mind blinds you with haltered towards Trump so mach so it makes you side with the worst enemies of Jewish People and Israel.

  10. Moshe in Golus: The only person putting Iran at Israel’s doorstep is Trump who is intent on ignoring people like Jim Mattis and withdrawing US troops from Syria and handing it to Russia and Iran on a silver platter. Trump has done nothing effective to contain Iran. All he has done was rip up a functioning agreement. One that was working well according to Chief of IDF intelligence Gadi Eizenkott. Trump promised to get a better deal but as usual he promises alot with bombast and bluster and in reality delivers close to nothing.

    If you truly care about antisemitism and Israel look at the facts, read the actual twitter feed of the Pittsburgh killer not just some right wing blog post. Read the testimony of Eisenkott and Mattis and dont just jump to defend the man who thinks people marching with Nazi Flags chanting Jews will not displace us are “very fine people”

    Lastly outside of Trump world it is best to make arguments without name calling and bombastic rhethoric. Try cutting out the silly name calling like “bird brain” and “ignorant fool” and the overheated rhetoric of “ymach shmo” and “final solution”. Try making your case in an intelligent rational fashion. One whose points have real merit and are based on facts do not need to resort to name calling to make their case.

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