29 States Have Minimum Wages Above The Federal Level

The federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour has remained the same since 2009. Since then, 29 states and the District of Columbia have set minimum wages above the federal level. Twenty states have minimum wage increases taking effect around the start of the new year.

Here’s a look at states exceeding the federal minimum wage, with their current wage and, where applicable, the new one:

Alaska: current $9.84, new $9.89.

Arizona: current $10.50, new $11.

Arkansas: current $8.50, new $9.25.

California, more than 25 employees: current $11, new $12.

California, 25 or fewer employees: current $10.50, new $11.

Colorado: current $10.20, new $11.10.

Connecticut: current $10.10.

Delaware: current $8.25, new $8.75.

District of Columbia: current $13.25.

Florida: current $8.25, new $8.46.

Hawaii: current $10.10.

Illinois: current $8.25.

Maine: current $10, new $11.

Maryland: current: $10.10.

Massachusetts: current $11, new $12.

Michigan: current $9.25, new $9.45.

Minnesota: current $9.65, new $9.86.

Missouri, current: $7.85, new $8.60.

Montana: current $8.30, new $8.50.

Nebraska: current $9.

Nevada: current $8.25.

New Jersey: current $8.60, new $8.85.

New Mexico: current $7.50.

New York: current: $10.40, new $11.10.

Ohio, current $8.30, new $8.55.

Oregon: current $10.75.

Rhode Island: current $10.10, new $10.50.

South Dakota: current $8.85, new $9.10.

Vermont, current $10.50, new $10.78.

Washington, current $11.50, new $12.

West Virginia, current $8.75.


One Response

  1. Fortunately, many cities and counties have set local minimum wage levels above their state minimum wage with many major cities now requiring a $15/hour floor with exceptions for smaller businesses and those where employees expect to earn substantial tips. Economic studies show mixed impacts but there is a growing consensus that within reasonable limits, these minimum wage requirements do not restrict economic growth.

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