WATCH THIS: Baby Named “Na Nach Nachma Nachman M’Uman” in Bris at the Tziyon [FULL VIDEO OF BRIS]

At a Bris held in Uman at the Kever of Reb Nachman of Breslov, a new name was introduced into Klal Yisroel: “Na, Nach, Nachma Nachman M’uman”.

Watch the attached video of the entire Bris, which you may find amusing, entertaining, or disturbing:

54 Responses

  1. .עס פעלט נישט קיין משגיאם ביי אידן

    The Na, Nach, movement and the entire going to Ukraine for Yom Tov and יעדע מאנטיג אין דאנערשטיג is getting out of control. It’s turning into a semi-cult of worshipping a Rebbe who passed away. Why do people have to daven Yom Kippur next to a kever?! If you need to daven with a Rebbe on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur then daven with a Rebbe who’s alive!

  2. Nebach, this child never had a chance.His life is doomed for failure unless he runs away after he is toilet trained (if that ever happens) especially after having his dad shout in his ears for 15 min straight.
    This is precisely how Jewish cults start off.
    This first class mesuugeneh is lucky if children’s services don’t get involved.

  3. I can’t imagine anyone in his right mind would find this appealing. They all a bunch of lunatics who need to seek mental help before any spiritual growth. This bris and the name calling is pure Avodah Zarah! doing it at the kever and the name is not any less than bringing an offering for Avodah Zarah, they’re basically worshiping a dead person. I have no doubt when these crazies mention Hashem’s name in their prayers and brachos they think of Rav Nachman. Nebach on their lost souls, וילכו אחרי ההבל ויהבלו. I feel bad for the poor baby.

  4. Yes, let’s judge and dismiss an entire movement which has been producing tzaddikim for 200 years based on the foolish actions of one misguided idiot. That is very rational and makes eminent sense. Hashem yeracheim.

  5. המרגל בחברו עובר בלא תעשה, שנאמר: ‘לא תלך רכיל בעמיך’. ואף על פי שאין לוקין על דבר זה, עוון גדול הוא, וגורם להרוג נפשות רבות בישראל, לכך נסמך לו ‘לא תעמוד על דם רעך’… איזהו רכיל? זה שטוען דברים והולך מזה לזה ואומר כך אמר פלוני כך וכך שמעתי על פלוני, אף על פי שהוא אמת, הרי זה מחריב את העולם. יש עוון גדול מזה עד מאד, והוא בכלל לאו זה, והוא לשון הרע, והוא המספר בגנות אף על פי שאומר אמת. אבל האומר שקר, נקרא מוציא שם רע על חברו (רמב”ם דעות ז א-ב).

  6. tragic irony, I don’t know about any movement that produced 200 tzaddikim but if there was such a movement I highly doubt it included davening at Reb Nachmans kever on ימים נוראים with rock concerts and disco dancing , Na Nach yarmelkas, and other 21st century meshagin. The Na Nach movement is a total obsession for so many people and it’s not producing tzaddikim at this point.

  7. Nobody is disparaging and entire movement based on the foolish actions of one person. The disparagement is based on a movement that encourages various forms of craziness that is currently being practiced by large numbers of people. This just today’s craziness.
    Beneath this craziness is the dangerous Sheker that you can have a relationship with a Rebbe who died 200 years ago. According to their own philosophy they have produced no Tzadikkim because Rabbeinu believed that he was the greatest Tzaddik ever and therefore the is no need to have anyone replace him. Going to Uman is going to be with your Rebbe. This isn’t Yiddishkeit.

  8. A friend of mine was once at a bris where the Kriyas Shem was the Amshinover Rebbe. The father was a Na Nach (or similar nutcase) and named him something like “Yaakov Simchas HaChaim ben Ploni”. The Rebbe merely said “Yaakov”. The father then called out “SIMCHAS HACHAIM!” and the Rebbe ignored him, then afterwards turned to the father and said “Lo. Rak Yaakov”.

