SICKENING VIDEO: Democrat Congressman Compares Trump to Hitler Y”MS, Other Foolish Claims

Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) blasted President Trump at an Atlanta NAACP gathering on Tuesday, saying that America has an “authoritarian, anti-immigrant racist strongman in the nation’s highest office.”

Johnson continued ripping Trump, saying that Trump has “taken over” the Republican Party much like Adolf Hitler Y”MS took over in Germany prior to World War II.

He then went on to criticize Trump voters as “older, less educated, less prosperous and… [often] dying early” from recurring alcoholism.

“Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again followers…are older, less educated, less prosperous, and they are dying early. Their life spans are decreasing, and many are dying from alcoholism, drug overdoses, liver disease, or simply a broken heart.”

Earlier this week, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said comparing Trump to Hitler YM”S is ‘the cruelest form of minimization of the Holocaust’.

Dershowitz was reacting to several media figures who have compared President Trump to the Nazi party leader, as well as a report that shows 41% of Americans and 66% of millennials “don’t know what Auschwitz was.”

“Anybody who compares Trump or anybody else to Hitler essentially is a Holocaust denier,” Dershowitz said, “because what they’re saying, ‘well, there were no gas chambers, there was no Auschwitz, there no plan to kill six million Jews’.. By comparing it, they minimize it.”


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21 Responses

  1. Chareidi amiti, you should put out your real name so we can all know who is stupid enough to compare a president who is against illegal immigration to a mass murder who caused the death of millions of people and who sought the total extermination of Jewish people and “other undesirables”.

    Wow, the depths of insanity in seemingly normal people is simply beyond my comprehension .

  2. chareidi amiti , the only “valid point” here is that you are a piece of trash that pollute this site with your stupid and discussing comments.

  3. He then went on to criticize Trump voters as “older, less educated, less prosperous and… [often] dying early” from recurring alcoholism.

    I believe it would be fair to also criticize his voters as racist, TOTALLY uneducated, dying early due to being shot another of his voters, and subject to recurrent drug use, across ALL ages.

    And he’s a racist all on his own without being compared to other historical racists.

  4. It’s called “Big lie”, and its a standard technique of fascists, and the problem is the Democrats used to democrats, and now a fascists, and we Yidden are likely to be among their targets

  5. How dare this “shnook” come and compare a president of the “medinah shel chesed” to a man (if i can call him that) that killed out more than half of your nation. shame on him!!!!!!

  6. In this country – if he was a “regular ” citizen he might be taken in by the police (especially if someone filed a complaint) and be questioned and warned that he could be “sacked” for “hate incitement” and even if he was some kind of a Knesset member he would be publicly denounced
    There is a border to “freedom of speech” (just like America learnig the hard way that not everythng can be allowed on Sep 11) as what happened when Rabin was assasinated
    These liberals who worry about potential muderers/terrorists/ etc don’t really care about human lives – do they???
    President Trump is ACTUALLY a human being you know….

  7. I’d rather live under Trump at the helm then if this idiot would be in charge. Where did he get those facts that Trump supporters are alcoholics, die early etc.

  8. SHOCKING: This so called Congressman should be ashamed of himself comparing the Holocaust where our Grandparents were רח”ל gassed by the ימ”ש, to the POTUS wanting people to come in legally.
    STUDY HISTORY BETTER before touching such a sensitive topic.

  9. Johnson continued ripping Trump, saying that Trump has “taken over” the Republican Party much like Adolf Hitler Y”MS took over in Germany prior to World War II. My response to you Johnson is:- You are Stalin & Brezhnev of the 21st century:- Shame on you Johnson!! But I am a proud Deplorable.

  10. I’m glad to see that civility has returned to our Nation after the Democrats have taken over the house. Cortez, Tlaib, Sherman, Green, and now Johnson. Who’s next?

  11. No, he does not have any sort of valid point. Every word he said is false. This is the same Nobel Prize winner who worried that if the navy puts too many facilities on one side of Guam it might tip over.

  12. Chareidi- Exactly what part of that was valid? When you make one absurd comparison like that, your entire point is worthless.

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