This Insurance Agency Generated Multiple Leads after Tweaking Their Advertising Strategy

The following article is part of a new series presented by Jewish Content Network which will discuss business ideas, marketing advice, and feature new business technologies, in an effort to help small business and organizations thrive and succeed. 

A recent advertiser on the Jewish Content Network is an insurance agent who sells life insurance to Americans living overseas.

They had been advertising with us for several months, using a JCN homepage article ad to link to an article they had written on the subject, but had seen little results.

We performed a complementary marketing audit on their campaign and found a few interesting findings:

  • Audience – they were trying to reach a Jewish audience living in Israel, but were targeting all websites offered by the campaign, giving them a world wide reach but also diluting their budget. We recommended they tweak their campaign settings to strategically target an Israel audience, maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising budget on one focused niche.
  • Message – we found that the article, although detailed, was actually too long, and attempted to address too many potential questions. Instead, we helped re-write a shorter article that was concise and to the point, emphasizing the unique benefits of the service provided and offering a few ways for the agent to be contacted.

These changes paid off, and we were delighted to hear that the client had received multiple leads from their campaign as a result.

We’ve spoken a lot in the past about understanding your funnel and your audience and having a sound strategy. This case study serves as an example of these efforts paying off.

Want to discuss your advertising strategy with us? Click here to start the conversation.

Chaim Chernoff is the Chief Marketing Officer at the Jewish Content Network. Always on the lookout for latest digital marketing trends, Chaim aims to help businesses expand their presence and grow their business in the digital world.  Do you have marketing questions? Send an email to: [email protected] or chat on WhatsApp


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