  9. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Just yesterday, klal Yisrael lost one of the gedolei hador, Rav Elazar Kenig, the rav of a sizable community in the old city of tzefat. Rav Kenig was a formidable talmud chacham with bekiyus in shas and poskim. He was also known to be a tremendous kadosh and parush, and the resultant chein emanated from his wonderful hadras panim. This man loved all Jews intensely, and focused tremendous efforts together with his brothers to build up the old city of tzefat from the floor up – opening yeshivos, beis yaakov’s, chesse orginizations, a beautiful shul etc. etc. Oh – one more thing. He was Breslov. Which is why you never heard of him, even after his petirah, and probably while this very website posted about his petirah, it was subsequently removed from the main newsfeed on the homepage within a few hours, able to be found by search only. But then, lo and behold, one misguided fool names his kid a name that isn’t, and worse, a name that embodies pure shtus and extremist craziness, and EVERYONE is talking about it – “This is Breslov!” they exclaim, “A bunch of meshuganes!” Oy lahem v’oy lanu. 70 years of Rav Kenig’s unimaginable avodas Hashem eludes our collective radar, but this idiot manages to make his way into all of our lives? And, more than that, we use him to fortify our blstering ignorance regarding Breslover chassidus? Something is very wrong here. As I have been telling everyone the whole day – “mitzvah SHELO lifarseim.” This video is motzi shem ra on an entire segment of Jews who feels just as indignant about this video as you do, not despite, but BECAUSE their identifying as Breslover chassidim. Spreading it around only fortifies the preconcieved notions of the simpleminded masses who lack the intellectual capacity to make a simple distinction between the mainstrem of a movement and its extremist fringes which the mainstream never accepted, and, quite to the contrary, rejects quite forcefully. But no, anything to promote discord, mockery, and disdain. Hashem yishmor.

    Moderators Note: “even after his petirah, and probably while this very website posted about his petirah, it was subsequently removed from the main newsfeed on the homepage within a few hours”

    That is a blatant lie. The story of Rav Kenig was published at 1AM ET – minutes after he was Niftar, and remained the top story for more than 12 hours (longer than Levayos of most Gedolim and Admorim), at which point it was automatically moved into a top trending article. Rav Kenig and Rabbi Nachman of Breslov must be thrilled with your pack of shaker.

  10. shame that a movement that has produced good people is going over the brink and produces more nut cases than good people. Sickos.

    I pity the poor kid who doesn’t have a chance to be normal with parents like this……

  11. Why can’t we be dan LeKaf zechus a little we are one nation…. the baby is named nachman the na nach nachma etc is just a way to say it as the rebbe himself brings from the Zohar the inyan of double and triple…. point being his name is nachman stop hating on your fellow jew

  12. BH Michoel Goodrich may HY bless him served as a shamesh for one of the famous admorim, and what he saw and suffered first hand only he can know because of his good heart he refused to spread bad on other Jews no matter how awful they are. A simple Jew striving his utmost to serve Hashem as best as he can after seeing first hand the perversions of the leading rabbis. A Jew who doesn’t stop thinking how he can do good for the world, subsisting on almost nothing he gives all his money and most of his time and strength to charity, may HY bless him and protect him. Fortunate are all the readers who merited to watch his devotions on the first circumcision of 2019 by the holy tomb of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov on 24 Teves – the hillula – anniversary of the passing away of the Baal Hatanya who Rabbi Nachman saved from the greats of the generation (R’ Baruch of Medzhbizh who fiercely opposed him, and Rabbi Avrohom Kalisker who paskened that the Tanya was forbid to be printed. Even though Rabbainu clearly held foremost of these tzadikim he still brought peace a d protected the Baal Hatanya), thank Hashem profusely, and in this merit may you all merit to sing Na Nach Nachma Nachman MayUman!

  13. Hope they call him Nachman for short.
    It’s like, do you want your child to be bullied?
    Please don’t give children names that will make them stand out.

  14. If the people commenting on this thread are the “normal” people, I’m proud to be a “meshugener”.

    נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

  15. 200 years ago we were warning to rid Klal Yisrael of this dangerous cult by all the Gedolim of Russia. They saw what was ahead and they were right.
    At almost all Chasidisha and Litvasha Yeshiva’s their Seforim were banned.
    People think those Yalmukas are cute but they are not . They represent a dangerous cult in our midst.
    We said live and let live with Lev Tahor and we were wrong.
    There is no Yiddishkiet with out a Rebbe.
    You can’t be a Rebbe if you’re not alive.

