Report: Peanut Man To Meet With Arch Terrorist

carter-arafat.jpgFollowing a report by the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat, that Jimmy Carter was planning an April trip to Syria, where he is scheduled to meet with Khaled Meshal, the exiled head of Hamas, Fox News contacted Carter’s press secretary for a comment.

Deanna Congileo, Carter’s press secretary, confirmed in an e-mail to Fox News, that Carter will be in the Mideast in April. Pressed for comment, Congileo did not deny that the former president is considering visiting Meshal.

“President Carter is planning a trip to the Mideast next week; however, we are still confirming details of the trip and will issue a press release by the end of this week,” wrote Congileo. “I cannot confirm any specific meetings at this point in time.”

Meanwhile, The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) today called on Sens. Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Barack Obama to speak out in opposition to former President Jimmy Carter’s possible plans to visit with Hamas terror chief Khaled Meshal in Syria.  As reported by FOX News, the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Tuesday that Carter is planning a trip to Syria in mid-April and will be meeting with Meshal.

 “It is unacceptable that a former American president would choose to dignify and legitimize Hamas leader Khaled Meshal with a visit.  Hamas is a designated terrorist organization that denies Israel’s right to exist, kidnaps Israeli soldiers, fires rockets on Israeli towns, is responsible for the deaths of American citizens and celebrated in the streets of Gaza after the September 11 terrorist attacks.  Meshal has even called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ‘courageous’ for denying the Holocaust,” said RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks.
 “As presidential contenders who have pledged to protect America and stand with our ally, Israel, we urge Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama to speak out forcefully against former President Carter’s possible meeting with Khaled Meshal and to ask him not to have this meeting,” said Brooks.

38 Responses

  1. Will Moishe Aryeh Friedman be accompanying him? They are the same – dupes who are being used by reshoim (though Carter himself is a rosho whereas Freeky Freedy is a shoiteh).

  2. I’m sure Osama…oops…I mean Obama, and Hillary are gritting their teeth now on why that idiot carter put them in such an awkward position as they run for president in forcing them to take a stand on this issue.

  3. f
    For your information , Barack Obama is also for talking and negotiating with terrorists , as he has stated over and over regarding Iran.

  4. As much as I hate to say this, it is not the way of the Torah to be disrespectful to a former President of the U.S.

    You may think he is a “nut,” but he still carries the dignity of the office, and he should be referred to as the “former President.”

    By disparaging him, you risk creating resentment against “chutzpahdike Jews.”

  5. there is no heter in golus to speak about a leader in such a fashion .see ranban vayishlach .this is wrong and it is not our mesorah since churban bayis . this is the ways of beryonim .

  6. How old is the peanut farmer? Shouldn’t he be put out to pasture already? Isn’t his opinion/actions irrelevant? Can we get him into a nursing home which specializes in senility?

  7. Obama has aligned himself with many people that were in the State Dept. in the Carter admistration.

    So to all of you that enjoyed the Carter administration and want to keep it up. Vote for Barak H. Obama.

    To the rest of us. Lets daven for a yeshua.
    Thanks Zionflag #2 for your comment.
    With friends such as Carter who needs…..

  8. To Deepthinker, and everyone else reading my comment.

    Deepthinker is a total retard, and is by far from the top 5 self-hating Jews on this website.

    Plese see comment 12 on the following link:

    How someone can write something so sick at a time like that is beyond me.

    Talk about “resentment against “chutzpahdike Jews.”

  9. Shmendrik, while deepthinker’s comments are idiotic it is shameful that you resort to such personal attacks. A person is entitled to his/her personal opinion and this forum is designed for that purpose. When you attack someone personally because he states an opinion that is different than yours, it shows weakness on your part and an inability to counter his opinion in a dignified manner.

  10. What’s even sicker is the Rav Mechel, and deepthinker are one and the same.

    Nice going guy(s).

