FAKE NEWS? Student in ‘MAGA’ Hat Responds to Accusation He Mocked Native American in Viral Videos

The student who stared and smiled at an elderly Native American protester drumming in his face outside the Lincoln Memorial as his schoolmates chanted and laughed says he did nothing to provoke the man in the videotaped confrontation and was only trying to calm the situation.

The student identified himself in an email statement (read IN FULL in extended article) Sunday evening as junior Nick Sandmann of Covington Catholic High School in a northern Kentucky suburb of Cincinnati.

Videos posted of the confrontation drew wide criticism on social media. “I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name,” wrote Sandmann, who added that he and his parents have received death threats since video of Friday’s confrontation emerged.

Both Sandmann and Nathan Phillips say they were trying to defuse tensions that were rising among three groups on a day Washington hosted both the March for Life and the Indigenous Peoples March. But video of Sandmann standing very close to Phillips, staring and at times smiling at him as Phillips sang and played a drum, gave many who watched it a different impression. Other students appeared to be laughing at the drummer; and at least one could be seen on video doing a tomahawk chop.

The dueling accounts emerged Sunday as the nation picked apart footage from dozens of cellphones that recorded the incident on Friday in Washington amid an increasingly divided political climate fueled by a partial government shutdown over immigration policy.

Phillips had approached Sandmann, but well before that, both his group and Sandmann’s, which had taken part in the anti-abortion rally, were confronted by a third group that appeared to be affiliated with the Black Hebrew Israelite movement.

Videos show members of the religious group yelling disparaging and profane insults at the students, who taunt them in return. Video also shows the Native Americans being insulted by the small religious group.

Sandmann wrote that the students were called “racists,” ″bigots,” ″white crackers” and “incest kids” by the third group. He said a teacher chaperone gave the students permission to begin their school chants “to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group.”

One of those chants, however, is what led Phillips and Marcus Frejo, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole tribes, to approach the youths.

It was a haka — a war dance of New Zealand’s indigenous Maori culture, made famous by the country’s national rugby team. Frejo, who is also known as Chief Quese Imc, told the AP in a phone interview that he felt the students were mocking the dance.

Phillips, an activist described by the Indian Country Today website as an Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran, said in an interview with The Associated Press that he was trying to keep peace between the high school students and the religious group.

He said he heard people chanting “Build that wall” or yelling, “Go back to the reservation.” At one point, he said, he sought to ascend to the Lincoln statue and “pray for our country.” Some students backed off, but one student wouldn’t let him move, he added.

“They were making remarks to each other … (such as) ‘In my state those Indians are nothing but a bunch of drunks.’ How do I report that?” Phillips said. “These young people were just roughshodding through our space, like what’s been going on for 500 years here — just walking through our territories, feeling like ‘this is ours.’”

Sandmann said he heard no student chant anything beyond school spirit chants, and that he hadn’t even been aware of the Native American group until Phillips approached him.

“The protester everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path,” Sandmann wrote. “He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.”

Sandmann said one of the Native American protesters yelled at them that they “stole our land” and they should “go back to Europe,” but that he never spoke to or interacted with Phillips. “To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me.”

He wrote that he “believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping defuse the situation.”

“I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand,” he wrote. He said the incident ended when the buses arrived and his teacher told him it was time to leave.

Though many commenting on the internet were taken back by Sandmann staring at Philipps, the teen said he was “not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation.” He said he had never encountered any kind of public protest before.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington apologized for the incident on Saturday, saying “this behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.” They promised to take “appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.”

Sandmann said he has provided a copy of his statement to the diocese and said: “I stand ready and willing to cooperate with any investigation they are conducting.” A spokeswoman for the diocese did not return an email Sunday night.

Covington Catholic High School, in the northern Kentucky city of Park Hills, was quiet Sunday as the area remained snow-covered with temperatures in the teens. The all-male school, which has more than 580 students, appeared deserted with an empty police car parked in front of the building.

FULL STATEMENT BY THE STUDENT, Nick Sandmann, a junior at Covington Catholic High School:

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me.

