WATCH: Motorcade Of The Skverer Rebbe in Queens After Returning From Pressburg

The Skverer Rebbe returned from a two-week visit to Pressburg on Thursday, and was escorted home from the airport with a motorcade of approximately a dozen vehicles, with flashing lights and blaring sirens.

The motorcade first stopped in Monsey, where the Rebbe was Menachem Avel the family of the Rosh Yeshiva of Shaarei Ephrayim who was Niftar this week.

He then returned to New Square, where he was greeted by hundreds of his Chassidim singing and dancing.

The Rebbe’s vehicle can be seen in the front of the escort.

30 Responses

  1. Jealous. When you have as many followers like the Skverer Rebbe you can also have an escort. Get a life. By the way, I don’t see the necessity of an escort. But why does anyone have to make a big deal out of it?

  2. What an absolute waste of Hatzolah funds and “assets” for this ride that could have been accomplished by Uber/Lyft for $50 !!!!??

  3. As far as I know this is precisely how the Chazon Ish, Steipler, R’ Aron Leib, R’ Shmuel Salant, R’ Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, and YBLC”T R’ Chaim Kanievsky, Amshinover Rebbe, Rachmistrivka Rebbe always travel/ed.

  4. Does The Skverer Rebbe Shlita think this type of production brings kovod to him personally or his chassidus, not to mention Klal Yisroel?

  5. “When you have as many followers like the Skverer Rebbe you can also have an escort. Get a life. By the way, I don’t see the necessity of an escort. But why does anyone have to make a big deal out of it?”

    Because it’s dangerous to have cars flying up the road when there’s no need. Because it’s a huge waste of money that can be used for legitimate causes. Because a Rebbe is supposed to lead by example. The point is there should not be a big deal made, nor should there be a motorcade.

  6. To all the Haters:
    Just FYI, All necessary permits were obtained.
    It’s pathetic that you are so jealous.
    If you want, obtain permits and fly L&S.

    Such losers.

    ברוך הבא לכ״ק אדמור שליט״א

  7. I hate bad behavior that causes G-d and his Torah to appear odious.
    If that makes me a hater, then guilty as charged.

  8. Go Pupa go, it is disappointment, not hate of a Rebbe appearing ostentatious when we are all told to cut back on elaborate simchos and here is an elaborate display of childishness. We want to see Rebbes being serious in action, not only serious facial expression at tischen. Such displays of attention when we are in golus is uncomfortable and goes against what Jews should strive for.

    So it’s not hate of the Rebbe and his Chassidim, rather hate of such immature displays and disappointment in people we should look up to.

  9. No one has ever explained why these “motorcades” are necessary. Has there been some security threat from the Vishnitz or Satmar against the Rebbe shlita? Was there some medical need to rush the Rebbe home from the airport?? Is there some mesorah going back to the Ba’al Shem Tov who in the 1700s only travelled in a procession of horse-drawen wagons decked out in bells and red flags led by chassidim blowing horns? There seems to be a disconnect between the stated preferences of most of these gadolim to live a simple , non-materialistic and modest lifestyle and theirchassidim who seem to push in exactly the opposite direction with their motorcades, private-jets etc more consistent with the lifestyle of the “Rich and Famous”. Yes, there might be a rare eventor emergency where a motorcade is necessary but as several posters above have noted, getting from JFK to NS hardly seems to be such an occasion.

  10. when i was growing up in boro park there was a tzadik a goan sbgaoinim
    the sadavne rav ztl
    i used to see him traveling on the b train like a regular person
    rebbes did not need caddys suburbabns escalades and ten gaboim

  11. GH said above
    “Is there some mesorah going back to the Ba’al Shem Tov who in the 1700s only travelled in a procession of horse-drawen wagons decked out in bells and red flags led by chassidim blowing horns? ”

    Careful with your question, someone might just say yes and create new history.

  12. How do you know that the Rebbe, shlita, wanted this motorcade? Maybe he innocently got into his car and then they started the whole thing without him even realizing that it would take place. Also, the rebbis do not need this kavod but it is good for the chassidim to give it. And just look at all those chassidim who came out to meet him! What a beautiful display of love.

    I would really advise all of you not to speak loshen harah about the rebbe or any other frum Jew, for that matter. You are going into dangerous waters.

  13. most comments here are not personal against the rebbe chas vsholom
    just trying to figure out whay every rebbe needs a few caddys and escalades and gaboim who do nothing all day running around with the rebbe
    when the chasidim are just trying to make ends meet and are on all the programs in the book

  14. In a serious note, I’m certain the chassidim of these rabbonim truly believe that are showing “kavod” for their rebbe by engaging in these excessive displays or over the top travel arrangements but in reality, are doing exactly the opposite. In this regard, its my impression that the followers of many of the Litvish gadollim show a considerably greater level of restraint in their logistical arrangements as well as living arrangements.

  15. litvishe gedolim are meant to be admired; rebbes are worshipped. worship is defined by current standards. vie es christelt zuch azoi yiddelt zoch.

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