Ukrainian Cemetery Being Closed

cemetery.jpgIn the western Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, Rabbi Shaul Horowitz is busy collecting bones, bones from graves that will bulldozed as a result of the city having signed a contract with a local builder for a new housing unit.

Rabbi Horowitz, the city’s rabbi, asked city authorities to turn over control of the cemetery to the Jewish community to permit the start of the process involved.

The rabbi arrived on Wednesday with a number of supporters from Uman and they began amassing bones for re-interment in another location.

While in the past, the removal of a cemetery may have been cause for an outcry, today it is somewhat difficult for the Jewish community to express opposition after Ariel Sharon destroyed shuls, mikvos, and the Gush Katif Cemetery.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. mr. spira,may i ask how many times you expressed opposition before gush katif? also i don’t recall that sharon destroyed any shuls or mikvAos? in no way do i mean to apologize for the vegetable sharon but your “analysis” of comparing the ridiculous situation in gaza to a building developement must be questiond.

  2. YWN has done a fantastic job at keeping the News and Op-Ed articals seperate. I beleive that the last statement, as correct as it may be, is overstepping those boundries. Lets keep the news NEWS and the Op-Eds just that!

  3. I don’t see anything wrong with what Mr. Spira wrote.

    Can someone please tell me where the line is drawn between ‘news’ and ‘opinion’?

    How is a “independent” journalist supposed to cover the matzav in the Middle East?

    Does he call the arabs terrorists? Gunman? Militants? Freedom fighters?

    Does he call Yiddin who live in Chevron Settlers? Right Wing extremists? Israelis?

    Unfortunately, in most cases, the media is slanted against Israel instead of being ‘balanced’.

    So, my dear friends, there’s no such thing as reporting being ‘just giving the news’. There will always be a slant.

    And so, what’s wrong with Mr. Spira writing things as they really are? It’s true that any protest we may make against this desecration can be thrown back in our faces by showing how the Israeli government builds highways while shoving bones aside. These athiests are causing all sorts of trouble for Yiddin throughout the world. How can we complain against Toevo when they are welcomed with open arms in Jerusalem to march? In an arab country these deviants would find themselves headless if they tried such actions. Only in Israel do we find actions that are against our Torah.

    Even though there may not be a direct corrolation between a housing development and Gush Katif, but the similarities of disregard for holy places are the same.

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