I am the student in the video who was confronted by the Native American protestor. I arrived at the Lincoln Memorial at 4:30 p.m. I was told to be there by 5:30 p.m., when our busses were due to leave Washington for the trip back to Kentucky. We had been attending the March for Life rally, and then had split up into small groups to do sightseeing.

When we arrived, we noticed four African American protestors who were also on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I am not sure what they were protesting, and I did not interact with them. I did hear them direct derogatory insults at our school group.

The protestors said hateful things. They called us “racists,” “bigots,” “white crackers,” “faggots,” and “incest kids.” They also taunted an African American student from my school by telling him that we would “harvest his organs.” I have no idea what that insult means, but it was startling to hear.

Because we were being loudly attacked and taunted in public, a student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the hateful things that were being shouted at our group. The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound like what you would hear at any high school. Our chaperone gave us permission to use our school chants. We would not have done that without obtaining permission from the adults in charge of our group.

At no time did I hear any student chant anything other than the school spirit chants. I did not witness or hear any students chant “build that wall” or anything hateful or racist at any time. Assertions to the contrary are simply false. Our chants were loud because we wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us by the protestors.

After a few minutes of chanting, the Native American protestors, who I hadn’t previously noticed, approached our group. The Native American protestors had drums and were accompanied by at least one person with a camera.

The protestor everyone has seen in the video began playing his drum as he waded into the crowd, which parted for him. I did not see anyone try to block his path. He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face. He played his drum the entire time he was in my face.

I never interacted with this protestor. I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protestors, and when the second group approached I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers.

I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to diffuse the situation. I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict. I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.

During the period of the drumming, a member of the protestor’s entourage began yelling at a fellow student that we “stole our land” and that we should “go back to Europe.” I heard one of my fellow students begin to respond. I motioned to my classmate and tried to get him to stop engaging with the protestor, as I was still in the mindset that we needed to calm down tensions.
I never felt like I was blocking the Native American protestor. He did not make any attempt to go around me. It was clear to me that he had singled me out for a confrontation, although I am not sure why.

The engagement ended when one of our teachers told me the busses had arrived and it was time to go. I obeyed my teacher and simply walked to the busses. At that moment, I thought I had diffused the situation by remaining calm, and I was thankful nothing physical had occurred.

I never understood why either of the two groups of protestors were engaging with us, or exactly what they were protesting at the Lincoln Memorial. We were simply there to meet a bus, not become central players in a media spectacle. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever encountered any sort of public protest, let alone this kind of confrontation or demonstration.

I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation. I am a faithful Christian and practicing Catholic, and I always try to live up to the ideals my faith teaches me — to remain respectful of others, and to take no action that would lead to conflict or violence.

I harbor no ill will for this person. I respect this person’s right to protest and engage in free speech activities, and I support his chanting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial any day of the week. I believe he should re-think his tactics of invading the personal space of others, but that is his choice to make.

I am being called every name in the book, including a racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name. My parents were not on the trip, and I strive to represent my family in a respectful way in all public settings.
I have received physical and death threats via social media, as well as hateful insults. One person threatened to harm me at school, and one person claims to live in my neighborhood. My parents are receiving death and professional threats because of the social media mob that has formed over this issue.

I love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I work hard to achieve good grades and to participate in several extracurricular activities. I am mortified that so many people have come to believe something that did not happen — that students from my school were chanting or acting in a racist fashion toward African Americans or Native Americans. I did not do that, do not have hateful feelings in my heart, and did not witness any of my classmates doing that.

I cannot speak for everyone, only for myself. But I can tell you my experience with Covington Catholic is that students are respectful of all races and cultures. We also support everyone’s right to free speech.

I am not going to comment on the words or account of Mr. Phillips, as I don’t know him and would not presume to know what is in his heart or mind. Nor am I going to comment further on the other protestors, as I don’t know their hearts or minds, either.

I have read that Mr. Phillips is a veteran of the United States Marines. I thank him for his service and am grateful to anyone who puts on the uniform to defend our nation. If anyone has earned the right to speak freely, it is a U.S. Marine veteran.