    That’s the problem with bloggers. You guys drop hints and clues as to whom you really are. In this case, I have been following you two for quite some time, and the similarities are just incredible, and you always stick up for each other…..within SECONDS of a derogatory comment directed negatively towards one of you.

    You truly are a deranged person.

    Your “Rav Mechel” answer to my inital comment which bashes you to pieces on the Merkaz HaRav post is sickening.

  11. 10, “al tashlicheini l’eis zikna.”
    That said, despite the honor due him because of the office he held, he has not acted in ways to earn any other honor (Mr. Carter that is). It has always been this way, can’t chalk it up to senility.

  12. My answer to your allegation, personal attacks get you know where in life. When you use the term “retard” and “deranged” it speaks for itself what kind of individual you are and where you stand in life. Keep on assuming I am him and he is me and we are all the same, it keeps some people entertained and amused.


  14. hey “illini07”,

    Who cares if he would or wouldn’t talk to Hamas. It seems that you are one of his sycofants and will probably cancel my vote in a general election. Oh well. I guess we Yiddin come in many stripes. I’m glad that at least I’m on the correct side.

    Besides, can’t take a little humor? Lighten up (and by that I don’t mean with a cigarette). 🙂

  15. #9 americancitizen Thers no heter to be a idiot like u Its a a mitzvah to be mfarsaim reshoim.Overbotul ones #9also

  16. The problem is that after holding office the world still pays attention. There is no doubt of where his opinions find favor with and its not on our side incase you were wondering. They get encouragement from things like this to continue their fight for their “cause”.

    Obama also has strong and old ties with the other side for sure.

  17. It’s all peanut butter! As a former President,we must be respectful but don’t show any love. He is a disgrace and his influence is being used in the wrong way. From peanuts to presidency is a big jump!. He is another JC and that does not look
    go(o)d for our people. We should learn to act better,then Hashem would not send us such sick evil messengers.

  18. Does this “respect”thing apply to clinton too even with his “dignified” behaviour?Lets not get carried away with being machmir on respect for mushchosim and reshoim,save it for Am Yisroel.Those who are mechaven lashomayim should at least get the same respect as those that hold distinguished positions here in America.As for resentment to the “chutzpedika jews” this case is not such a fine line between chutzpa and and standing up and criticizing deranged and warped feelings siding with murderers and terrorists,just as there was no disrespect in criticizing clinton for his immoral conduct.

  19. The peanut farmer has been around too many peanuts and now the space which is inside his skull is just one big peanut!

  20. #7 deepthinker.. weve been calling goyim names since churban bayis sheini.. they were called “haman’s” and rashaim.. and various yemach shemams etc..

    Oh and plenty call bush a nazi while he is still in office that does not ruffle any feathers.

    Being a former president demands no kavod.. you seem to have this idea (and ive seen many in the frum world) that think we need to have kavod for politicians.

    Politicians are for the most part slims.. they get no kavod from me!

  21. illini – meanwhile, obviously there are more then sufficient of us to cancel out your sides votes plus a few to spare to put our side on the victory column on election night! (funny how the ”polls” show your side ahead up till the election, but at the ballot box the people speak otherwise.)

  22. For those with a good eye, one was able to detect his anti semitism even while he was President. His book only confirmed what many already knew. The man is a pathological liar and nothing but a piece of trash. Just for the record: He was one of the stupidest Presidents in US history as he trusted the Russians The Russians saw what a dope he was and took advantage of that by cheating their heads off in the arms race leaving the United States very vunerable. Ronald Reagan came along and made the biggest rearmament in US history to rectify the stupidity of this dumbell Carter. May this open anti semite die a slow torturus death for the blatant lies he has dissemenated against Israel through his book and speeches. yimach shimo vizichro!!

  23. I’m upset that a sick person like Jimmy Carter , can get so many y.w. comments
    please ! let’s just let y.w. do there great job of bringing the news, & as far as us bloogers, let’s just use it in the right time.

