Ezer Mizion Hosts Bar Mitzvah For 18 Yesomim

ezer mizion.jpgEzer Mizion coordinated and hosted a bar mitzvah celebration for 18 orphans, each of whom had sustained the loss of a parent before his bar mitzvah. The event was tendered as a merit for Ezer Mizion’s loyal patron, Mr. Peter Friedmann, who is a leading supporter of orphans and their families.  Bituach Leumi (Israel’s Social Security Administration) partnered with Ezer Mizion in this initiative.

The bar mitzvah celebration was attended by a distinguished lineup of famous Rabbonim who came to strengthen the families and to personally participate in their celebration. The guests of honor were Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita , Rabbi Israel Hager shlita, Rabbi Mordechai M. Gross shlita , Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern shlita , Rabbi Simcha Hacohen Kook, shlita , Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani shlita , Rabbi Yakov Ben Senior shlita , and the deputy mayor of Bnei Brak, Rabbi Yaakov Asher. A special choir directed by the famous singer Rabbi Moshe Weintraub provided lovely musical accompaniment.

A great excitement overtook the Ezer Mizion public-events hall as darkness descended as the celebrants of the evening filed one after the other into the hall, accompanied by their families. The hall became filled up with the families of the boys, families that were selected by Heaven to face the tremendous challenge of orphanhood, widowhood, profound loss and bereavement. This common thread hung all the time in the air. Each of the families brought the memory of the parent who was and no longer is, and the deepest feelings of a boy that only one parent accompanies him to his celebration.

The Ezer Mizion staff, who could not hide their excitement, warmly received the families and directed them to their places. Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani was the first to arrive. The boys approached him one by one to receive his personal blessing.

In the course of the evening each boy also had the merit of receiving the personal blessing of Rabbi Israel Hager shlita from Vizhnits and at the end they were privileged a special blessing from Maran Rav Chaim Kanevsky, who presented each of they boys with a sefer authored by him and blessed them warmly one after the other.

Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani delivered the opening speech. “The happy person is the one who treads in the Almighty’s ways.” This celebration of the boys at accepting the obligation of Torah and Mitzvos expresses the happiness of the Jew in performing the Heavenly commandments. These are not a burden, but bring happiness and satisfaction to those who perform them. He blessed the boys and the families that they should walk in the Creator’s ways with joy and satisfaction all their lives. Rabbi Ba’adani blessed the Ezer Mizion staff and the representatives of the Social Security Institution and expressed the wish that this great Mitzvah should make them deserving to welcome Mashiach.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, the Rosh Yeshiva of Chasam Sofer and the Rabbi of west Bnei Brak spoke with great excitement. He lauded the Ezer Mizion staff for their unending good deeds that they perform at all times and the representatives of the Social Security Administration that have a large share in this celebration, wished Mazel Tov to the parents that were present and also to the parents who came from Gan Eden to participate in their sons’ celebration.

Rabbi Ze’ev Shechter, who gracefully chaired this event, emphasized the close ties between Ezer Mizion , the major benevolence organization and the Social Security Administration, that devotes a great deal thought and finances in order to assist the families and to advance various Ezer Mizion projects devoted to strengthening of families and support of the community in times of distress.

This was followed by a speech by Mr. Baruch Marom, deputy administrator of Social Security and administrator of the Bnei Brak office. He addressed the parting words of our Father Yaakov to his son Yosef, when the sent him to check on the well being of his brothers, of their perfection. “These were parting words,” said Mr. Marom. “This is because Yosef never returned from that mission. His father’s words turned out to serve as guidance for the coming years. To see the virtue, the good aspect – this is what we in the Social Security Administration are attempting to do, to do all that is good and nice to the extent possible, to be partners not only to pain and crisis, but also in joyous events.”

He spoke about the excitement and the strength that an event like this contributes to their work. He discussed the cooperation between Social Security and Ezer Mizion that has already become a brand name of pure and sincere benevolence.

He was followed by a Rabbi Menachem Sharansky, of the administration of the Beis Yaakov Seminar in Tel Aviv and of the Tel Aviv Free Burial Society, a representative of the parents.

Rabbi Sharansky spoke about the unique kind of hearing that characterized Yithroh – he heard and came, as opposed to others whom it did not affect at all. He compared this unique and profound kind of hearing to the hearing of Ezer Mizion whose heart is attentive to the distress of others and is ready to do everything it can to assist them. He also praised the Social Security staff who pay attention to the needs of those turning to them and do everything in their power, beyond the call of duty, to provide rapid and comprehensive assistance to the greatest extent possible.

