REVENGE: NY Democrats Refuse To Allow Simcha Felder Back Into Democrat Conference

NY Senator Simcha Felder, a life-long Democrat has reportedly been given the ban by the Democratic Caucus in NY.,

According to an exclusive NY Daily News report, Felder was reportedly told on Sunday that he won’t be allowed to rejoin the conference.

Felder has for the past few years been caucusing with Senate Republicans, who had controlled the chamber.

“Incoming Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins has appointed every Democrat in the chamber to chair a committee or subcommittee – except Felder,” the NYDN reported.

Across the state, Mr. Felder has long been painted by his critics as a traitor and a turncoat, a rogue Democrat who sits with the Republicans, having given them a one-vote majority in the State Senate.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. It hurts the Yiden but can you blame them. He did turn his back on them and for his constituents! But politics is politics and they’re turned the knife into his back.

  2. He didn’t caucus with the Democrats, and doesn’t support most of the Democrats’ platform. So he should run as a Republican and lead the rebuilding of the Republican party in New York. Given the increasing Democratic support of positions unacceptable to Orthodox Jews, there is no reason for him to want to be a Democrat.

  3. what does a two-faced opportunist expect – shlishi or perhaps maftir? he should be happy if he ever gets hagbah on the fourth sefer, next time that happens.

    chacham einov be’rosho; felder einov le’matoh

  4. Let Simche switch to republican and sholom al Yisroel.
    Simche will keep on fighting for klal Yisroel and hashem will be with him not the democrats.

  5. For all practical purposes, most orthodox jews are Republicans. We may be registered as a Democrat, but that’s only because if you want a voice in the primaries you need to be registered as a Democrat. In New York If there are two or three Democrats running in the primaries the winner in all likelihood will beat the republican in November. Therefore many remain in the democratic party so that they can at least vote for a more conservative democrat. I support Simcha.

  6. I am proud of Simcha F’ he has scruples
    he places his beliefs over party
    Not like the fat wadler who was more loyal to osama than us and voted for iran
    Now he’s a disgraceful turncoat

  7. Big deal. Simcha Felder is no worse off today then if he had been a Republican all along.

    He did very well milking his influence for all it was worth for the last number of years. It paid off handsomely.

  8. Well, this is NEW. The Jews not welcome among the democrats. Since some palestinian women were elected
    into the Democrat movement…interesting. Maybe now the Jews are going to think twice before casting their votes
    next time to the Left. This is new….!!

  9. Much luck to Simcha who will iyh prevail as he always does whether he is in the Democratic party or not. He broke ranks from the Democrats in order to better support our community. We voted for him and thank him for that.

  10. DrYidd, why do you excoriate him? Is there something that bothers you that he fights for our needs? Isn’t that we want OUR representatives to do? They are our voice in government.

  11. To all you who are blaming simcha.
    Let’s just step back and think what’s really going on.
    Simcha did what he was elected to do.
    Namely, he represented his constituency, by voting or hindering to his ability, in the way his constituents want.
    For that he is being punished.
    Remember that the next time you go to vote.
    The NYS democrat party feels when you vote for them, you are voting to give them a paycheck, from public funds, and then they can do what they want regardless of its impact on your life.
    Pretty sad when you realize the truth.

  12. Most of you are speaking of politics as a game or team sports and not something that messes with your daily quality of life. This is why Trump was elected. The priorities have to change, and the philosophy of hating a [whoever], but no one on earth bothering to vote against him because it’s such a “sure thing” has also got to stop.

  13. If the frum community voted Republican in local elections, it would at least make several districts “purple”, and encourage conservative Democrats (and in fact many parts of New York are inhabited by “deplorables”, i.e. working class whites not benefitting by the left-oriented economy that supports tech and finance, while undermining blue collar industries) to do likewise and make the Republicans competitive in New York State.

  14. @akuperma, I agree 100% – let him burn his useless bridges and switch parties.

    @ah yid, back when I became old enough to vote I felt the same way – may as well register Democrat so I could vote for the best Democrat. But shortly thereafter Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor, George Pataki became governor and I decided to go with my political convictions and reregister as a Republican. Never regretted it.

  15. My understanding was that he exploited the reality of being in an area where people blindly voted Democrat in order to sneakily gain the Republicans a de-facto extra seat.

  16. Felder has to run as a Democrat in order to block them. They can run someone against him in the primary which they did this time. But since few people vote in the primary frum voters elected him by a landslide.
    In order to keep unity the Democrats had to give everyone except Felder a chairmanship. They have 39 members let’s see how long they can hold it together. If they lose 8 they’re out

  17. Unfortunately they r 100% right. Simcha does us a lot of good. But he went way too far recently.

    When u fight with hr party, they must dump u. AS I ALWAYS SAID, He should have switched parties. If ur a republican, u dont ren as a democrat.

  18. someone who fights to defend so called Torah values that destine children to a life of food stamps and government subsidies and perhaps a little genaivah here and there, which people see as a right as if we were still living under the tsar and not in a malchut shel chesed are mechalail Shem Shamayim be’rabim.

  19. This whole discussion is ridiculous. Membership in the Democrat Caucus is not a right. Felder did the right thing two years ago when he chose to join the Republican Caucus rather than the Democrat one, but he can’t expect the Democrats to pretend it didn’t happen. “With one backside one can’t dance at two weddings.” They don’t need him and they don’t want him, so they won’t let him in. Why should they?

    Now if they needed his vote their attitude would be very different; if he were to offer to join them in order to give them the one vote they needed for a majority they would grit their teeth, welcome him with open arms, and give him whatever he liked. But if that were the situation he wouldn’t be asking them. He’d join the Republicans again, just as he did last time when that was the exact situation. And he’d be right to do so. The only reason he wants to join the Dems is that they don’t need him, so what did he expect?

    None of this prevents him from continuing to contest and win Democrat primaries. May he do so for many years to come, and there’s nothing the Dems can do to stop him.

  20. DrYidd, there is no such concept in halacha as “malchut shel chesed”. There is no halachic distinction between the USA and the Russian Empire or even the Third Reich y”sh. Dina demalchusa is exactly as strong in both, and mesira is exactly as forbidden in both. Those who claim such a distinction are guilty of ziyuf hatorah, and are violating the torah prohibition of “lo soguru”. The Tashbetz says a rov must be moser nefesh for this prohibition, or else resign from the rabbonus.

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