Statement by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe Regarding the Bris Case in Berlin

teiFollowing is a statement released to the media by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe regarding a bris performed by Rabbi Yehuda Teicihtel in Berlin:

In past few days, Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel, Community Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Berlin has been criticized regarding the circumcision of his son; he was accused of being responsible for bodily harm to his son.

We the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) hereby express our full support for Rabbi Teichtel and stand fully behind him.

We are aware that he spoke to a Mohel, (who has 30 years of experience and is one of the internationally most renowned mohalim with a certificate from the Israeli health ministry and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel), prior to the ceremony and asked him to perform the circumcision according to proper medical manner and in accordance with the Jewish law and German laws.

The Mohel assured him that he indeed performed the circumcision in such a manner.

In the past days, he has been attacked with negative comments in the media. This is truly saddening as those who attacked him did not even make the effort to speak to the Berlin Rabbi first and to find out the facts.

The Jews of Europe must have religious freedom. All Jewish leaders have the responsibility and obligation to stop any interference with any detail of Jewish practice.

Rabbi Teichtel has lived and worked in Berlin for almost 17 years, he is known to stand for fairness and respect and for an open, tolerant cooperation within our society.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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