Bloomberg Says Trump ‘Cannot Be Helped’, Is ‘DANGEROUS’ For The Country

Potential Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg said Friday that Donald Trump’s presidency “cannot be helped” and was “dangerous” for the country.

The former New York City mayor also described the government shutdown, as “a complete failure of presidential leadership.”

The billionaire businessman said that for fellow New Yorker Trump, “the art of the deal is simply cheating people and not caring about how badly they get hurt and now he’s doing it to the American people.”

Bloomberg also told a meeting of the Democratic Business Council of Northern Virginia that he thinks “it’s clear that this president, at this point, cannot be helped.”

The remarks by Bloomberg, a former Republican who registered as a Democrat only last fall, were some of his toughest against Trump since Bloomberg’s speech to the Democratic National Convention more than two years ago. Back then, Bloomberg warned of the prospect of a Trump presidency: “God help us.”

Bloomberg reflected upon that 2016 speech repeatedly on Friday, and he went further, suggesting that the government shutdown has proved that his initial warning about Trump was correct.

“The presidency is not an entry level job. There’s just too much at stake,” Bloomberg said. “And the longer we have a pretend CEO who’s recklessly running this country, the worst it’s going to be for our economy and our security.

He added: “This is really dangerous.”

Bloomberg’s warm reception at the business-friendly audience highlighted the chief political challenge should he enter the 2020 race. Liberal activists, who like to attack what they call “corporate Democrats,” play a far more prominent role in the primary process than do the kind of business executives who gave him a standing ovation Friday.

One of the most prominent early Democratic candidates, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, has warned against the role of billionaires in the presidential primary process.

Bloomberg tried to make the case for both capitalism and a centrist candidate, suggesting that Democrats don’t need to choose between “energizing the base” and “pragmatic leadership.”

Asked about his 2020 intentions, he acknowledged that he has “a good life” and can make a difference even if he doesn’t run.

“Having said that, I don’t like walking away from challenges.”


8 Responses

  1. And Bl$$mberg giving the voters of NYC the finger and changing the law of term limits only for himself, is not selfish and self serving???!

  2. Mikey the hypocrite dictator who ran a 3rd term in NYC despite 2 referendums by voters for term limits, opening his globally warmed trap. Another deranged Trump jealous hater… A swamp-croc who hates 16 oz. cups & plastic straws. Your train left 2 years ago… Dems ain’t interested in a stuffy, boring “centrist” like you anymore..
    You’re so pathetic when you, the billionaire AK be trying to kiss up to the lefty lunatics.. Go biking… Don’t forget to don a recycled helmet, ye ‘ole shmoe.

  3. The remarks by Bloomberg, a former Republican who registered as a Democrat only last fall,
    Not exactly. Sort of more like a democrat who switched to republican to run for mayor in New York and now switched back to run for president.
    A sick opportunist.
    Heaven help us if he becomes president
    National alternate side
    Tickets for every type of offense
    Extreme green environmentalist
    Size limits on
    Homes, cars, family size, clothes, income, portions, probably sleep and vacation too

    A hypocrite of the highest order.
    Called out Giuliani for suggesting that he stay on, at the height of his popularity, In the aftermath of 9-11, for 90 days to allow some stability, because there were two term as term limits.
    Then he overturned that in his hungry quest for power allowing himself three terms.
    Put wall unit air-conditioners going all day in his limo while pontificating about saving the planet.
    A plain pompous jerk totally uncaring about the common man.
    Not worthy of cleaning trumps feet, who for all his many faults is a compassionate man

  4. To win the Democratic nomination he has to appeal to the radical “resistance” while still seeming moderate to the “middle” of both parties (the traditional, pre-Trump Republicans, and the old fashioned non-socialist Democrats). And he has to convince the socialists who favor confiscating his property to vote for him anyways. He might be better off planning to to run as an independent, since Trump and the “Socialist Democrats” are creating a huge gap he can run through.

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