I can only speak for myself and what I observed and felt at the time. But I would caution everyone passing judgement based on a few seconds of video to watch the longer video clips that are on the internet, as they show a much different story than is being portrayed by people with agendas.

I provided this account of events to the Diocese of Covington so they may know exactly what happened, and I stand ready and willing to cooperate with any investigation they are conducting.


28 Responses

  1. This story of harassment is more of the Leftist lies about those who support Trump
    The letter the student wrote to WKRC includes links to videos that back up his story.
    A video posted to Facebook shows the beginning of the incident. The students are off by themselves doing school cheers when Phillips and his fellow Native American activists walk over to them, beating drums and chanting, and enter the students’ space.
    This video shows the beginning of the confrontation by Phillips where he tests several students before selecting one boy wearing a MAGA hat to target for abuse. Phillips is moving freely about and steps up to the student as he bangs his drum in the boy’s face and loudly chants at him in a language the boy does not understand. Phillips does not attempt to speak to the boy. Phillips doesn’t ask him to move nor does he explain what he is doing.
    Another video shows the during and after. At about 1:38 a Native American man tells one of the students, “white people go back to Europe. This is not your land.” The incident with Phillips does not even last three minutes. Toward the end, the boy who was targeted by Phillips turns to a fellow student to hush him after he heard him swear, gesturing him to chill because Phillips was still chanting.
    This has been a shameful day for the media as well as for the Covington Diocese and school administrators who threw their students under the bus without any attempt to learn the truth. The Diocese and school issued an apology that condemned their students and threatened them with expulsion before the facts were in.
    Hopefully someone will hear the plea of the student for the truth to be reported.

  2. I feel that buly kids hostility in Israel may thousands of miles away. Imagine if the elder was a chasid drumming out a chasidishe nigun, and those zevel lavan kids were mob disrespecting him like they did here. No Jew would have any question what was intended.
    Trump is the leader of every evil impulse known to man. He brings out the worst in every american.

  3. The kid standing in front of Mr. Phillips was definitely threatening him. Standing that close in front of a person staring into their face is well known on the streets (and in the movies/TV) as a threat. This is bullying, pure and simple. For a teenager to do this to a frail older person is simply unacceptable. What is Covington teaching its students? At some points in one of the videos I’ve seen you can see him looking around at his friends to see what kind of impression he’s making.

    The next time it might not be a Native American. It might be a Jew in Chassidishe malbush. Remember – most white people don’t think of Jews as “really white.” It might be the turn of one of ours next.

  4. Written by Rodgers and Hammerstein.

    You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You’ve got to be carefully taught!

  5. One student wrote to a local news outlet begging it to tell the full story about what happened at the march:

    I am a student at Covington Catholic and was present at the occurrence. Here is what truly happened …

    In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat. … However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phililps beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt. … To reiterate, we did not partake in any physical or verbal abuse … After that initial occurrence, we were then verbally assaulted by four or five African-American men who called us “faggots” and berated one of our African-American students for being friends with us. The truth needs to come out. I pray that you read this …

  6. Midwest2, it’s the alte zetzer who got in the kid’s face first, good for him that he didn’t back off. The school will have to apologise to him for not listening to his side.

  7. You know i am right, seichel in galus
    If he was a chassid you would be convulsing in anger.
    Your public defense of bullying an elder vietnam war vetran is a public disgrace to Torah Jews worldwide, and proves how trump has brought out the worst in you.
    Busha ve cherpa to yidden everywhere

  8. The kid standing in front of Mr. Phillips was definitely threatening him. Standing that close in front of a person staring into their face is well known on the streets (and in the movies/TV) as a threat

    Wasn’t mr Phillips staring into the boys face too?

  9. chareidi stupidi, your case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is so severe that facts and reason dot not even register in brain. .

  10. That’s why it’s so important that when you have a group of kids going as class you always have a rebbi, teacher or guide go along with them to supervise. All you need it one kid to do something stupid and the rest follow or laugh along, and then the next thing you know it’s all over social media.

