WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Warns WORLD IS ENDING in 12 Years! Calls America “Immoral” For Allowing Billionaires

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (D-N.Y.) spoke out on Monday about the urgency to take on climate change, comparing it to World War II.

Speaking at an event commemorating Martin Luther King Day, Ocasio-Cortez expressed how the issue of climate change is a “generational” issue that younger people are more focused on.

Here’s an excerpt from her interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates:

“And I think the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people, in Gen Z, and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we’re like, the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change. You’re biggest issue, your biggest issue is how are going to pay for it? — and like this is the war, this is our World War II. And I think for younger people looking at this are more like, how are we saying let’s take it easy when 3,000 Americans died last year, how are we saying let’s take it easy when the end person died from our cruel and unjust criminal justice system?

How are we saying take it easy, the America that we’re living in today is dystopian with people sleeping in their cars so they can work a second job without healthcare and we’re told to settle down. It’s a fundamental separation between that fierce urgency of now, the why we can’t wait that King spoke of. That at some point this chronic reality do reach a breaking point and I think for our generation it reached that, I wished I didn’t have to be doing every post, but sometimes I just feel like people aren’t being held accountable. Until, we start pitching in and holding people accountable, I’m just gonna let them have it.”

She also said its “immoral” how America’s economic system “allows billionaires to exist”.

21 Responses

  1. Wow. First time I’ve seen her speak. She’s a real inarticulate dult. Watch her body language. She is making up the answers as she speaks. Shifting, squirming. How did she get to become a US Congresswoman?

  2. I protest YWN for carrying any news about this lunatic. She is a disgrace to the House of Representatives. It’s not just her insane ideas, but the fact that they are the product of one of the poorest funds of knowledge that we have encountered.

    Those espousing the idiocy that she does need to be either crushed, trounced out of office by overwhelming votes, or ignored. The average stray cat who has far more intellect than this bimbo will return many times for its morsel of food or lap of milk. But at some point, when we get sick enough of the stray cat, we greet it with enough discomfort or ignore it enough that it just goes away.

  3. Ben Shapiro offered her $10,000 to debate her. She was so afraid of being showed up, she hemmed and hawed her way out of it. If all we have left is 12 years, it’s to late to do anything at this time. If you want to see the future, learn Perek Chelek in depth, with the Rishonim and Achronim.

  4. This is a poster child of Democrat party. Democrats must be proud Pelosi appointed this clueless Bolshevik to the Finance Comity. American finances now are in good hands.

  5. Her full statement in context was that it is “wrong” that billionaires can coexist in a country alongside “parts of Alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don’t have access to public health.”
    She also said that “I don’t think that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral,” she qualified, citing Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, both major philanthropists.

    This is the exact Torah view. Rich people are obligated to share their wealth with the less fortunate.Does anybody argue ? Is Tzdaka not an obligatory Mitzvah? Isn’t there a din of Kofin al Hatzdaka?

    Did she advocate that we hang billionaires ?
    It is obvious that YWN has an agenda against her.

  6. it is special that America allows nut cases to be law makers and speak in Congress. No other country would do such a thing. Guess they are not democratic enough…..

  7. Not getting involved:
    She got to become a congress woman because her electorate is just as dumb or even dumber than she is.
    And a recent poll (might be rigged) shows that 75% of democrats would vote for her for president.
    This country will go down the tubes much before the 12-year deadline for the rest of the world.

  8. wow- seems all the smart commenters here never heard of hyperbole. let me guess you all approve of trump saying he is the “greatest” President. drugs are “pouring ” through the open borders. etc etc..”the hordes” (dark skinned, of course) are ” invading” the US, etc, etc

  9. rabbiofberlin, trump makes a lot more sense then this loony toon! He;s trying to save the country from the likes of this dummy. All she wants to do is outlaw billionaires. Just brilliant! She has the communist mentality that there shouldn’t be some rich and some poor. Everyone should be poor! (except people like her of course!)

  10. Now it explains why suddenly many States decided to legalize dope. In a latest survey 74% Democrats want her to be a president in 2020.

  11. ahavas Yisroel; so, you want to go back to the good old days when there was no social security, no medicare or Medicaid, no food stamps (a favorite of chassidim), no section 8 (another Chassidic favorite) and, of course, no health care. well, count me out. I prefer a society that is just and cares for all members of society. Funny that, this also seems to the real Torah view, not the one you espouse.

  12. According to Halacha, an individual is required to give maaser 10% and if they are able and want to they can give chomesh 20%. Notice the difference between these numbers and a 70% tax rate on millionaires this moron and other socialist democrats are touting. Halacha is based on property rights and gezel is assur even if it’s a faceless government stealing your money. The new democrats are ignorant of history – they want to import communism – the wealthy will leave and the country wil collapse. Move to E”Y sooner than later.

  13. ROB:

    You’re being ridiculous. Trump may exaggerate, and a whole lot of his tweets and other statements are childish. I’m embarrassed about it, and he should be. But the policies he is pushing are not only morally correct, but are best for the country, including for complete idiots like Ocasio.

    As for what is not exaggerated (except for maybe the choice of words), drugs are pouring in through an open border. I heard the statements from border patrol authorities that believe that the bulk of drugs come through checkpoints. I doubt that, as there is really no way to know how much crosses the border that is not detected. Next, the hordes coming across the border. That’s actually correct. Even the Dems don’t deny that. They just want that to happen, and are outraged that someone wants to put a stop to this invasion. Yes, I called it an invasion, because it is. Acosta is wrong on this, and Trump is right. And this unfettered access to the border enables terrorists, gangs, and contraband. At least someone wants to stop it. And the Dems have no plan for that, except to obstruct anything from Trump. May they all be ousted from politics.

  14. the little I know: there is no use arguing with you. You deny facts that don’t fit into your cozy imaginary world. There are no hordes and there is no invasion. The US is a country of 340 million people and the so-called “hordes’ are a few thousand miserable poor people. THAT is an invasion?? And you even deny that the vast majority of drugs do come through normal channels. No, they don’t have little men carrying a few bags of weed across the desert. They have boats and trucks and planes, none of which will be deterred by any wall. You have been deluded by lies and racist comments and I am glad that Democrats are back controlling the House.

  15. This rosho in Congress is a message from Hakodosh Borruch Hu, that we are in golus and a politician who got elected in an unusual way could Chas Vsholom make our lives as frum Jews difficult. Time to do Teshuvah, daven and realize that we are in Golus.

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