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Kosel Stones Inspected for Stability

kosel32.jpgA special cherry-picker type lifting device was seen at the Kosel on Tuesday morning, lifting an engineer along the span of the wall to permit an inspection regarding the integrity and stability of the stones.

According to Kosel rabbi, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, prior to carrying out the inspection, discussion was held with Gedolei Torah to ensure not to do anything that represent a violation of halacha.

Rabbi Rabinowitz ordered the inspection, which is carried out before Pesach and before Rosh Hashanah as part of preparation for the holidays.

The inspection is intended to ensure there are no loose stones that could lead to an unfortunate incident. The inspection which began during the morning hours lasted until almost 4pm.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. just thought i’d share a story.a few years back i was there on the day that these cherry pickers were hacking away at the WALL and i took a few stones home.before my flight to america for y’t i went to daven by Maran Harav Elyashiv Shlit’a.afterwards i asked if I can take them to america and keep them on our fireplace as a sort of “souvenir” and he said it’s better to bury them even though it’s not assur.anyhow that’s what i understood.still waiting for s/o to make a business out of this one. then we’d all be able to daven by (part of) the kosel-at home!

  2. past brisk,

    you dont need rocks to daven. The makom of the kotel is more kadosh than turkish made rocks… did rav elyashiv explain why it isnt an issur? I always thought that one cannot pick or take home any part of the kotel…

  3. Ma hakesher ? your not so much davening to the stones as to the location! Maybe get rav elyshav’s hat and jacket and ask him sheylos to his hat and jacket?

  4. Are they afraid the Kotel’s gonna fall? It’s been standing for over two thousand years, they have nothing to worry about. (I haven’t heard of anyone seeing it wobble even once)

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