MAZEL TOV! Frum Parents Have 1st Baby of 2019 in Long Island; Calling Him “007” Until Bris

The first baby born in Nassau County Long Island in 2019 was born to Eli and Adina Derdik.

The 7 pound, 13 ounce baby was born seven seconds after midnight at  Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New Hyde Park.

Newsday is reporting that the Derdiks, observant Jews from Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, will wait to name their boy until after a bris next week.

WABC reports that in the meantime they are calling him “007.”


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18 Responses

  1. Mazal tov !! A sach Yiddishe nachas!

    (NB the term “00” was given, according to the lore of James Bond, to British spies who had a license to kill, r”l)

  2. Well it is safe to assume that his name shall either be Eliyohu Eliezer or Mordochai, since Teveth 24th is Johrzeit of Rav Eliyohun Dessler and of Rav Mordochai Gifter.

  3. תהא זוכה להכניסו בבריתו של אברהם אבינו בעתו ובזמנו ולגדלו לתורה,לחופה,ולמעשים טובים בבריאת הגוף…

  4. The older child sitting there doesnt look to happy with the fact that a competitor over mommy’s attention entered into his life……….
    Poor mother, had to nebech put on her sheitel to llok good for the news reporters………………

  5. Kew Hardens Hills is in NYC and LIj Women’s hospital is also in NYC so nothing in this story has anything to do with Long Island (other than Queens, part of NYC, is on the island).

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