NYT: Doctor Diagnosed Trump’s Bone Spur As Favor To His Father

The New York Times is reporting Donald Trump may not have actually suffered a bone spur malady that kept him from being drafted into military service during the Vietnam War.

This according to Queens-based podiatrist Dr. Elysa Braunstein, whose father penned a letter on Trump’s behalf.

“I know it was a favor,” said Braunstein, 56, who along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, 53, shared the family’s account for the first time publicly when contacted by The Times.

Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

For decades, Dr. Braunstein saw patients in a congested ground-floor office below Edgerton Apartments in Jamaica, Queens, one of dozens of buildings owned by the Trumps in the 1960s. The family sold the building in 2004, records show.

President Trump has been derided for avoiding military service for what many of his critics felt was a “trumped-up” foot malady.

Trump had five total draft deferments in the late 60s, four were for college, the last for what now seems a specious claim of bone spurs.

The report notes the Braunstein children are admitted Democrats.


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11 Responses

  1. Sadly, Trump was probably not the only one of his generation whose family used their wealth, status and connections to obtain draft deferrals or exemptions. The system back in the 1970s was heavily skewed in favor of well educated and affluent young men as evidenced by the very high percentage of minority casualties in the final years of the Vietnam War. I’m not a big Trump fan but I’m also not going to make a big issue of this either. When Trump was asked to name a single member of his family or extended family who served in any branch of the armed forces, he sadly couldn’t name a single person although he quickly boasted of his “love for the military” (as long as they hadn’t been “captured”, as per the late Senator McCain).

  2. The NYT is being slammed for publishing an UNCORROBORATED story. There is no paper evidence anywhere of the claims made. The doctor’s been dead for a decade, and his Democrat children are making unfounded and unprovable claims.

    “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said. Yet the Times runs with this as if it was the absolute truth.

    Journalism is dead, and has been for decades.

  3. Gadolhatorah: “The system back in the 1970s was heavily skewed in favor of well educated and affluent young men”

    Not to mention the myriads of yeshivah bachurim attending fly-by-night yeshivahs to get their 4-D.

  4. They skipped the part where he had a high number.
    Do you remember the NYT making such a fuss of Clinton LYING to the draft board over his studying in England, where he participated in ANTI WAR RIOTS?

    And I forgot how Obama volunteered for the military.
    BH, pray for the next jihadi event to happen in the NYT offices.

  5. Keep in mind that someone went in his place and was possibly wounded or killed. He had his legitimate deferment until graduation from college and used the bone spurs until the draft lottery was drawn.

  6. Think :
    John ( switfboats- purple heart liar) Kerry.

    Richard, (Danang Dick, ) Blumenthal.

    Barack ( letz see the real original birth certificate) Obama

    Hillary ( I was in Bosnia directly under hostile fire) Clinton.

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