  11. One thing is fairly certain, no one commenting here was there and really doesn’t know the complete truthful story, and will rely on reporting that they favor or the explanation of the side they favor. One other thing is certain from a Jewish perspective, elders are to be treated with respect and deference, this man certainly seems to be no threat. You have a choice to remain or simply walk away.

  12. huju, most people all over the world are “illegal immigrants”. How do you think the European ancestors came to Europe? How do you think the Native Americans came to the Americas? You think they emigrated “legally”? At a certain point in today’s world there needs to be modern laws of protecting citizens and borders the modern way. So your reference of the boy’s ancestors being illegal is ridiculous. That Native American Phillips is here just as illegaly only with a 1,000 years difference, maybe less, maybe more. In any case, it is highly likely that Phillips has some European ancestors as well.

  13. rt, one thing is for certain, the video doesn’t like. Phillips invaded the boys space and that’s all that matters. If Phillip would invade my space like that I’d give him a punch in the nose regardless if he’s older. You don’t have to take abuse from older people. In Judaism there’s no rights of elders to abuse younger people, stop defending abusive actions.

  14. If it was my son that got bullied like that boy i would put that drum though that old bully’s head, no matter of his age. Good for that boy who remained calm and stood his ground.

  15. Nathan Phillips has a history showing that he is a professional liar and agitator, who deliberately set out to create a confrontation, just as he has done before. That’s why he had someone filming the whole thing, so he could use the edited video to create a blood libel.

    I see no reason to believe his claim to be a veteran, so he deserves no respect for that. And he certainly does not deserve respect simply for being older. זקן is זה שקנה חכמה, not someone who deliberately confronts an innocent teenager for no valid reason.

    In any case, of all those complaining that Phillips deserved respect for his age, not a single one expressed any objection to the video of young people viciously harassing an elderly pro-Kavanaugh demonstrator just three months ago (you can find it on youtube by searching for “Leftists harass an elderly Trump/Kavanaugh supporter”), so they are all hypocrites.

  16. It’s a pity that links aren’t permitted. But this school has a history of students wearing black face at school events. It’s worth a google.

  17. Milhouse- you are correct regarding זקן, but the Torah also says מפני שיבע תקום, which is an older person. But besides that, what is wrong with having derech eretz and mencshlichkeit? There’s no mitzvah to get involved in a machlokes. Moshe Rabbenu tried to make sholom with Korach, who was definitely out to get him personally.

  18. Amil Zola, how is dressing up as a blackface different than dressing up as an Indian with feathers in one’s hair and darkish complexion, as a Chinese and drawing almond eyes on one’s face or dressing up as Chassidic Jew with sidelocks?

  19. @ Charedi Ameiti:
    You are Fake news at its best!!!! (I guess Amiti is Latin for “liar”)
    You are a complete psycho!!
    Some jerk walks over to this boy and he’s the bully?
    👍👍 no matter how much evidence there is, these leftists will always blame Trump. It’s a lost cause

  20. Philosopher all are equally odious and insensitive and unexcusible. I do have to give the boy’s parents and the school kudos for using the same PR firm to write their statements. It’s amazing what the local news in KY has to say about the schools and the reputations of their students. I’d post some links but unfortunately YWN doesn’t permit.

  21. Amil Zola, there’s nothing insesitive about dressing up as different cultures and races, period. One can dress up as a Scandinavian, or an Eskimo, one can dress as as whatever they want.

    Todays’ liberals mentality is utterly ridiculous.

  22. “Derech Eretz” is to defend yourself from a bully like this Phillips person. I don’t believe for a second that you would have had “derech eretz” for him if he did that to you. The boy would have been 100% correct to push him away or at least to yell at him, but he did lifnim mishuras hadin by staying calm and smiling. Shame on every person who condemned him, and especially shame on Amil Zola who is still slandering these kids.

    By the way, there is nothing wrong with blackface, any more than whiteface or any other kind of makeup. The whole idea that it’s offensive is itself offensive to any reasonable person.

  23. Go Pupa go, i know it is pointless to argue with idiots. I am just trying to expose to the rest of this forum the blind idiocy of hysterical mod where chareidi stupidi, Amil Zola and others belong to.

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