Nachum Segal Network To Originate From Atlanta For Acclaimed “Kosher Halftime Show” & Focus On Southern Communities

Top Jewish radio personality Nachum Segal will be broadcasting live from Atlanta during the week of January 28th and will be recording the network’s acclaimed Super Bowl “Kosher Halftime Show” while there. Many local Jewish community leaders and institutions will be featured on its programming throughout the week including several other Jewish communities throughout the South.

The Nachum Segal Network’s live broadcasts will include four of its flagship JM in the AM shows in addition to “That’s Life” with Miriam L. Wallach and “Table for Two” with Naomi Nachman. All shows will feature interviews with Atlanta community leaders including Israel Consul General to Atlanta Judith Varnai Shorer, President and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Eric Robbins, Beth Jacob of Atlanta’s Rabbi Ilan Feldman, Young Israel of Toco Hills’ Rabbi Adam Starr and many others. “Table for Two” will be recorded from The Spicy Peach, Atlanta’s premiere Kosher marketplace. The show will be available at and

“We’re very excited about taking our show on the road to Atlanta. They are an MVP of the American Jewish community today,” said Nachum Segal, president and host of NSN. “The community there has become a capital of the Jewish south and that combined with Super Bowl LIII taking place there made it the perfect venue and time to highlight the community.”

The Atlanta Jewish community is known for its hospitality and warmth. In September 2017, as Hurricane Irma, the largest storm the Atlantic had ever seen, prepared to hit Florida, the Jewish community of Atlanta mobilized efforts to taken in more than 1,500 South Florida evacuees. The community also hosted evacuees from Hurricane Wilma in 2005 and evacuees from Savannah and Charleston from Hurricane Matthew in 2016. The community has become a Jewish capital of the south.

“The Jewish community of Atlanta is very excited about having Nachum Segal and his network join us for the week leading up the Super Bowl,” said Robbins. “The network does important work highlighting the star players of the Jewish community and this is a wonderful opportunity for us to share with their listeners some of the highlights of our community. The excitement in the community is palpable.”

Through its partnership with the Orthodox Union on this event, JM in the AM will be featuring interviews with leaders of other Jewish communities in the south and provide them the opportunity to share about their community and why they are a great choice for families. Representatives from Birmingham, AL; Savannah, GA; Charleston, SC; Jacksonville, FL; Charlotte, NC; Orlando, FL; Memphis, TN and many others will join live.

The trip is planned for the week leading up to Super Bowl LIII which will take place on Sunday, Feb. 3 at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta and the Nachum Segal Network will be recording its sixth annual “Kosher Halftime Show” to coincide with the game and will include participation from the local Atlanta Jewish community. The show will include world renown violinist Daniel Ahaviel, Atlanta’s very own Sammy K – the top Orthodox Jewish rapper who performs music influenced by secular rappers and hip-hop artists – and social media influencer Meir Kay.

Kosher Halftime Show 2019, hosted by Nachum Segal, debuts on at 8pm ET Feb. 3, Follow along on social media #KHS2019. JM in the AM programming for this week is sponsored by the American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and the Orthodox Union. The Kosher Halftime Show is presented by The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP with commercials from Dorot Gardens, Mightly Sesame,, Natural and Kosher and YU SYMS EMBA Program.

The Nachum Segal Network is committed to providing motivating, essential and timely content to an international Jewish audience on a daily basis. The principles of its founder, Nachum Segal, guide the network and its staff by providing quality programming that appeals to a sophisticated and informed audience. Nachum Segal’s uses the network as a platform to show unity, support and care for Jews throughout the world. NSN proudly features content that is dedicated to family values and that encourages a life committed to spiritual growth and the love of Israel. For more information and live coverage visit: and download the NSN App.

One Response

  1. A star-studded lineup set up on Nachum Segal Show with one notable omission. Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, of Toco Hills, who heads the largest NCSY chapter in the country with over 2000 kids in his program should be featured on this program. If as Segal says, Atlanta is the MVP of the Jewish community, Rabbi Neiditch is the MVP of Atlanta. If as Robbins says, the show is to highlight the star players of the Jewish community, there’s no bigger star down south.

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