Ellenville Shul Closed By Building Department

On Friday afternoon, Ezrath Israel Chabad, (known as the Ellenville Shul) was temporarily shut down by authorities.

A temporary heater, that had been in use in a section of the building that did not have heat, set off Carbon Monoxide alarms, which automatically contacted the fire department and building department. After evacuating the building, the building department forbade use of the building until proper heat is installed and everything is compliant with current codes.

Shabbos Minyanim were held in a nearby home, and immediately after Shabbos, the efforts to get the building re-opened began.

After consultation with the building department, it became clear that the SHul would need to install additional heat in the areas of the building where it was falling short. Work has already begun, and the Shul is hopeful to have (at least part of) the building open for Shabbos.

An emergency fundraising campaign has been started to to cover the short term expenses associated with this project. Chabad of Ulster County has committed to match all donations, dollar for dollar. With your help, this historic Shul can once again be a home for the Ellenville Jewish community.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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