A Yeshiva Bochur was taken to a hospital after he was assaulted by a group of thugs last night on a quiet Baltimore Street. The Bochur who was suddenly attacked at approximately 10:30PM on Glenglye Road near Labryinth, sustained head and other injuries. EMS responded to the scene, and transported him to a nearby hospital, but was Boruch Hashem released early this morning.
It is unknown if anything was taken from the Bochur, what their motive was (gang/criminal/hate crime), or if any weapon was displayed. If you have any information which can assist is apprehending this group of African-American males, please contact the Baltimore PD with the information.
12 Responses
I am sorry but if you live in Baltimore you know there are no Quiet Baltimore street on the “other side” of Park Heights”.
I believe it was labyrinth and gist
B”H he is OK
Where does Labyrinth meet Glengyle?
Glengyle? Oh my.
bizrizut,what’s your point?!
Any word on the name of the bochur?
The other side of Park Heights is toward Reistertown. It’s pretty scary there! Welcome to Baltimore!
Nice to see how the “other people” view Upper Park Heights. Criminal activity takes place throughout Baltimore, not just the 21215 zip area.
Yes, attacks occur more often in these areas. You are absolutely right. I wouldn’t walk there by myself at night. However, I have been stalked in Greenspring and I was mugged on Smith Ave near the Greenspring shopping area. I wouldn’t walk anywhere in Baltimore at night by myself, regardless if I was by Fallstaff and Clarks or Fallstaff and Gist. Don’t make people feel bad because they decided to risk living in the “scary” neighborhoods between Park Heights and Reistertown Rd because that’s the affordable housing market for them. Maybe you’d have a better understanding of that part of the community if you lived there, but you live on the good side.
It’s unkown? As an ER nurse at Sinai- where the boy was taken, I assure you it was gang related. We see six or seven every week, same story- the “thugs” are between 13-16 african american, and is part of their initiation into the gang, which looks to them to do their dirty work- moving narcotics, spraying their gang signs in their territories etc. b/c nothing happens to the them in court b/c they are minors. The objective is rarely if ever money, just purley the fight/intimidation sh’e bo. They look for easy targets, anyone alone, anyone who would not be carrying a weapon….
I don’t know if it’s at all reassuring to ppl, but I see a lot of middle aged african americans also who are assulted by these kids in the neighborhood- it’s not exclusively the frum community, though we may be seen as easy targets esp. because some of our leadership likes to make a whole lot of noise about how they are addressing the problem though when push comes to shove, they don’t want to mess with their political connections. Stay tuned from the letter from NWCP telling us how they got this problem under control- I give it 4 days. (Yes, I know that they are a fabulous organization that does a lot of chessed, however they do need to stop comming out with letters after a few meetings with the head of BYPD telling us they have solved the gang problem- just stick to the potrol, you’re good at that- know what I’m saying?)
The NWCP patrol ends at 10 pm and everyone knows not to cause trouble in the frum community before that time. They also know that on shabbos and yom tov night there’s no patrol. Last year Pesach on one of the nights of the sedorim a few frum people were beaten up between Park Heights and Reistertown. Statistics have shown that during the hours of patrol crime is less. It’s a definite deterrent. Overall though the crime rate in baltimore is less than in other frum kehillos. Yes between Park Heights and Reisterstown there is alot more crime than cheswolde,Greenspring, Ranchleigh but maybe the patrol could go for longer just in those areas? It’s also the most heavily populated frum areas, very vibrant B”H, shuls on every block,very yeshivish area, great place to live otherwise.
DO NOT BOTHER READING THIS IF YOU DONT LIVE IN BALTIMORE! People talk as if its as bad as the other side of Northern Parkway. Well you no What. There is alot more crime in the Glen Neighborhood (Clover, Highgate, Narcisus etc. which is a 2 minute walk from Northern Parkway. And you no what I am not afraid to walk anywhere at night, thats not passed Glen ave. Here are a few suggestions for anyone afraid to walk alone at night. Be aware of your suroundings. If you say a gang do not hesitate to cross the street, run,or turn around and walk in the opposite direction .Carry Legal Selfe defence wweapon.