WATCH: CNN Mocks Sarah Sanders For Saying “G-d Wanted Trump To Be President”

In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said she believes G-d wanted Donald Trump to become president in 2016.

11 Responses

  1. Media has enough problems without seeming to “mock” religious beliefs but using her logic, there would be a lot of other stuff that could be “blamed” on her “G-d”…..very slippery slope for politicial spin doctors of any religious persuasion.

  2. do these cnn atheist undersatnd gds ways …..the whole leftist shita is to deny a diety
    yes god did want if not it wouldnt happen

  3. Only G~d can know the mind of G~d and it is preposterous of Sarah Sanders to think she can speak on behalf of what and whom G~d did and didn’t want as President. Move heaven and earth to conduct your own life in such a way as to be pleasing to the eyes of G~d and leave the business of being G~d to being G~d.

  4. @mariana what are you talking about? If you beleive in g-d tand understand what that means then you would understand nothing happens without g-d wanting it to happen so if trump is president its because g-d wanted that…that is not a debate it is fact….there is no debate to what g-d wants if it has already happened….if he didnt want it to happen it would not happen…

  5. @Realisticguy

    So by extending your logic then G~d wanted Barack Obama as President for 8 years, He also wants Nancy Pelosi to thwart President Trump at every turn and He wants whoever is going to be next in line to the Oval Office whether you personally approve of His choices or not? Good to know.

    Let’s try this instead and you are free to agree or disagree, I won’t think any more or any less of you and hopefully you can extend me the same courtesy… G~d is so Infinite, Divine, Eternal and Vast that it is a preposterous thing for us mere humans to purport to think we can say what He wills or doesn’t will. What happens, it happens for a purpose. But. Is it what G~d wanted? Not for me to say. Only for G~d to say. Historically, things haven’t worked out so well for humans every time they get ahead of themselves and think they can speak on behalf of the mind of G~d…

  6. @coffee addict

    Free will changes everything… so, as much as I have to take a very deep breath before saying this out loud, yes, I think things can happen even if G~d didn’t want them to happen. Sin and disobedience have consequences.. I don’t think G~d wants to see His children hurting… He doesn’t want to see us thumbing our nose at Him and His commandments either.

    Just because something happens doesn’t always mean G~d took pleasure in it’s happening, we just have to hold fast onto our faith and the knowledge that G~d’s ways aren’t always our ways and that He has a plan and a course of action which He isn’t always obliged to explain.. what else is faith but trust in the unseen and unexplainable..

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