  16. One wonders at the normalcy of people saying to be “dan l’kaf zchus” for the giving of this name. If this child grows up within a normal community he’ll be very embarrassed every time he’s called up to the Torah. Ridiculous.

    Another interesting thing that some people have is that if you say the Na Nach movement has serious problems they twist that into the bashing of Breslov. No one is saying that Breslov is bad but it is bad to be so obsessed with a Rebbe who is long gone. Breslov is a wonderful Chassidus, perfect for people who want a warm place but not be confined to a box. The stress on שמחת החיים is closer to what the original Chassidishe movement was all about. And there are many,many stable Breslova people and communities within Breslov. NEVERTHELESS the obsession of many over a tzaddik who is not alive seems to be on the point of semi-worship. One should find a Rebbe or mashpia to guide them in life, not be busy running to a kever and davening there on Yom Kippur. Rebbe Nachman is turning over in his grave over the carnival atmosphere at his kever before the Yomim Noraim which is a time to be serious and introversive, instead there’s wild dancing and singing. Jews have days we celebrate, days we mourn, and days we are serious and introversive. A Yid needs to feel all this and not be drugged the entire year by excessive so-called “simcha” which is excessive and leads to craziness. You can be happy the entire year except when you shouldn’t be…There’s a time and place for everything…

  17. Re” Moderator’s note to my post – You are one million percent right. I copied and pasted this post from another frum site where indeed Rav Kenig’s petirah was removed shortly after it was posted, and I forget to edit out that line. Thank you for the correction, and I am mikabeil al atzmi to be more careful in the future.

  18. The baby’s name is on the father’s tallis. Is that common among this group? I have never seen a bris like this with the screaming. Hope they had the foresight to give the baby earplugs.

  19. For those who claim that the movement does not have leadership, I want to inform you that you are not correct. Rav Elazar Kenig was one such leader. He passed away on Monday. We still have leadership. Yaakov Meir Schechter, Moshe Kraemer and several other Rabbonim. The Na Nach movement that rejects Rabbinical authority both inside and outside of Breslov. Yes we do daven by in Uman on Rosh Hashanah, but the concerts and partying are not coming from Traditional Breslover chassidim those who follow Rabbinical authority. Second all litvishe yeshivas banned all Chassidic seforim back in Europe. As for chassidim we were always accepted by the Rebbeim of, Chabad, Skolye, Ger, Amshinov, Modzitz all accepted Breslov. Don’t mix into the arguments of old Talmide Chachamim and do some historical research before claiming that everyone was against us. Unfortunately these Na Nach guys aren’t accepted by Breslover chassidim. Mind you this movement is a recent innovation in terms of Breslover history. Last it is a shame that YWN posted this. By its nature it is Lashon Hara for the father of the kid. It is causing people to speak negatively about a kehilah on account of a bunch of kooks. If YWN cared about halachah they would be more selective with their posts.

  20. i love it the whole world cares about his name but when a jewish kid nebach needs help we are all quite yup this is reality

  21. In response to oyvay you are definitely right and that proves that everyone is just interested in making fun of people and not feeling sad about this …
    either way these are just little ways for the tzadiks name and his light to spread it will continue until moshach comes hopefully one day all you haters will get the the message I feel bad you weren’t zocha yet בסוף כולם יהיה ברסלב

  22. In all probability, Halachically, all these names are considered כינוי for נחמן, so the kid probably only has 1 Halachic name:- נחמן בן מיכאל which is way better than people with 3 Hebrew names son of a father also with 3 Hebrew names. Uman is not a Halachic name.
    Notwithstanding, far safer being Breslow, than Lev Tahor.

  23. Leadership in Chasidus means a Rebbe, and they haven’t had one in over 200 years. They have Mashpim. They were not called the “toite Hasidism” for nothing. Only Rabbeinu is the Rebbe and they refer to him in the present tense. Claiming that you have a Rebbe in the next world is a fundamental philosophical problem which is not isolated to the Na Nach’s. They were rejected by all Chasidus who lived with them and knew what they were about. A 1913 report about them in Berdichev, a major city, states: “They voluntarily isolate themselves from the rest of the town’s Jews. Nor are they allowed to participate in public matters, or to be members of any society, no marriages are contracted with them, and no dealings are undertaken with them.” Clearly this was not just “the arguments of old Talmide Chachamim” if they were actively banned 100 years after their leaders passing.
    I commend YWN for exposing this specific insanity as it reflects the general dangerous philosophy.
    Bottom line, keep your kids away from it.

