Israel Chief Rabbinate Warning Regarding Matzot Emunah

home_eng_6.jpg(Taken from Chief Rabbinate Kashrut Update #14– April 9, 2008:) Following is an English overview of portions the latest Chief Rabbinate Kashrut Update:

Of late, Emunah Matzot are being marketed from Chevron, marked under the supervision of Rav Dov Lior Shlita, Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba.

In addition, on the website mentioned, a kashrut certificate from last year is displayed, under the supervision of Rav Elyakim Levnoni Shlita, Rav of Elon Moreh.

The Rabbanut checked with both rabbis regarding the matzot, with both stating that this year, they are in no way connected to the kashrut on the product despite their names being used in the marketing of the product.

The original full Hebrew text is available on the Jerusalem Kosher News website by clicking HERE, in the “Files” section. Other documents in English also appear in the “Pages” section.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Well, well.

    They sold them here at IDT/NDS. I wonder how many people bought these matzos. I sent an email to HR suggesting they throw the sales team of this company out of our building ASAP.

    (I, of course, get Edah only.)

  2. Dear “I, of course, get Edah only”,

    A friend of mine is making his own matzos because he saw matzos being made this year in Meah Shearim and was somehow unimpressed when he noticed the darkly clad fellows with white shirts did NOT wash their hands between the continuous 18 minute batches – I believe the accurate term for the output is “Matzo Chometz”.

    While it is true that besides the Hevron Matzah, I purchased Chabura Matzos for 225 shekel /kilo, I am not prepared to suggest that “I” didn’t have this problem because I got a better Hashgacha.

    We need to maintain a vigil to see to it that ALL the Hashgachos do their job, or we’re ALL in big trouble.

    Before raising your nose at others, a little well deserved humility would be more appropriate.

    As a closing point, I just contacted the Hevron Matzah people and received a fax of a letter from Rav Dov Lior stating that there was a misunderstanding and that the Matzos are Mehadrin.

    What this means is that the Hevron matzoh is Mehadrin according to Rav Lior, while your “I, of course, get Edah only” matzos just might be Assur MiDioraisa on Pesach, possibly causing untold aveiros – both Asei and Lo Taasei.

    I am certain you are pleased that the Hevron matzohs turned out OK; I truly hope yours turn out OK as well.

    With wishes of Chag Kasher ViSameach to ALL,


  3. After seeing this last week I investigated to try to find more information. Upon further investigation, I was provided with two new letters (one printed and one in his ktav yad) from HaRav Leor shlit”a that they are indeed under his hashgacha. I also confirmed with Mrs. Ateret Levinger (daughter in law of HaRav Moshe Levinger shlit”a) that he indeed wrote and signed these letters. I also
    asked HaRav Aviner shlit”a who told me that:
    אם הרב ליאור שוב אישר ,אפשר לסמוך עליו לגמרי .
    (transl- If haRav Leor returned is “permission”,” it is possible to rely on him completely.)

    I have posted the letters from HaRav Leor at
    and .

    Please note that I have no financial interest in the matzot whatsoever (other then buying them as gifts).

    Chag Kasher VeSameach to all!

    Rabbi Shmuel Jablon

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