Serious Assault In Flatbush

pd car1.gif1:10PM EST: Flatbush Hatzolah is on the scene of a person who was seriously assaulted on Foster Avenue near East 4th Street. The patient is unconscious and is being treated by Hatzolah Paramedics. As of this time, they are transporting the patient in critical condition – to Kings County Trauma Center via NYPD escort.

It is unknown is he was assaulted with a weapon, and the NYPD detectives are responding to the scene.

Further details will be posted as they are available.

(YW-112 / YW-106)

15 Responses

  1. There is no East 4th and Foster. Its either East 3rd street or East 5th. Does anyone have the exact address as I live near there.

  2. I was there it happened in front of my house.
    the 60 year old male was asaulted by a man and a woman.
    the young man pulled over his van and confrunted the elderly man and then punched him in the face the old man fell unconcius the young man proceded to kick him when neighbors started yelling at him to stop the man got into his van and sped away , one of the neighbors who witnessed the asult and is a member of the shomrim chased after the young man and the women with his car , in the meantime neighbors called hatzalah who came within 3 minutes and took care of the old man who is in critical condition. in the meantime the area by east 5th and foster is closed off as a crime seen . the young man and womwn were arrested thanks to the quick thinking neighbors who helped the police catch him.
    the incident is currently under thural investigation.

  3. #1 – What are you talking about? Do you even live nearby? There hasn’t been an assault in this neighborhood in the more than a decade that I live there. I grew up in Flatbush in the E. 20’s and it was MORE dangerous than Foster Ave between Mcdonald and Ocean Pkwy. [There is a fire station on the block and a police station around the corner.] Also, as stated above, there is no e. 4th Street on Foster Ave.

  4. mr gavra the corner has this huge mousqe i never said anything happened just so many of those chevra consentrated in one area makes you shiver the fbi spend alot of time in that area after 9/11

  5. Gavra,
    The police station around the corner is not worth much in the sense of security, call them and see how long it takes them to respond.

  6. Was this attack spontaneous, or did this “couple” know Mr. 60-yr.-old from previous business and “had an account to settle” with him?

  7. shvermaseh – The mosque is close to McDonald Ave…three blocks away from where the assault happened. That’s Rachman’s mosque, you may recall that the FBI caught him in the early 1990’s. It’s been barely used since then.

    Also, my point with the police station was that all cars from the 70th preceinct have to pass by that block, based on how the streets are set up and due to the fact that the station is at the edge of the preceinct. Police cars pass by the area of the assault at a rate of @ 10 per hour.

  8. -#1 ,9 and whoever else…guys /whats ur problem!? who cares which area is more dangerous! point is, s/o is in serios condition and he need our tefillos not our arguments!
    sorry if a came across a bit harsh;)

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