He was followed by HaRav Simcha Hacohen Kook shlita, the Chief Rabbi of Rechovot. In his vibrant speech he also mentioned the souls of the parents who came from Gan Eden to participate in the celebration. “It is written in the Zohar that the souls participate in the celebration of their offspring only if the celebration is for the sake of Heaven – otherwise the souls are not capable of descending. Only if there is a Gan Eden in this world, in addition to that in the other world – only then do they come!”

He expressed his excitement of the event during which 18 dear and pure children accept upon themselves the obligation of Torah and joy and holiness join in celebration. “Orphanhood is not so terrible when one has a Father in Heaven to hold on to,” said Rabbi Kook to the children, “from who one receives strengths to keep on growing!” His warm words left a strong impression in the hearts of those present.

Rabbi Kook’s speech was interrupted by the arrival of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita , whose coming greatly excited all those present. Everyone felt the greatness of the event that manifested itself in the coming of Gedolim . Rabbi Kanievsky asked Rabbi Chananya Chollak to bless the boys in his name and then shook hands with and blessed each of the boys individually. Rabbi Kanievsky’s gift – one of the books he authored – was given to each of the boys later on.

Following this, Rabbi Mordechai Gross shook hands with each of the boys and extended his blessing, and the same was done also by Rabbi Kook.

Rabbi Yakov ben Senior, the Rabbi of Ramat Gan, put emphasis in this speech on the 7 good years that each boy has at his disposal, starting with the age of 13 and ending at 20. “Every one of these years is equivalent to 10 years of normal life,” he said, “this is the time to grow and develop in Torah and Yirah .” He blessed Ezer Mizion for having the privilege to serve as a dwelling place for this important celebration, its head and the Social Security Administration that participated in all this.

The closing address was delivered by Rabbi Chananya Chollak himself. With great excitement he spoke about the joy and the merit of taking upon oneself the obligation of Torah and Mitzvos , and referred to the ties that exist between the boys and the Creator, who is the father of orphans and the support of families that are missing a parent.

“How much love does the Creator shower upon you!”,  he proclaimed to the families and the Bar Mitzvah boys, “we will return to Him our love, and we will celebrate the fact that we were able to overcome this challenge!” His heartfelt words entered the hearts of those presents and injected them with new strength to deal with the difficulties ahead with joy of Mitzvah.

Each one of the Bar Mitzvah boys then approached Rabbi Chollak in order to receive a personal blessing and receive the previously mentioned present of Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and also to shake hands with the deputy administrator of Social Security who handed each boy an expensive watch.

The enthusiastic dances that lifted those present off the ground ended with the words of Rabbi Yaakov Asher, deputy mayor of Bnei Brak, who in the words of the master of ceremonies “is the third partner in all the great work being done here.” Rabbi Asher compared Ezer Mizion with the special blessing of man that fell in the Wilderness from heaven – that each person found in it what he was looking for. “Every person finds in Ezer Mizion assistance according to his needs,” he said, giving a precise definition of the feeling of all those present. He ended with a call to Ezer Mizion and to the Social Security Administration that they should continue their partnership in all fields.

The exciting evening ended with Blessing after the Meal and with thanks expressed by those present who remained under the strong impression of an unforgettable event. This was not an ordinary celebration – eighteen Bar Mitzvahs in a single event with the participation of Torah giants and community leaders who added a very special dimension to the celebration.

Everyone was left with the feeling of being a partner with the Jewish nation that has such children, such families and such organizations. May it be His will that all the celebrations should take place with joyous hearts, in the full presence of parents who merit to raise their children in good health until hundred and twenty.

5 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov to all of the bar mitzvah bachurim. May they have only simcha in their lives. And, Mi k’amcha yisrael?! Kol hakavod and yasher koach to Ezer Mizion for their incredible work.

  2. There is no other nation on earth like the Nation of Klal Yisroel. And I am so thankful to HaShem that I am part of this nation. Rachmonim, Gomlei Chasodim….

    Where else do we see people taking such care and concern about Yesomim and Almonos?

    What a beautiful event!

  3. Mazel Tov. May we be zocheh to see the coming of moshiach and uniting each of the families with their loved one in the VERY NEAR FUTURE!!!!

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