  24. This guy is such a old old lunatic, he’ll do everything for a bit of press coverage. Anyone ever asked him who made Iran the devil it is now??????????
    About time he admits his mistakes and disappears from the world and politics etc, he knows nothing about…..

  25. I agree with Shmendrik & disagree with deepthinker/Rav Mechel. (How do you remember who you are at any given time? Do you color-code your posts?)

    As for showing Kovod to that anti-semite…you’re all (pea)nuts. Just look back, that Southern Baptist lowlife has a LONG history of anti-semitism. He says he’s just pro-Palestinian, but hey, his administration & his activities since prove otherwise. Who cares he was President? That & $2 gets me a ride on the subway.

    He loves the Arabs & hates us. Why spend so much time analyzing him? He’s a Rasha. What I don’t get is how G-d keeps him alive, but we’ve lost so many Gedolim recently, & Baalei Tzedaka/Chesed like Benzi Dunner A”H. There’s some message that we’re just not getting.

  26. illini – Do you intend to vote for McCain (say vs. Obama)?

    I can tell you that the politicians strongly court the frum vote. Just take a look at any recent election, especially in the NY Metro area. The frum have the ability to tilt a close election (as many elections are.)

  27. I believe former President Carter is a well-intended, albeit very naive person. I also am afraid that in his later years this has reached monumental proportion, bordering on, well, it would be disrespectful to a former president to mention the disease I believe he is suffering from for the past few years. Bottom line, he believes that peace can be achieved through talking, and that HE can do this talking. In many cases peace through talking can happen. But he takes it to a naive extreme, and winds us doing embarrassing things like this.

    I believe not only the candidates, but even our current President have strong problems with his actions, but are not clear on what to do or say. It is tough when you do not wish to be disrespectful, but need to distance yourself at the same time.

    Have none of you ever had a grandparent or older uncle who did and said embarrassing things. How do YOU handle it?

    I also think, though the terrorists will get some mileage out of this, they also know he is not speaking for the US, and they also know his current state.

  28. Jimmy gets the Neville Chamberlin award for stupidity in the face of world danger.

    My only hope is that they take him hostage and he gets to spew his anti semitic trash kneeling on the ground with 2 masked hamas terrorist on each side of him.

  29. I think the attitude of the average Goy to criticism from Jewish ChutzPaniks is “He may be a MuShuGenner, but He’s OUR MeshuGenner. So if you attack him, you’re attacking us!”

    Don’t you ever forget. We’re in Golus–guests in a country that is treating us kindly.–Beware that you don’t wear out your welcome here!

  30. to #12 #14 shmendrik..what have you got out of calling names. you dont know who he is, he doesnt know who you are just engaging in ad hominem which doesnt proove any points. to #13 rav mechel…since nobody knows who’s who so nobody should get insulted or turn red so “malbin pnei chaveiro” or personal attacks not shayech…

  31. illini07 – Husein Obama For President? Are you nuts. Its about time Jews start to consult REAL das Torah on who to vote for. (thats assuming Rabbi Levin didn’t turn them off yet)

  32. Deepthinker,
    If you see it that way, why dont you go out and buy yourself an AR-15, couple of handguns, maybe a few machine guns.. couple hundred thousand rounds of ammo?

    If jews are just visitors, how do you propose to protect yourself and your family?

    Sorry.. relying on tefillah dont count.

    Who gives a hoot what they think? in the USA I am a equal citizen.. thats how the country was founded..

    And again, either move to eretz yisrael or buy yourself a weapons arsenal..

  33. “reb” Shalom – If you had a modicum of intelligence you would look to follow Dass Torah. Always vote republican(in national elections)

  34. #44,
    Thats such a democrat thinking “let us with the intelligence make the choices” such socialist narishkeit.

    Maybe stay home so “we the people” can let our voices be heard..

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