Friends and Talmidim of Reb Nissan Kaplan Decide to Launch new Initiative

It’s been close to a year since Reb Nissan Kaplan has opened the doors of Yeshiva Daas Aharon in Har Nof. In the short time since the yeshiva’s inception, it has attracted close to 150 talmidim from a wide variety of fine yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. What attracts many to join, is more than the high caliber and strong ruach of learning. Rather, it is the unique approach that has made Reb Nissan Kaplan the beloved rebbe to thousands over the past two decades.


 It all began with a conversation between Reb Nissan and his father Reb Naftali about two years ago. Reb Naftali approached his son with a unique request, “I would like you to open a yeshiva.” Reb Nissan recalls how he was taken aback. “I was a well-established magid shiur with many talmidim, with whom I have formed a close kesher,” he says with a smile. “Why should I even consider such a drastic change?” After much back and forth, as well as discussing the idea with many gedolim in Eretz Yisroel the concept became clear. There was a void that needed to be filled in the Israeli Torah landscape. A yeshiva that is much more than just a makom Torah, rather a place that supplies the talmidim with that special ingredient- a loving, caring rebbe. A rebbe for life.

 Those who know Reb Nissan can attest to the fact that he is much more than a rosh yeshiva in learning. More than his lomdus and depth in halacha, he is their beloved rebbe. Have you ever heard one of his thousands of talmidim refer to him? “Rebbe” they say, and you sense that title is infused with great warmth and love. And those  feelings do indeed flow both ways.


 Whether it be a life cycle event, from shiduchim, to marriage, from chinuch to parnsasa, health issues or hashkafic questions the talmidim know they can turn to Rebbe. As a loving and caring father figure, he understands their struggles and challenges. He guides them patiently with understanding and concern that stems from deep within and with a tremendous sense of love.

Now that Yeshiva Daas Aharon is nearing its first full year, it proudly boasts one hundred fifty bnei Torah, many of which have never experienced the love of a rebbe like this before. The common standard in many of the Israeli yeshivos was that a rebbe gives shiur and a mashgiach gives mussar. Now, for the first time there is a new dimension, a new phenomenon- a Rebbe who has the warmth and care that they need as they grow into mature bnei Torah.


Reb Nissan is now traveling to the USA to partake in the hard work of ensuring a solid financial future for this great makom Torah. This trip comes after months of many talmidim and friends reaching out to the Rosh Yeshiva and asking how they can help him in this new stage of his harbotzas Torah. As one talmid put it, “Rebbe was there for me all these years, now it’s my turn to be there for him.” While Reb Nissan is here, the talmdim have joined in this great effort by launching a unique campaign which will have a tremendous impact. We are asking the many who have gained from him over the years to participate in this campaign with a monthly support to the yeshiva. This will create a power of many, to offer stability to the mosad as it emerges from its infancy and becomes a premier makom Torah.

In the few weeks leading up to Reb Nissan’s trip many talmidim have already committed to joining with monthly support. Now that he is here, away from the yeshiva, he turns to his many talmdim and friends and asks everyone to please partner for a davar shebikdusha as we build the next generation of talmidei chachomim. 


Please join this campaign by clicking on the link below

 For more info please contact Shaya Ungar 732-773-8843 or email [email protected]

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