MIAMI VACATION HATE: Jewish Family Gets Swastika-Defaced Baby Mattress At South Florida Hotel

After checking in at 2:30am to their hotel room at the Grand Beach Hotel in Surfside, Florida, this Jewish couple from New York along with their 12-year old daughter and 11-month old infant were taken aback at the discovery of Nazi swastika symbols drawn on the side of their baby’s mattress supplied by the hotel.

“I spoke to the mother who discovered these Nazi symbols on her daughter’s mattress,” said former New York state assemblyman and chairman of the Coalition for a Positive America, Dov Hikind.

“Mortified, petrified, shocked, there aren’t enough adjectives to describe the feeling of finding a hate symbol on your child’s bed. The hotel has answering to do towards this family: How could this happen in a high-end hotel? Who’s responsible? Was this the work of another guest or in-house employee? The family deserves to get some answers.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Somehow I am not surprised.
    This area used to be Judenrein, and there are still those around today that would like to see that.
    Yidden WAKE UP! The handwriting is literally on the baby matress.

  2. I suppose it was because of the baby’s smell? Is it also the parent’s fault? Every incident that screams of anti-Semitism is excused by many of our own people and explained away as it was likely the frum Jews who were the cause of the problem.

  3. Overreaction, Overreaction, Overreaction
    Just phone reception, tell them that the mattress they supplied was filthy and please send a clean one.

  4. My friend told me that motzei shabbos at two am the police were called by the neighbors of grand beach because of the noise all the guests of the hotel made.
    The Yeshiveh winter vacation draws thousands to this area and they really think they are in a bungalow colony and forget there are many elderly people living next door. This is not an excuse for anyone who committed this horrible crime but yidden need to behave when they go vacationing and not forget that we are not well liked every where we go

  5. Rebyosel, I agree with you that Jews must behave with derech eretz and not make noise or garbage.

    However, I was once in a cheap hotel in Miami and heard tons of noise late at night from non-Jewish neighbors in surrounding rooms. I know they were not Jewish because out of frustration I opened the door and saw the guests coming and going. Well, I checked myself out the next morning never to return to a lower priced hotel again.

    How do you know for a fact that the neighbors of Grand Beach Hotel called the police because of Jewish guests? It is highly likely that they were non-Jewish guests who created all the noise!

    And if they were Jews, not all Jews create noise, some do and it’s wrong to paint all Jews with the same brush. And it’s absolutely no excuse for hate symbols. Not all goyim have particularly nice manners either. The area where I live used to be full of Latinos before it turned Jewish and they had loud music on music in the weekends till the wee hours of the night. Never once did the few Jewish neighbors I have send any hate message to them even though we were very frustrated. Now we still have black neighbors sometimes making parties with music and loud singing till late in the night and I’ve never thought of sending them hate messages. There’s simply no excuse for Nazi symbols to be shoved into Jewish faces.

    Again, I’m not saying we Jews shouldn’t mind our mannersact but it’s ridiculous to explain away every hate situation on account of “Jews must have behaved very badly” or “it’s for sure the fault of the Jews”.

    It’s disgusting of Jews to automatically blame our brothers and sisters when we are hated. With this thought pattern I can see how the Nazis managed to put millions of our people onto trains because Jews were too busy thinking that goyim have perfectly good reasons to do what they did.

  6. I’m baffled. How is it that someone fakes a hate crime by writing their own slurs (non-Jews) on a college bathroom stall and this becomes a national news and conversation. (I mean a story some years ago, but there are more recent). And NONE of these YWN stories ever go into the national conversation?
    But on second thought, maybe that would give a lot of copycats inspiration.

  7. Instead of calling Dov Hikind, the lady should have photographed the mattress [as she did], called the Duty Manager to replace it, and told the General Manager she and her family were leaving, with his hotel picking up the tab for equal value accommodations at another local hotel. Depending on his or her reaction, the lady could then have considered her options, including “going public”, calling Hikind etc. etc. Sure the mother was “Mortified, petrified, shocked” but it would have been more impressive to read that she and her family moved out rather than she called Hikind.

  8. I don’t know about all these other stories ( noisy party -goers, wild kids on midwinter break, etc…). I do know who this couple with a child are. They are NOT wild teenagers! He is a frum professional in his 40’s and she is a talented mother of several children, also in her low 40’s. I don’t think they were looking for extra attention!

  9. So…this past Shabbos (Thanksgiving weekend 2020) I was here at the Grand Beach. Apparently one of the young men spending Shabbos here ignored a warning and washed for Hamotzie at the bar in the lobby. Because he didn’t heed the warning, the manager decided to evict him from the hotel Friday night, knowing it was Shabbos. When he responded that he can’t leave because it is Shabbos, she called Surfside Police who proceeded to tackle him (unresisting) to the ground and physically remove him. I don’t know if he was formally arrested. The friend he was sharing a room with was apparently evicted with him as well.

    A young frum family with a bunch of kids was there when this happened. The manager was passing the area and apparently the couple spoke up on behalf of the boys/hotel guests who were evicted. A minute later this Jewish family was evicted as well, little kids in tow, on a Friday night.
    Presumably for speaking up on behalf ofna fellow hotel guest.

    Motzai Shabbos I saw a few more boys with yarmulkes being evicted immediately after the zman.

    I don’t know the full story here, because I didn’t see it all go down, but something definitely stinks at this hotel. Religious guests, including little children, being evicted on Shabbos night from a hotel full of frum customers? More guests being evicted Saturday evening?

    Perhaps a civil suit will get the attention of the owners of this hotel. Apparently the sensitivity training afrer last year’s swatstika incident wasn’t sufficient.

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