  24. Tragic irony- well said, however there is no such thing as 1,000,000% try 100% next time.
    Secondly regarding the נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן name controversy, it would make no sense to shorten the name as he will be called to the Torah (wherever he is) by his given name and guess what -people will talk. That’s what being Jewish is all about 🙂 .

    I would suggest to change the name to Na Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Good-by.

  25. @The Truth. Like I said they were always accepted by the Rebbeim of Chabad, Skolye, Ger, Amshinov,Modzitz and even recently were accepted by Rabbeinu Yoel z”l of Satmer. Rov Shraga Feivel Mendelovitch of Torah veDaas used to accept Breslover chassidim and learn their seforim. Rov Moshe Wolfson of Emunas Yisroel encouraged me to become involved with Breslov. The Serdaheler Rov R’ Chaim Leib Katz learns there seforim and keeps them in his Beis medresh. Even if we’re to say that this isn’t just an old Machlokes, who are any of us to mix in with the argument. Given that that notable talmidei chachamim accept Breslov, even if others don’t for you to have an opinion is to say that you know better than them. Really what everyone should do is follow their Rebbe and keep your mouth shut. In light of the fact that there were always chachamim that accepted Breslover Chassidus it is not accurate to say that all chassidim rejected it. Your report from Barditchev really doesn’t prove anything given that it is one document that your are using because it is saying what you would like it to say. Further more if you want more information on the matter of Hiskashrus to Tsaddikim I would encourage you to go through the Sefer Chayei Nefesh by Rav Gedaliah Kenig Z”l for a more scholarly view on the matter being that he addresses both the issue of living Tsaddikim and “dead” Tsaddikim.

  26. At the end of the day. These Na Nach guys reject all of the Mashpiim as well as Stam gedolim. People who reject guidance and authority can not be helped even in a community with a “real rebbe”.

  27. The Truth, Breslov is technically a live Chassidus even without a live Rebbe, just like Lubavitch. Certainly, some gedolim felt differently and that’s ok, it doesn’t take away from what they are today.

    Having a Mashpiah is good enough, not everyone needs a full-fledged Rebbe to sit by a tisch on Friday night…

    The problem is with the Na Nachmuns, they reject authority in general, they do what they want, no Rebbonim and no Mashpium, in short no authority.

    When you have no one to answer to then you give the name Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me’Uman to your child, you dance like a meshugener before Yom HaDin, and do crazy stuff that only Na Nachmuns can do. At least they make klal Yisroel more colorful. The problem is when innocent people get hurt, like this baby by none other than his crazy father, then it stops being cute.

    That people don’t want to be meshadech with Breslova…big deal. Sephardim and Ashkenazim don’t generally mix, Litvishe and Chassidishe are generally not meshadech with each other, Lubavitch and the rest of Chassidishe are not meshadech with each other, different Chassidus are not always meshadech with other, Litvishe are not meshadech with all groups within the Litvishe… Those who “intermarried” between groups who generally don’t, kol hakovod to them, we are one people after all. But this is klal Yisroel with different dayos, different minhugim, we make up one beautiful tapestry because we are different from each other because we don’t mix so easily!

  28. breslov is awesome, but they do have a bad side. this is just some of it. the kid should be taken away from his parents and given to someone who will care for him.
    Is there a way for him to change his name?

  29. gershig32, reading about Rav Elazer Kenig’s personality and accomplishments it seems like he was an amazing person and great tzaddik. I’m sorry about your lose and may your pain turn into consolation.

  30. al pi halacha’ chasidish’ litvish and breslov; one isnt supposed to repeat the same word over and over during the brachas/
    surprising no one mentions that////

  31. I haven’t yet found a person that has studied the petek and the nanach movement honestly, that rejected it.
    In general all the nay sayers know little or nothing about it.
    I bless you all to see the truth very soon be’h.
    You are all invited to Uman and to do some honest unbiased research.
    נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן

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