Keeping Jewish US Soldiers In Mind Over Pesach

us soldier.jpgA YWN reader submitted the following:

As we prepare for Pesach, I encourage YWN readers to consider our brethren serving in the United States Armed Forces. YWN has diligently informed its readers of unfortunate casualties, and YWN readers, judging from their responses to these articles, have deep concern for Jewish soldiers serving overseas. The Jewish War Veterans Association, which can be visited by clicking HERE, can arrange for the delivery of care packages to soldiers overseas. I have read notes of thanks from overseas soldiers’ describing their  appreciation for the things we take for granted at our local market; a bit of Pesachdike’ snack or similar yom-tov treat can bring joy to a serviceman, not only for the delight of the treat itself, but also for the affirmation that his fellow Yidden are thinking of him.

Many on YWN have affirmed the sentiment that we live in a medina shel chesed. Let’s share those feelings, in deeds, to those who help protect it.

6 Responses

  1. FYI: The US Postal service will send a box (that you can get at any post office) unlimited weight for $9.95 to any soldier. My school had a chesed drive to raise money and food for these Jewish soldiers. The response was huge.

  2. Our neighborhood has already sent out a few hundred boxes to Jewish soldiers overseas. If you are sending to Iraq and Afganistan you may be better off packing it in your own box (unless what you are sending is extremely heavy).

    If you are going to do a large project, and what you are sending will actually fit into their box, then ask the post office for a comparison.

  3. These are wonderful and thoughtful ideas for our brothers serving the US.

    However, we always must remember and daven also for our brothers, serving and defending OUR real country, חילי צבא הגנה לישראל

  4. We never forget our friends and families in Israel.

    However, when sending to the IDF, we have been advised that it is more cost efficient to send money to Israel and have the packages assembled there than to pay for the postage from the US.

    In addition, many of the items sent for Purim and Pesach are manufactured in Israel.

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