VIDEO & PHOTOS: NYPD Rescues Hawk That Landed in Middle of Busy Williamsburg Street

It was a wild sight in Williamsburg Wednesday night, when a hawk – a bird rarely seen in the city – landed at the intersection of Lorimer Street and Lee Avenue around 6:00PM.

Dozens gawked as police worked to rescue the bird in dire need of help.

The bird of prey was covered in grease and nearly got hit by oncoming traffic.

It’s now being treated at a wildlife rehabilitation center, after it was found to have lead poisoning as well.

4 Responses

  1. Moshiach is here and this may have been the bird we are supposed to be flying on to E”Y. Or the bird is a gilgul coming back to ask mechila for being involved in the Satmar Machlokes.

  2. Hawks, falcons and other raptors are not that rare in NYC. They often nest atop large high rises and kill rats. Of course they do die, due to ingesting rat poison when consuming poisoned rats. It would behoove the city to switch to a single kill poison and let the skillful night and day hunters do their jobs.

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