MOST ADMIRED: Barack & Michelle Obama Top The List in 2018

Former President and First Lady Barack and Michelle Obama have been named Most Admired Man and Woman of 2018 according to an annual Gallup Poll.

Mr. Obama has been at the top of the rankings for 11 straight years, and is now just one first-place finish short of tying Dwight Eisenhower for the most times being Most Admired Man.

President Donald Trump is the second most admired man according to the poll, earning 13% to #Obama’s 19%.

This marks the first time in 17 years that a woman other than Hillary Clinton has been named by Americans as the woman they admire most. Ms. Obama more tripled the others, earning 15% of total mentions.

Former Secretary of State Clinton fell to a shared third place, behind Ms. Obama and Oprah Winfrey. First Lady Melania Trump also shares the third place spot with the former political opponent of her husband.

10 Responses

  1. I’m very skeptical that the Obamas would be in first place but for the current occupant of the WH. Obviously, the Gallup pollsters called a few “real Americans” who are not regulars here on YWN.

    P.S. I suspect the Tumpkopf will be tweeting away 5:00 Am New Years Day (remember that Melania left him for Florida) about the fake news (Gallup Poll) and citing to the most recent Rasmussen Polls and Breitbart Polls which showed him as the most admired person in the world among White Supremacists, Christian Evangelicals, Russian Oligarchs, Saudi Royalty and CR Posters

  2. While I do agree that Michelle deserves to be higher on such a list than Hillary Clinton, the fact that either of them are on the list at all shows how skewed the poll was.

  3. If NYers can vote Cortez into office NOTHING will surprise me anymore! But again your talking poll talk and that makes me very skeptical, because according to polls Hillary was to be president??? Go figure.

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